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Steve_A's avatar

What do these lyrics mean?

Asked by Steve_A (5130points) February 10th, 2010

This is not a homework assignment, and I did not write these lyrics.

I am just curious as to what the hell they might really mean? I have taken some guesses, and I know that its really open to interpretation.

If anything just give me your take on the lyrics?

Thank you.

Drop it

Bones in the water and dust in my lungs
Absorbing archaic like a sponge
The ultimate way is the way you control
But can you stay if you detach your soul?
Bury the present and squeeze out the past
The ones you endear to never last
Chemical burns and the animalistic
I’m just another headline pseudo-statistic

Can you feel this?
I’m dyin’ to feel this
Can you feel this?

Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth
Tryin’ to commit to what’s beneath

To find the time is to lose the momentum
You learn the lessons and immediately forget them
Automatic and out of my reach
Consult all the waste to find the key
Minimal life and the polysyllabic
I’m just another blank page, push the button, pull the rage

Can you feel this?
I’m dyin’ to feel this
Can you feel this?

I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn’t equal to any of you
I control but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I’m uneven

I am the damaged one
All my life and the damage done

Can you feel this?
I’m dyin’ to feel this

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21 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

It means I am not giving out enough GA’s +6

Sarcasm's avatar

I’m no good at reading into lyrics, but I am good at finding stuff:
you may want to check out this page, it’s got 42 comments regarding the song, you may find some helpful thoughts there.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

That you need to clean out your fridge….or the writer needs to live their life already!;)

CMaz's avatar

I think you should have posted the question as a whisper

Berserker's avatar

Something about feeling jaded to everything due to immense emotional pain which has numbed all but everything in life, yet there remains some dismal plaint strong enough to at least call for hope.

Or I dunno. It could mean so much stuff really.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’ll take a wild guess. Someone feels insignificant in the world and is talking about self-harm.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays?

Steve_A's avatar

@Sarcasm This one seem to be the best from that comments list

“It is about everyone being the same as the next person. The one speaking seems to be complaining about how you have to be just like everyone else to fit in, and that he isn�t like that. He says it in several ways. �I’m just another hard-line pseudo-statistic� which implies that he is a fake, not really another one of the crowd, as others view him to be. Several phrases (�I am all, but what am I? / Another number that isn’t equal to any of you�, �I am the damaged one /
All my life and the damage done� and �I�m uneven!�) say that he isn�t right, and he’s different. The song is about being imperfect. The name probably comes from the ideas that there is always a defect in the overall plan and that the blister ALWAYS exists.”

Another comment

“I agree with whoever said this song was about coming to terms with the fact that you are flawed and that everyone else is too. And I think it might be about some other things too. Here’s my shot at an interpretation.

Bones in the water and dust in my lungs
Absorbing archaic like a sponge

I think this is just an opening reference to the frailness of human life. Everybody has something like this happen to them eventually. We die.

The ultimate way is the way you control
But can you stay if you detach your soul?

He’s talking now about the different ways of life people have and the ways we all deal with it. The second line dares to say that you could detach yourself from the world, but in the grand scheme of things…is that really safe? Or the right thing to do?

Bury the present and squeeze out the past
The ones you endear to never last
Chemical burns and the animalistic
I’m just another hardline pseudo-statistic

He’s saying that we have to forget our past mistakes and forget our present situations, because the ones we love won’t even be there in the end. Eventually we will be forced to let go of everything. He also realizes that in the grand scheme of things he is only another stat in the status quo, doing exactly as his experiences have taught him, like everyone else. Just a victim to influence.

Can you feel this?
I’m dying to feel this
Can you feel this?

He wants to feel the meaning behind it all. Why we are all here and so insignificant and flawed

Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth
Trying to commit to what’s beneath

Maybe he’s referring to human nature. To Kill and eat and survive? Although the second line could mean a lot of things. Maybe trying to commit to another view of life?

To find the time is to lose the momentum
You learn the lessons and immediately forget them
Automatic and out of my reach
Consult all the waste to find the key

This part sounds like he’s saying that even if we try to unravel all the meaning and lessons behind life, we’ll never group it all together. It’s just out of his reach. The “key” to life is out of reach.

