At what age did you lose your virginity? How many people have you had sex with since?
Asked by
Oxymoron (
February 7th, 2010
Did you regret losing your virginity with the person that you did? Or at the age you did? Are you still with that person? How many people have you had sex with since your first time?
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91 Answers
I was 19 and I’ve had sex with 3 people, but only with one that matters.
I was barely 16 and I made the decision to do it with a person I believed I loved – I cut school that day, got leopard lingerie (I know, gag me now, I was a different person then), shaved my legs (another thing I wouldn’t do now but back then I thought that’s how ‘real women’ ought to be) and went over there – we did it on his grandma’s bed (hot, I know) and it was underwhelming ( I craved milk after). Since that person I’ve had sex with about 15–20 (the range includes oral sex, intercourse, intense foreplay, etc.) people in the course of 10 years. I am not with that person any more (we do see each other randomly once in a while) and I do not regret having sex when I did. I was a very careful teenager.
@JeanPaulSartre barf
16 and I lost count, but it wasn’t all that many. It’s just that we’re talking about a long time. I’m 65 now. :-)
EDIT—You know what. I forgot, I started by experimenting with a neighborhood boy when I was 13. While it certainly wasn’t romantic, I guess that counts.
I’m still waiting for the big day to!
I was young. I do not regret it. I am not currently with that person.
I’ve been with a fair amount of men and women in my time.
@Oxymoron -I am still laughing about this ;))
I was 17 and he was my high school boyfriend. We’re not together, and haven’t been since before prom of ‘98. It wasn’t what I now consider “good sex” by a mile, but I don’t regret it at all. I was ready enough for me.
I’ve been with about a dozen people since- all men, no one-night stands. It’s a good number for me.
I was shockingly young. I don’t regret it at all. No I’m not with that person. How many people, wouldn’t know. I suppose I could put a number on it if I really tried. I’m friends with all of them after all. I don’t believe in “bad break-ups” – or rather, bad break ups are.. when you throw away everything you shared together to protect a silly, selfish ego.
No regrets, all were good experiences – even the bad ones.
I was 14, don’t regret who it was with..but I do wish I had waited until I was a little older. Definitely not still with him.
I only share the amount of people I’ve slept with, with the people I sleep with or my closest friends.
I guess it depends on what you consider to be losing your virginity.
I’ll just say that I’ve only ever done things of a sexual nature with one person (the first time being when I was 17 about to turn 18) and I am still with him.
I was 18, and I only share how many and which people I’ve been with, with my lovers and closest friends. I don’t regret losing my virginity with the person I did, nor at the age I did.
@ETpro: I guess that whole bit about how one “never forgets their first” isn’t so ironclad, lol.
I was 17.
I dated/slept with women and men after that (not going to say how many). To be honest, with most of them it was just fucking. I’ve had a few good relationships where the sex was truly emotional/passionate and the love deep and genuine.
@DominicX I believe losing your virginity means penetration, not oral though.
@DominicX it is whatever you deem it to be- no one can tell you what losing your virginity is.
@Dan_DeColumna Maybe there’s a little willful selective memory wrapped up in a question like this. :-)
@ETpro: LOL, too true, too true… :-D
I just turned 17 and I’ve only had sex with 2 people. I don’t regret the first one at all, and the second is my current boyfriend and it is mindblowing.
i was 10 years old, but i was raped. since then, i hate sex.
I lost my virginity when I was 16. I do regret losing it when I did, and with the person I lost it to. Not so much age, but regret “when I did” in the relationship, if that makes sex. I am not with that person. We’ve stayed friends over the years, but feelings get too intense and we always have a fall out, right now we’re on speaking terms but not nearly as close as even 6 months ago.
I’ve had sex with more people than I’d like to even think about, we’re not in the double digits though! And I’m 20 now. I’m told I overreact and beat myself up about it too much. The first time and the first boyfriend destroyed me when it comes to how I view myself and sex but that’s another story.
like 2 years ago when I was 17, now I’m 19 and there’s only being one person I’ve had any intimate relations with
Lost it at 14 to a 19 year old.. 24 now and im at about 17. I’ve never had a one-night stand.
About three months before I turned 16. I definitely don’t regret it—I was in love with him, and I’m happy he was the one I lost my virginity to. As for how many people I’ve had sex with…I don’t kiss and tell :)
I was 16 the first time I had sex, and I have had sex with six people total. I don’t regret anything about losing my virginity or the people I’ve had sex with.
18, I did regret losing it to the person I did, I am not longer with him. Since then I’ve had sex with 4 other people.
I was 19 when I had my first sexual encounter, that was my first and (up to this point) last.
