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What are some good recipes with caramel?
Me and my friend both LOVE caramel and she is coming over on Sunday just because. I usually plan waay ahead! Like the games that we will play,the snacks,etc. I usually have it on a list and so far I have nothing. I believe it should be pretty easy to find games to play but you know.. The caramel stuff recipes not soo much. I don’t care what kind of caramel it is and what it is on but please include the ingredients and preparation method. Please dont let me down and if you answering this question just to be sarcastic please dont answer it at all. And please don’t say ’‘do the research yourself ’‘because at this very moment while you are reading this I am researching trying to find some good recipes with caramel. So please please give me some of your family recipes or just anything. Thanks so much! And I know this is kinda weird since this is like a caramel recipe but please don’t involve caramel candies.
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