Are illegal immigrants required to file an income tax return?
You and i follow the law and file our taxes each year. what about the 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants in America? do they file a federal income tax return? what about people or businesses that hire these people? are the illegals included in their reports to the IRS? somehow, i feel there is a lot of fraud being committed by both parties. do you agree and whats the solution?
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26 Answers
Illegal immigrants don’t file. Remember they are hiding from the government. But, some do pay taxes. If they are using an illegal social security number they are paying in, their employers are withdrawing whatever they typically would, because the employer is treating them as though they are citizens. But, the majority of illegal aliens are working under the table.
There isn’t really a solution; it will most likely go on forever. UNLESS we invent an illegal immigrant tracker.
@MrGeneVan The closest you will get to that is allowing them to be legal.
I have an idea. what if all the legal honest taxpayers collectively went on strike and refused to pay our federal income taxes, until the Feds decided to crackdown on the illegals. do you think this would grab someboys attention in Washington? it would have to be a group effort by all of us. just a thought.
@john65pennington Do you want to pay for all the people you have to hire to throw the people out?
Everyone is required to file if they meet the criteria of the tax laws. People who don’t file are generally paid under the table or in cash. They may include but are not limited to UNDOCUMENTED aliens as well as some in home care providers, pot distributers, handymen etc. More people would be compelled to file if the employers and those who used independent contractors filed the W-2’s and 1099’s as required by law. Usually the reason employers break that law is because they are simultaneously breaking other laws like minimum wage. I think employers bear the greater responsibility.
Sorry I couldn’t feed your xenophobia @john65pennington
@john65pennington you know what will happen if all legal honest taxpayers collectively went on strike and refused to pay federal taxes . . . a lot of people will get in trouble with the IRS for interests, fines and penalties. Not to mention putting the economy in financial straits.
There are already laws against hiring undocumented workers, but the fact of the matter is America is so heavily dependent on migrant workers that it’s not able to enforce the laws without a negative impact on the economy. After all, as Pres. Calvin Coolidge stated: “the chief business of America is business.”
ninyjobs, thats an excellent answer. thank you. john
@john65pennington now here’s my question to you being a law-enforcement officer . . . have you ever, in your 44-year career, had to deal with anything related to a person’s illegal immigration status? (short of an actual infringement unrelated to immigration)
@njnyjobs Nice fantasy but will never happen. Most of the individual taxpayers never even see their taxes other than as a figure on a paystub. The taxpayer revolt will never be reality.
@galileogirl why are you telling me this, you’re barking at the wrong tree. . . .
As far as taxpayers not seeing their taxes other than as a figure on a paystaub, I completely disgaree with your belief/statement. Tax dollars paid to the IRS are used by the federal government to run this great country. Simple examples include the Interstate highways that you drive on were/are funded by taxpayer’s money, the US Armed Forces that protect our freedom are paid for by taxpayers . . . which reminds me that Freedom is Not Free…
y“ou know what will happen if all legal honest taxpayers collectively went on strike and refused to pay federal taxes” I meant not paying taxes is a fantasy because they are paid by the employer and we never see them (in cash) in order to refuse to pay them. We never see the actual $$, not that we don’t see how they are used.
@galileogirl… actually, an employer merely witholds a portion of your pay that reflects an approximate amunt of taxes that may become due at tax time and remit that money to the IRS for you in advance. However, if indeed a tax revolt were to exist, employees can file a new W4 form with their employers and stating that they are EXEMPT, in which case employers will not withold taxes from your pay. Of course, doing such has its resulting consequences. . . So you see, this is an actual choice you can make, it is not fantasy.
Yes they are working under the table and often holding Two Jobs , meanwhile there are citizens that are unemployed.
Cure- immigrants need to take the time get there paperwork straight- no amnesty and if they committed a crime- deport them!
Schools are short of money because everyone pays for one or two children but some immigrants have six children and then the tax base doesn’t make up for the money from the other four, so then the schools are short- I say collect school money in taxes when they claim the children as dependents- then the money goes into the system but then track the child to the school and connect him to the tax-paying parent. if no connection then no enrollment.
I have been a Gardener for 25+ years and I can’t raise my basic rate because immigrant gardeners undercut my bids.
@phil196662 Do I get to pay no taxes since I have no children? And, there are plenty of citizens who have bunches of kids, many poor and not paying much in taxes. Education is the one complaint I would never have. If they are going to be in my country I want them educated. And you say collect school money in taxes when the claim the children as dependents. If they are not filing taxes they are not claming anybody.
I understand why it is frustrating for you, since they are in direct competition with you, so wouldn’t it be better if they were legal and paying taxes?
@JLeslie ; I would think the part we pay would stay the same but the other part would be changed- however if they are low income then I am sure there could be some exeption in the taxes for low income. Like college loans for low income students- I think they are grants.
@phil196662 I don’t understand your first sentence, who is we? Honestly, I am more pissed off that people are having 6 kids they canot take care of, then the fact that some of my money is going to pay for their schooling.
yes- true. The “we” is the part for public school that everyone is already paying, that part should not change. but if they have what I call an excessive amount of children then they need to pay more to support there desire to populate- but if they can’t afford it then two things 1. apply for exemption or 2. Get low cost Birth Control!
They don’t want birth control, they want to keep having babies it seems, or they think it is God given, or gives them status. Educated people tend to have fewer children, so as long as the cycle of poverty and incomplete education continues, you will continue to have a bunch of babies in poor neighborhoods most likely.
True- but they will make too much money to qualify for an exemption?...
Oh wait- they will find a way around it- claim certen income and get the rest in cash! WOW! then they can get the exception…Remember they have lawyers that specialise in ways around stuff!
@njnyjobs That response was disengenuous wasn’t it? The reality is that employees paid under the table are not offered W-4 forms and the employer has a greater responsibility to make sure the paperwork is completed properly. It used to be common for Muni employees to claim double digit deductions on their W-4’s to get around withholding (a revolution?) After an audit by the IRS (because those employees were consistently delinquent in their taxes) Muni was required to verify W-4 information. The law requires that an individual’s withholding must be about 90% of the total tax due or there are penalties and interest all over the place. If there is a pattern the employer may appear complicit in tax fraud.
Now individuals may find taxes revolting but employers given a choice of helping workers scam the IRS or staying in good with the IRS-what would IBM or GM or BofA do?
@galileogirl @phil196662 @JLeslie your postings are irrelevant to the topic… .
Public schools are primarily supported by Property Taxes and not Federal Income Taxes. . .
. . .Big families also exist among the poorest of the poor of true blooded Americans…
Boinggg! The topic was an attempted troll-strike against undocumented aliens as income tax cheats. I said not one word about public schools or property tax.
BTW Boinggg! is the sound of a poster who bounces off topic because s/he has no cogent argument to the cureent one.
@njnyjobs I thought of that, but when people bring up paying for school through tax money, I get all annoyed, because as I said, I want to educate everyone. I think @phil196662 would probably like to have lower property taxes if he only has one kid, which is off topic, I agree. But, my point to him is don’t touch education. I was answering him, but after my “huh?” and his response to the huh, I decided there wasn’t much for me to discuss with him. He seems to be very negative towards undocumented workers, and I’m not.
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