I think I should’ve picked a better partner, but it doesn’t bother me greatly who I chose.
At what age did you lose your virginity? I was 13
How many people have you had sex with since? more than my fair share
Did you regret losing your virginity with the person that you did? Or at the age you did? I don’t regret the person, but I do regret the age
Are you still with that person? Noooo
I was 19 years old and since then have had sex with 4 people, including the young man to whom I lost my virginity. The guy turned out to be absolute scum but the first time I had sex was pretty good. It didn’t feel all that spectacular hurt a little but the guy scummy though he was was gentle and attentive. I remember we did it in the early afternoon after we had woken up it was on the weekend and he made up his bed so I could take a nap while his parents came to the dorm. He was very sweet and caring and even though he turned out to be a horrid person, I can isolate that memory and save it and be quite happy about it. :)
I was 15, it was shortly before I moved back to England. Since then there have been 5 others… one of which I was with for 11yrs.
I was 17 years old with a girl that I truly loved at the time.
Since then I have had sex with 4 women in total and I am 21.
I’ve never looked at the numbers quite so simply as I am now, and I must say that I am not too happy with them.
I was 15. When I split with my first serious boyfriend, the numbers went up and quick! But the experience has taught me what I like and how to get it best.
@Dibley… Hah, snap…. 15 was the age to be :)
@TheJoker He was Greek, and didn’t learn me very well!
@Dibley…. Hehe, well, he did have a language barrier to overcome :) Mine was Norwegian, there was a Skandinavian School a couple of doors down from my school, & we made the most of it.
I was 20. I’ve never been with anyone else, was over 25 years ago and yes we’re still together.
hugs honeys xx
@bunnygrl I wish I only had one guy too D: you are so lucky! you found your guy :)
@TheJoker I don’t remember having conversation with him!
@TheJoker I do remember thinking “is this what sex it, not much too it” So I wasn’t all that fussed about my next partner, until I saw what he had!
@Dibley….. Hahahahahahahaha! & by that I’m asuming you dont mean a Sega Megadrive :) But you’re right, if the first time wasn’t your first time, it wouldn’t be very memorable, in general. I do remember thinking I should give it another go as soon as I was able!
@TheJoker He gave a whole new meaning to looking like a mushroom.
@Dibley…. crap, I nearly fell off my chair laughing!!!! Now I’ve recovered…............. A MUSHROOM?! Well, thats a new one on me.
@TheJoker You obviously don’t have one then. It literally does look like a mushroom, they are horrible, I couldn’t touch it. I was a bit worried when I met my s/o, just in case, but he gives a whole new meaning to be a donkey, and yes, I do touch that one, by serveral areas.
@Dibley…. Hay Caramba!! Haha, no, nothing vegetable or fauna shaped here, pretty much regular all over :) Which is something I’m rather pleased about. I’ve not come accross anything thats scared me, so far…. although F cup boobs were…. interesting.
@Dibley…. Well, no damage done :) Although they were rather larger than I prefer.
i was 11 at the time. at that age you thought it was something special, but now i realize i should have waited for thatreal special someone
18, even though I laughed my way through it I have no regrets and I don’t kiss and tell.
@lucillelucillelucille I can assist you with your big day!
@Cruiser you luaghed? tell me something… my first boyfriend when he… ‘came’ he started luaghing I asked what was funny he said nothing…. why do guys do that?
@bean Can’t say I’ve never had anyone laugh before. Was he young?
@Dibley yeah, we were both 17…. it was our first time and first couple of times he luaghed lol
@bean…. Hehehe, I’m sure he was just thrilled by what you were doing…. & probably a little nervous!
@bean I think you have to remember that men are mentally a number of years younger than their actual age. This won’t happen as you get older and sleep with more mature men.
@Dibley…. Hehehe, yes I strongly recommend us mature men :)
@TheJoker From what @bean said, I’m pleased I’ve never slept with anyone young, with my state of mind, that would of sent me over the edge.
@Dibley…. Yeh, I cant imagine that the other person bursting out laughing does anyones self esteem much good!
18 years old.
2 people.
1 by choice.
I don’t regret it per se, but I know I should have waited until I was married. Not trying to start a debate.
And I’m still with my first.
@TheJoker LOL it didn’t happen like that! he didn’t burst out luaghing.. thank god! haha
it was more of…. a short subtle giggle…. it just surprised me…. and it happened when he… you know… whats the word…. arrived?
I was 17 and it was so bad I can’t believe I ever did IT again. How many since, 8 male 1 female.
