General Question

janbb's avatar

I just got an ink stain on a white cotton couch. How should I get it out?

Asked by janbb (63361points) February 5th, 2010

It’s white cotton; supposedly stainguarded. Not a big stain. The cover is a slip cover in a rough textured cotton. Should I just take it to the cleaners or try something like club soda on it?

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

What kind of ink? Ball point or marker? For ball point/pen ink, spray hairspray on it, it should start to break apart almost instantly, and then rinse, repeat. If their is a light stain left at the end, if the garment is white you can use a clorox bleach pen for the final fix.

janbb's avatar

Pilot razer ball pen.

kruger_d's avatar

If it’s ballpoint pen you will probably need a chemical solvent of some kind.

JLeslie's avatar

I just added to my answer above, but in case you did not notice…hair spray will fix it, read my post above for details.

faye's avatar

Prosolve gets anything out of any fabric, I swear! But I would use lighter fluid for ink, it works like dry cleaning chemicals and evaporates away leaving no smell or residue. Apply, wait, apply, wait, etc til the ink is gone. you can blot it with something like papertowel. I spent a long time drawing a perfect scene on my jeans as a teen and my mom got it out! Not an art fan, I guess.

JLeslie's avatar

Lighter fluid? Sounds like it would be harsh on fabric. And, very flammable Lol.

kevbo's avatar

I’d try Tide to Go. But if you want to be 100% sure, call a high end carpet cleaner in your town.

marinelife's avatar

Hair spray is what I would try first.

TheLoneMonk's avatar

I read this as “white cotton crotch” and rushed to answer…never mind

And what Kevbo said. I am in the cleaning chemical business and I would recommend a professional for this job.

faye's avatar

Lighter fluid doesn’t have any negative effect on fabric, well, I don’t know about silk or satin!!it’s only flammable if she puts a match to it. Hairspray is flammable too, and isn’t it pretty sticky? But it is what you’d have on hand. I always have lighter fluid around.

evil2's avatar

contact an upholstery cleaner, they know how to deal with fabrics best. cotton is very hard to clean and if you use water on it it will leave a wierd drying area..

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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Cover it with a new couch.

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