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Jude's avatar

Winter Olympics, do you care? Will you watch?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 12th, 2010

It’s taking place in the land of beer and beavers, jellies. Which jelly do you want to snuggle up under in the two man luge?

I’m rooting for my Canuckleheads, ladies and gents.

We tend to do well in the Winter Olympics! Ah, yeah! <<raises curling broom into the air>> ;-)

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51 Answers

Shae's avatar

Olympics bore me to tears.

cookieman's avatar

Yes and YES!!
I lurve the Olympics (Winter version especially).

James_Mal's avatar

Nope. And… Nope.

I do recognize their athletic abilities however. Obviously, they’re world class!

Ivan's avatar

Yes, Yes. The Olympics dominate my existence when they come around.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m with @cprevite. Winter Olympics are my favorite!

can I snuggle up with you jmah? my husband doesn’t watch.

Jude's avatar

@jonsblond snuggle on under. :)

jrpowell's avatar

I don’t turn my tv on anymore. And I am not going to torrent them. But I will watch online clips if something awesome happens.

TehRoflMobile's avatar

Not so much on the winter side, but I still like watching some of it.

The Summer Olympics are always awesome to watch.

philosopher's avatar

Maybe if I have time.

rangerr's avatar

I am super excited.

Frankie's avatar

Meh. I like the figure skating. I prefer the Summer Olympics.

gggritso's avatar

I don’t know how much I’ll actually watch but I’ll definitely be watching the highlights and the medal counts. I’m rooting for two countries at once, so it’s going to be a good set of games.

njnyjobs's avatar

Yes. ..
just saw the news report on the death of one luger while on a practice run this morning. . . too bad.

philosopher's avatar

I saw it too. I found it very upsetting.

J0E's avatar

I try to watch as much as I can, bobsled is my favorite event.

AstroChuck's avatar

1) Yup
2) Intermittently

Jude's avatar

@jonsblond I was just watching the Canadian coverage and there were showing the beauty that is Vancouver, Canada. I remember you saying that you and Jonny would love to visit your neighbors to the North. When you check out the coverage, you’ll see what I mean by a pretty country. You two need to come and visit. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@jmah Visit!? We’re ready to move up north! :)

Seek's avatar

I used to watch the figure skating competition every time it came around. I remember rooting for Kristi Yamaguchi in the ‘92 Olympics (I was… six? seven?)

Now they’ve fracked up the scoring system, so two stupidly easy maneuvers score higher than one really hard one, and they don’t leave any time for artistic interpretation. Screw it. I can watch people skate in circles in the dollar rink at the mall.

Jude's avatar

@jonsblond I know that you like your outdoors. Girl, you’d feel right at home.

Seriously, though, if you ever get a chance, check out B.C. first. Then head on over to Lake Louise, Alberta. You won’t be disappointed.

DominicX's avatar

Yes, I will watch some of it. I mostly love the opening ceremony and everything, but I like to watch some of it. I have a friend who’s super into the Olympics and watches every second of it. It’s fun to follow, I will admit.

mollypop51797's avatar

My family loves the Olympics! Well, we’re not obsessed with them, and it doesn’t kill us to miss a couple because of the late times, but..yes! They’re nice to watch! We like the figure skating couples and mens/womens for the winter Olympics! And we’re especially happy that they are in Vancouver. So yes, we are Olympic fans, and I agree with @DominicX , they are fun to follow. (when you have the time)

Berserker's avatar

I don’t care and I won’t watch. I will drink though.

Jude's avatar

True Fact – I dated a Mountie.

Oh, and go Canada!

cookieman's avatar

@jmah: was the hat worn to bed?

liminal's avatar

No women ski jumpers! BOO! HISS!

My indignation will not keep me from watching, but I will probably drive those around me nuts by bringing it up a million times.

Jude's avatar

@chocolate chip cookie, yes, the hat was an added touch. ;-)

cookieman's avatar

I’m watching the Opening Ceremony right now. I had forgotten how hopeful I find the Olympics. I just love the idea of all those people coming together from all over the world.

rangerr's avatar

@cprevite It makes my heart happy.

jeanna_'s avatar

Nope. I believe I cared about them when I was much much younger, but not now.

Arp's avatar

I have never really been interested in the olympics, I may watch this one, not quite sure after the chat incident…

SeventhSense's avatar

Will they have snow?

jeanna_'s avatar

@Arp Dude, I don’t even know what the chat incident was, but to choose not to watch something based on it is insane. Watch what you want based on you.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I like to watch the ice skating competitions and will be curling up Mark Spitz…or maybe not;)

Rarebear's avatar

@Ivan and I for some strange reason both really love curling. (Ivan, I’m Benny)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I love the Olympics! Both summer and winter… so the answers to your questions would be YES and YES!

rangerr's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

I have a jelly in mind but I will have to settle for Leryn Franco…WOOF!

jonsblond's avatar

@rangerr Isn’t it! I thought that no one could do better than China’s opening ceremony from 2 years ago. I may have been wrong. I think I like this one better!

Jude's avatar

I loved when they played that Joni Mitchell song..

gggritso's avatar

I’m too excited for it to be healthy.

Jude's avatar

Like I said, we’re putting on a good show. :)

(they’ve locked Celine Dion away somewhere. It’s going to be okay, people).

Ivan's avatar


Benny! Why am I just now learning of your account?

c_will103's avatar

fuck no,boring as hell

Dan_DeColumna's avatar

That’s a negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full. :-P

knitfroggy's avatar

I’ve never been big into sports, except the Olympics. I will watch anything I can find. I love the curling for some reason. It’s really interesting. I love Summer Olympics too.

Rarebear's avatar

@Ivan I’ve had it for awhile, but I’ve been dormant for months. My first account was my usual name, but there were some flames and bad experiences so I deleted it. About the time you guys created Inquire I got back active again.

Arp's avatar

@jeanna_ Long story, but I agree that it is silly to base my decision on something like that. I have decided that I will be watching on and off the entire time :)

Steve_A's avatar

Football is over so thats about it for me with sports.

Seek's avatar

But, @Steve_A, baseball Spring Training is about to start! That’s my sport. ^_^

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