@Bean <hugs> thank you honey <hugs> I do feel lucky, I wouldn’t trade hubby for the world, he’s my best friend and knows me better than anyone else, even puts up with my moods (and I can be a right moody mare at times lol) depression all sorts, and loves me all the same :-) Sometimes though i do wonder if it might have been better for him if I’d lived a bit, experienced life a bit more you know? I was raised by my Grandmother and I suppose i had a really old fashioned upbringing. Not that I’d have swapped her for anything she was an amazing woman and I adored her, but I think I’d have had different views and opinions and stuff if I’d have been raised by my birth mum because she’d have been younger. It’s really just how things worked out for me is all. I was just lucky to have met hubby when i did.
I really don’t think it makes any difference if you’ve had 1 partner or however many, it really doesn’t. The only thing that does matter is how they treat you (and you them). There is this double standard that exists in society that men should have as much sex as they can with as many partners as they can and they get a pint bought for them, a slap on the back and told how great they are, and how they are “one of the lads”. If a woman does the same thing she’s called all sorts of vulgarities and treated terribly. Well, sod that. No one has any right whatsoever to name call or judge anyone else and the world would be a far better place if the very vocal moral minority (and thankfully these closed minded muppets are in a minority) would just mind their beeswax. Why should there be one rule for men and another for women. I have a friend who is the same age as myself, mid 40’s and she hasn’t had a partner at all yet, I have other friends at work who have had several. what a dull world it would be if everybody did everything the same. I just hate that some folk like to judge things they’ve no right to is all. <hugs fellow jellies> Part of the reason I like it here so much. Jellies are all different ages, different backgrounds etc and its such a friendly place and everyone is also very open and non judgemental.
@Dan_DeColumna it was pretty rare in the 80’s too honey. Even back then we were snowed under by the media making you feel odd if you weren’t at it 24 hours a day, but I just never met anyone I wanted to do it with till I met hubby, and we were just pals for a long time before we were an “item” lol.
hugglys xx
@bean… Hehehe, I’m sorry, I just pictured him bursting into a maniacal laugh like…. well, the joker. I think I can empathise with him a little now…. it does make you very, very happy ;)
@bean It’s not something that has ever happened again. I just found that my first time was funny…it made me laugh…it cracks me up just thinking about it! Not sure what to say about your bf or other guys…I guess just ask them.
@TheJoker LOL now i’m picturing him bursting into luaghter… no! lol I don’t want to be picturing that…. aw…. major turn off there
@bunnygrl Ahh! XD how romantic and your advice is right, finding the right person is the most important… lucky you found it so easy! hahaha
@Bean I think I just felt comfortable with him, because he was already a pal I could have a laugh with, you know? we still do lol. There’s someone out there for you too honey, you’ll see <hugs> maybe you already know your special person and not noticed yet, pick someone you can have a good laugh with, pals are better than anything, and if you marry a pal its like having the best and closest friendship there has ever been. <hugs> xx
@bunnygrl yes! true, that’s what i’ve been looking for! it’s soo good to marry a friend who you can just relax with, so glad you have that! xoxo
@bean and you will too honey, just don’t settle for anything less. You deserve the very best, make sure you get it or kick him to the kerb :-) My pal mimmy said i was lucky and i told her he didn’t come out of the box like that, a lot of work went into him lol.
hugs honey xx
@bunnygrl thanks :] haha, true alot of work goes into a relationship i’ve got a while to search for mr. right haha i think :P
@bean you’ve got years yet honey, just have a laugh and enjoy your life. Build lots of good memories, and someday, one of those memories will be the day you met your soulmate and everything changed and got so much better than you’d dreamed. Honest. I didn’t expect it, hubby was just a good pal I could have a laugh with is all, and maybe thats when its best. when you don’t expect it :-)
hugs xx
@Dibley hey! I resent that greek comment. I’m part Greek (although, about 10 other things, too), and I’ve never had any complaints.. in fact ever girl I’ve been with has loved it.. (not trying to sound cocky sorry if it comes off that way, just repeating what i’ve heard through the grapevine).
@bean lol he laughed? Well, that’s not as bad as, I dont know if this is true or not but I heard this story my friend told me, she hooked up with a soccer player, and when he came he screamed GOOAAAAALL!!!! hahaha
@odali He was a very very sexy man!, just very very small.
I was 18 .. and I would give an exact number but it is low.
@Dibley oh. well that explains it.. I have the opposite problem.. lol “you want to put THAT in me? Uhh.. okay lets see if it fits…”
i was 14 when i frist had sex im 55 now And i have been with over 50 women
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I first had sex when I was 13 years-old. Since then, I estimate that I’ve been when around 16 people, mostly men, but several other women as well.
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