Minimal life and the polysyllabic
I’m just another blank page – push the button, pull the rage

He’s just another page in the story of humanity. Insignificant and minimal. It’s upsetting

Can you feel this?
I’m dying to feel this
Can you feel this?

I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn’t equal to any of you
I control, but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I’m uneven

This is talking about all the people in the world that will say and think that they are better than him. And he’s fed up with the thought of it. Even though he knows he has his own free will to make of life what he wants of it, he’s still just complying with his experiences like everyone else. But he doesn’t want to be this and declares his uneveness from the crowd.

I am the damaged one
All my life and the damage done

Can you feel this?
I’m dying to feel this
Can you feel this?

I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn’t equal to any of you
I control, but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I’m uneven”

Steve_A's avatar

After looking over the 42 comments that one makes the most sense to me…..

CMaz's avatar

I read it as…

There once was a man from Nantucket…

Ok, it is a limerick not a lyric.

onesecondregrets's avatar

So, who sings this?

loveurmindnsoul's avatar

It sounds like drugs and escaping from hardship?

onesecondregrets's avatar

What do these lyrics mean? life, hah.

They’ve been damaged, there’s no going back. They feel the numbness and the void in life, they can’t shake it. They know their pain, they can’t shake that either. Once knowing all these things, life is a struggle..what they’re dealing with, in emotions, relations, thoughts, and there’s no turning back. They maybe try to forget about their past, but to do so is an impossibility, seems they realize that. They’re trying to understand themselves, but it’s easier said than done. They’re talking about life man!

life_after_2012's avatar

sounds like he is telling the world to bring it on, ya know like “scarface”. remember at the end of the movie when he was all coked up and he was saying ” come on, i eat chu fucking bullets” and then started eating bullets.

fathippo's avatar

Bones in the water and dust in my lungs

To me, that’s kinda like an image of death and like how he’s lying/ imaging lying there completely silent and completely numb. I kind of get the impression of them being silently aware while they’re in that state; also it is kind of like being detached from the ‘living’ world, like ‘bones in the water’ being a picture of dead person lying undiscovered in some swampy place or something =P I guess all of that could be some metaphor of life, or thinking about how we and memories of us disappear after we die like dust, kinda thing.

The ultimate way is the way you control
But can you stay if you detach your soul?

For me this is like you have thought of the world that you might have come from or really belong in, and you dream of the being/s or place/s that might be like the other part of you, or whatever… And you think that this might be where you return to after you die, and kind of put your trust in not truly belonging on Earth. But then you think, can i really still exist if I detach my ‘soul’ from this human state, like is my ‘soul’ really just part of a biological organism? So you think you want to detach yourself from this body to go back/ escape, but think maybe you won’t even exist at all beyond here.

Can you feel this?
I’m dyin’ to feel this
Can you feel this?
Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth
Tryin’ to commit to what’s beneath

That kinda feels like some sort of sadistic need to feel pain or bleed or something. Like after the first lines, it is like wanting to lie and feel yourself decay and get all fucked up =P i dunno

But I guess overall it sounds like someone talking about they’re life and how they’ve been warped and screwed up and taken advantage of by people, and they are saying how they can see how everything from on earth has changed them and picked him apart and thrown him back together again, sorta thing… =)

Maybe… =P

Axemusica's avatar

Corey Taylor Is both a disturbed individual and a brilliant mind. One of the most colorful song writers I’ve ever seen.

This song is about being aware of the numbness that you feel because everything seems the same as everyone else blends into one another. I think it’s pretty much self explanatory.

Can you feel this?
I’m dyin’ to feel this.

It’s all right there.
Trapped inside what seems like a false world. Feeling as though you can’t connect with things you find completely absurd, but still want to connect to something worth while.

It’s also quite contradicting, but what in life really isn’t. It’s wanted to belong, but not, due to all the similarities. To be different is divine with the cost of not knowing how to feel.

I get it, but I don’t I can explain it real well. lol

fathippo's avatar

@Axemusica ah it is slipknot =)
i thought it sounded kinda awesome =)

evandad's avatar

Nothing matters

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