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john65pennington's avatar

Have the Saints ever been to a Super Bowl?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) February 6th, 2010

I live in the south, so naturally i am for the Saints to win the Super Bowl. my wife ask me if the Saints have ever been in a Super Bowl and i do not know. if not, this is further reason i want the Saints to be the winner tomorrow. i feel an upset coming. have the Saints ever even been close to making it to the Super Bowl? if so, please give me some facts.

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15 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

This is their very first appearance. How exciting!
This is the Colts’ second appearance.

ETpro's avatar

This will be the first time the Saints Go Marching In. Since they aren’t playing the Patriots, I wish them the best of games.

SeventhSense's avatar

Please surrender your male ID and badge at the front desk~

Ivan's avatar


This is the Colt’s fourth super bowl, but only the second since moving to Indianapolis.

breedmitch's avatar

I would love nothing more than to see the Saints win, however, I think Mr. Manning has a lot to prove (after his playoff meltdown two years ago) and might just take the whole enchilada.

Darwin's avatar

Unless they bought tickets and watched the game, none of the Saints have ever been to the Superbowl. I would like to say that I want them to win, but that might be jinxing them.

In any case I plan to wear purple and sport a gold fleur-de-lis.

Who Dat?!

Brian1946's avatar

No they haven’t.

The closest they came to playing in the Super Bowl before this year was in January, 2007, when they lost to the Chicago Bears in the NFC Championship game:

john65pennington's avatar

Thanks everyone. john

SeventhSense's avatar

Well they came through big tonight.
Congratulations to all the folks down in the Big Easy.

ETpro's avatar

@SeventhSense Sure did. They played their hearts out, and they won! I didn’t expect it, but I am delighted for the team and for the city.

SeventhSense's avatar

Manning just fell apart and they were just outplayed.

Darwin's avatar

Who dat? Who dat say they gonna beat dem Saints?

They may have done it before, but they didn’t do it tonight.

SeventhSense's avatar

umm..thank you?

Ivan's avatar


Haha, sorry, that was supposed to be @Sarcasm.

SeventhSense's avatar

i was trying to make sense of that

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