Personally, I’m an anhedonic gambler.
I’d thought about becoming an anhedonic murderer, but just couldn’t see the point.
Might try anhedonic suicide bombing next week….....
@TehRoflMobile – couldn’t agree more.
Live – Learn – Love
@anhidonic22 – Joking aside, was wondering if you have anyone with which to share your success on an emotional/affectionate level?
Also how are you defining success?
I find myself waking up every morning and thinking exactly the same thing, but myself and my family live on the breadline, if my job goes (which is in engineering, and on its arse in the uk), our house will most probably go with it. But that doesn’t worry me one bit because, as long as I have family that loves me, I know I’ll always have a roof over my head.
So it maybe that your deluding yourself about success?
Maybe you should look at the other successes you’ve already achieved and concentrate on those. For instance, it would appear that your very successful in friendship and love, and that this love and friendship is recipricated. Why not let the work successes take a back seat. I know that I always complain about not having enough money, but its not money that I want, Its time with my family, the paradox is, that I have to work to have time with my family. Its annoying sometimes how this fictional game of manopoly that we participate in takes control of our lives and blinds us on a daily basis from the true purpose of life which for me is to live, learn and love.
If there is an afterlife, then the only reason to be hear is for the experience.
Maybe individuality is the gift of life, a soul trapped inside a body with individual thoughts and feelings. Maybe on the other side of life there is no individual thought, no privacy of the mind, a Borg-like collective conciousness, a soup of raging emotions that only a short stint on this plane of existance can give you the tools to navigate.
Or maybe I’ve just lost my mind….........
In any case, I hope you find your answer.
Peace out, an I’ll see you on the dark side ;-)