Ever feel like fluther moderators have been un fair by not letting you ask a question that you feel deserves to be posted?
i feel like fluther moderators have ” robbed me ”. Its frustrating to me because in my opinion i’ve seen some pretty stupid questions get the answers they were looking for, why not mine? has this happened to you? what was your question?
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79 Answers
Maybe it just wasn’t written well enough? Maybe it lacked details? Maybe it wasn’t well thought out? Maybe the spelling and grammar was horrendous? Maybe I was offending in one way or another. Mods don’t pull Q’s to be an asshole, they do it for a reason. Maybe next time click the little “Contact” button above and shoot Fluther an email. They’ll most likely be able to tell you what’s going on and why your Q was pulled.
I have only asked four but have not had any problems with them.
They said it was more for the chatroom. oh well
I’m still kinda pissed about this.
@johnpowell to answer your question. yes. im a bill collector which means that if your make too much money you get “promoted” but all that means is your too good so where going to make you call debotors that have 300 credit score and those fuckers aren’t paying.
@johnpowell I think they made two typos in their editing note. “To” should be capitalized since it began the sentence despite it being a quote of your uncapitalized “to” which did not begin a sentence. They also are missing a period. It should have been ”‘To’ should be ‘too’ in your title.”
I feel like users who complain needlessly are being unfair to the moderators. There are hundreds of regular users on this site and few of those complain about the moderation process. Maybe instead of whining because you were too lazy to fix your question, you can appreciate how hard the job of a moderator is. or, mayhaps, you can put more thought into your question next time.
How hard the job of a moderator is?
I’m loling at that one.
@Vunessuh Are you implying that the mods have it easy?
@Vunessuh Oh, you’d be surprised. The moderators volunteer their time to maintaining the quality of this site, day in and day out. At times, we receive over 300 moderation emails a day, every one of which has to be read and dealt with. As the manager, I have been brought to tears a number of times while trying to resolve disputes between members and have had to ban someone I consider a good personal friend.
We’ve had to moderate our friends, ourselves, and even the founders… and we try very, very hard to be fair. While the vast majority of our members appreciate and support our efforts, we’ve also answered many, many questions just like this one (and far worse). We been called just about every name in the book… up to and including Nazi’s. More often than I care to relate. Sounds fun, huh?
@augustlan I love you. And the boys. And all the mods.
@rangerr And I love you, too. Just remember, I’ll still moderate – and even ban – your ass, if necessary! :P
@rangerr I don’t think I was implying it. I think I pretty much just said it.
@augustlan—I’m not going to discredit any efforts you put into being a moderator. I was a moderator once before on another site. I got to sit in the comfort of my own home, talk with my friends and play on the internet. Yes, there were disputes. Yes, there was spam. Yes, there were trolls creating multiple accounts and multiple questions about the same damn thing. Yes, I even had to mod arguments amongst two friends. But I always managed to do what was fair, regardless of who my friends were. Keyword: fair. Something that most Fluther moderators don’t have a concept of. From what I’ve observed since being here, Fluther mods are the ones who cause the trouble for themselves by not applying fairness.
In comparison to actually going out and getting a real job, yes, moderating a website is quite easy.
By the way, we’re going off topic, just in case you didn’t notice.
Response moderated
@Vunessuh I don’t want to get into an argument with you, so I’ll just say these few last things. All of our moderators are either employed elsewhere or are full time students, and do this in addition to their “real” jobs. As the manager, Fluther is my “real” job, but I am also a stay-at-home mother and manage a rental property. And since I have personally modded more than one moderator and Andrew (more than once!), and have been modded myself, I fail to see how that’s unfair.
Also, I want to note for the record, I can’t moderate in this thread… because I am participating in it.
LMAO. I love pissing you people off. I’m just so damn good at it. Oh perfect, the Dog came out to play..
@augustlan Don’t worry, we’ll let the JohnPowell comment slide since you “can’t” do anything about it. I won’t hold it against you.
^^ What @augustlan said. Additionally I want to add that we moderate according to guidelines. We do not set out to get people and gladly work with users to get their questions to meet guidelines.
