General Question

cakirn57's avatar

I have severe arm pain 800 mg of motrin is not helping!

Asked by cakirn57 (8points) February 7th, 2010

is there any thing i can do or can i take more motrin?

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5 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Maybe you should see a doctor. Where on your arm does it hurt? Tell the doctor.

phoebusg's avatar

Sorry to hear about your pain. I’m not a doctor so I cannot advise on dosage. See your doctor.

But that aside, pain is affected greatly by your psychological state and perception. Your body has an analgesic system in place. Your brain can actually block the “gates of pain” (neurological pathways of pain, inhibition). The question is how can you tell it to?
Self-suggestion works if you are that comfortable with yourself. Hypnosis may or may not work if you are suggestible by others to that degree. There are pain clinics that focus on alleviating pain through psychological and other methods (no meds).

Things you can do, elevate your mood. Register the pain but don’t give it direct attention. Attend to something else – watch lots of comedies for example. Dissociate, pretend the pain is happening to someone else and they’re describing it to you.

john65pennington's avatar

Left arm pain can be a sign of heart failure. any other arm pain can be associated with the muscles or the nerves in your neck. if it continues, you need a doctor.

DrC's avatar

Did you hurt your arm? Did the pain just start out of nowhere? Is it your left or your right arm?

Pain in the left arm that starts without an injury could be a sign of heart trouble.

gailcalled's avatar

You asked a similar question two hours ago. Best to be safe rather than sorry; head to the nearest ER; or better yet, have someone drive you.

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