General Question

kelly's avatar

Is there a listing of which cable, broadcast channels with times of showing for all the Winter Olympic venues?

Asked by kelly (1926points) February 6th, 2010

I’ve heard that many of the “minor” competitions and more coverage of major sports may be broadcast overnight on different channels.

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5 Answers

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Well, to begin with they are being broadcast only on NBC owned networks !

philosopher's avatar

I goggled NBC on Fios they are going to have everything in HD.
I still can not get an updated forecast for my area now. It is snowing since yesterday afternoon.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

USA Today has a guide to the coverage, although the website isn’t easy to use. Go to the site, sports, olympics, and then coverage. They also published a complete guide to the Olympics as a special edition. I’ll check and see if that lists the coverage.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I checked the USA Today Olympic special edition. It has a complete list of times and coverages for NBC, MSNBC and CNBC. If you can’t find a listing let me know and I’ll make arrangements to get it to you somehow.

andrew's avatar

From what I remmber on the summer olympics there was also coverage on Universal HD as well (mostly boxing during the day, IIRC).

You’ll also be able to watch things on your computer—specific events.

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