I’ve had much success with herbal, other nutritional supplements. Rather not get into them here. I highly recommend this book: “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” by Phylis and James Balch. He is an M.D., she is CNC. There are several editions. At least four; the last of which does not include James, only Phylis. Every possible subject, ailment, herb, substance is dicussed in detail, well-indexed. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a healthfood store, i.e. Whole Foods, etc, where there wasn’t a copy of this book readily availble for perusal by both the customer and the often-skilled employees…they often simply refer to this book to answer your questions.
I would not venture to laud this book if I hadn’t had tremendous success using it. This is not a commercial plug, I assure you; just the comment of a person who goes by the adage, “How do you judge a tree? By the fruit it bears.” or, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” I am in my early sixties.My cholesterol is 157, HDL/LDL ratio fine. I eat most anything I want, without excess (mostly LOL), my height and weight are proportionate. I have completely overcome Gout(no attacks for eight years now, and I had a chronic, severe, years-long case), without prescription drugs. I have literally improved my vision, according to my eye doctor’s regular, thorough exams. My blood pressure, taken by my GP every three months, is typically 120’s over 70’s-80’s. All this, I’m certain, is a direct result of my involvement with the Balch book mentioned above, and other sources it hsa led me to. I could go on, but do not wish to appear boastful, arrogant; just trying to underscore the direct benefits of herbal and other alternative medicines, of which I take many, every day, twice a day. The time and money is well worth it. You must research carefully—the web is good, but be careful, nearly every site is some sort of veiled advertisement or bashing of competition. Check the link’s name. Do they offer to sell you the item being discussed, or an alternative to it, on the page? Obvious conflicts of interest. In general the various bona-fida college and university sites are reliable, reputable. I also have a great GP doctor, who is very familiar with me and my medical history; although I am fortunate to not have to take any prescription drugs other than the occasional non-narcotic pain killer and eyedrops, still, I clear things, discuss them with him, and he is refreshingly open-minded; which is rare in the medical community, due to their reliance on bigPharm, other big medical, health field players, for income, etc. most poo-pooh alternative medicines,techniques. I am not a fanatic/zealot/weirdo, just trying to be of help. .