@Vunessuh Are you seriously implying that I made that up? I guess I can add “liar” to the names we’ve been called. It’s in our mod guidelines. We are not permitted to moderate on a thread that we are heavily invested in.
Why the hell does everybody think I’m implying this shit?
@rangerr Are you implying that all I needed to do was say how I love pissing you off in order to get banned? LOL. Wouldn’t surprise me.
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Response moderated (Personal Attack)
You know what? I used to hate the mods, I thought they were the gestapo, but I realized that they weren’t so bad. They’re just doing their jobs to make sure that this site isn’t like the next Yahoo answers. Plus when you really get to know them, they don’t really seem like bad people. If you have a problem, just talk to one of them.
Response moderated
[mod says:] I so love dropping a mod-says on this thread. Let me tell you. Okay, guys. You know the drill. Let’s stick to the topic and keep it civil. Off topic/flame bait comments will be removed.
Response moderated
I ran into some unfairness here. I also popped into the chat room one night and caught a couple of people talking about how fun it was tossing out the newbies questions. One of the moderators was telling the other moderator how mean it was not to send them to editing instead. lots of LOLs It was great fun, they all had a real good chuckle. I have a screen shot if anyone wants to see it. Couple of the folks on this thread were in attendance. Oh and I’ll probably get kicked off this site for this but that’s cool. I’ll live.
I do think my “what is your favorite cartoon” discussion could have gotten a slightly better treatment, but I’m not complaining. Their idea of a “good topic” or not and mine are simply different.
@Silhouette what @rangerr said
Let’s see this screenshot, I’m curious like a cat now. PM it to us if you don’t want to drop it in the thread
I kinda want to see this screenshot as well.
Let’s ask the moderators shall we?
You offer to show the screenshot. Why are you not showing it?
I’m asking the moderators if I can. Don’t want to break the rules. I went off topic once and got my butt whipped.
“Oh and I’ll probably get kicked off this site for this but that’s cool. I’ll live.”
“I’m asking the moderators if I can. Don’t want to break the rules. I went off topic once and got my butt whipped.”
Which is it?
@Silhouette I think a screen shot of moderators discussing their unfair behaviour is completely on topic for this question.
I posted my shot of mod bullshit. I’m still here. Post it.
@johnpowell Which is what john? I made a mistake and went off topic when I first arrived here and I got the shit kicked out of me. Hours and hours of harassment and I was told to suck it up and ignore it by one of the mods. Now, I’ll wait until they give me the go ahead before I post it. But thanks for chiming in.
@Silhouette posting the shot would not be off topic, what makes you think it would?
@Silhouette He’s saying that you seemed apathetic about getting “kicked off”, but you turned around and said you didn’t want to get in trouble. Kind of contradictory.
You contradicted yourself in the same question.
Just post the screenshot.
@Silhouette Proof is the best possible thing you can provide in this situation. You’re not going to get a response from a moderator. You should know that, silly. Just post it.
I also think she’s trying to figure out how to post it. Anyone know?
ChaosCross is crafting a response…
Be nice to new members.
7:30 p.m.
I’m always nice! When am I ever not nice?
7:31 p.m.
geez [EmpressPixie]
7:31 p.m.
speedy much
7:31 p.m.
Sarcasm looks awesome in pink
7:31 p.m.
When you pick their Qs out to destroy instead of allowing them to edit them for reapproval
7:31 p.m.
Thanks [gggritso]
7:31 p.m.
That’s called being a jackass to new members and ensuring they don’t return
7:31 p.m.
aw man… this was going to be my first secret party…
Okay let er rip. Bye everyone * waves*
That was taken completely out of context.
[mod says] Let me interpret that for you.
EP and shrubbery are site mods. Indeed, both EP and shrubbery are encouraging people to be nice. Moreover, Sarcasm and gggritso are NOT site mods (you can see the list here in case you don’t believe me). They happen to be in chat, a lot (probably more than they should if they had real lives), but aren’t mods that can pull or “destroy” questions”. Maybe if you had discussed this with the site mods directly, you would have learned that.
Not only is it taken out of context the person who was being scolded for being mean to new members is not a mod. nice try… next?
Edit: also.. if you had actually stuck around in chat you’d realize that most people in there are having 3 conversations at once and that the “secret party” was actually that and was unrelated to being mean or nice to new users. but hey… way to jump to conclusions by selecting text and taking it out of context
@shilolo I may not be a site mod, but I do look fabulous in pink!
edit: How exactly does saying, “When you pick out their Qs to destroy…” “That’s called being a jackass” at all help your argument, @Silhouette?
One of us, either you or me, failed reading comprehension class. It could very well be me.
@Sarcasm You do!
Also. Person who was being scolded wasn’t even being mean in the first place. We were simply talking about the secret parties that happened once troll-questions get pulled.
<OOC>I think most of the newcomers here from that time knew of objection to us and kind of expected it. I know that I did.
[mod says] Legal first names have been replaced by Fluther usernames in the chat example posted above, via internal edit. (They are surrounded by [ ].) No other changes have been made.
Unfair? No. Did it put a wrinkle in my underwear for a minute? Yes.
But then I got over it and moved on. The mods don’t care enough about us to ‘hunt us down’ or ‘teach us a lesson’. That’s just ridiculous to me because the mods are adults and this community is an inclusive one, by and large.
What would be the point in alienating your client base? What does that serve? Keeping the quality up on the site (to their standards) is a smart business move because it keeps the brand from being bastardized and watered-down.
Well sometimes I wonder. I see some questions on here that would be pushed back to editing if they were asked by me and it’s frustrating. Just how much Lurve do I have to have before anybody takes me seriously lawl.
I asked questions about people’s favourite television commercials, and at the very least I figured everyone would start discussing how they hate cable TV and that it’s the evil of the world, and then I ask a question about creating a disease which I genuinely thought would be a good test of the imagination, and they all get pushed to editing, yet it’s totally alright for other people to post questions demanding merely that we look at their new avatar or that they’re drunk.
Why is this? How are those less chatbox material than mine?
I have nothing against those who ask simple questions, I’m just finding it annoying that mine which are of the same nature always get shot down.
From the guidelines:
Why was my question removed when these other, similar ones weren’t?
Sometimes the moderation team misses a question. Sometimes a question that doesn’t look like it will breed thoughtful discussion does, and it stays.
Please try to keep in mind that mods don’t have any set schedule, and all have busy lives outside of Fluther. There isn’t always a mod on-site. We rely heavily on the community to flag things that don’t seem to meet the guidelines, so if you see a question similar to one of your own that got moderated… please flag it for us. Thanks!
yeah if i misspell a word they automatically delete my shit. if they dont want it on here, i can delete my fucking account. i think they pick on some people more than others.
@ashsaintsfan: Moderator here. If you are referring to questions, we almost never delete questions right off the bat and never for spelling. We will send it back to you for editing and tell you that you need to fix your typos. If you still have trouble with spelling, we will be more than happy to help you figure out your errors. You are incorrect in saying that we “pick on some people more than others” because we do not pick on people. Some people have a tendency to get moderated more, yes, but that’s because they have a tendency to write more answers and ask more questions that violate the guidelines. If you stick around longer, you will see what I am talking about.
We don’t have time to have certain users on shit-list. There are too many people, too many issues, and not enough hours in the day.
whatever i really dont remember asking any of yall. this one dosent need a response. my OPINION :)
@ashsaintsfan: Well, I think it does need a response. My OPINION. :)
Btw, “i” should capitalized as should the beginnings of your sentences. ;)
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Response moderated (Off-Topic)
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
@ashsaintsfan Your maturity is astounding. As for you “not asking any of yall”; this is a public thread. People generally post responses whether you like it or not. Also, personal attacks are not acceptable in these threads, and patronizing others can also be considered a personal attack.
Moderators do not “delete” questions, and it is not only their actions that can result in comments or questions being moderated. Other users can also flag questions and comments for moderation. Moderators are tasked with maintaining Fluther guidelines and correcting spelling and grammar mistakes on questions. If you have a sincere problem with this, perhaps this is not the best place for you.
Welcome to Fluther!
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
[mod says] Flame off, people. Remember to disagree without being disagreeable.
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