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anon30's avatar

Installing Wireless router?

Asked by anon30 (334points) February 13th, 2010

Okay I have a wireless router, and a cable modem.
a Ethernet/Usb cord.
and I don’t know what else I need.

and don’t know what to ask but, How do I install my modem to my wireless router and get wireless internet?

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20 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Use an ethernet cable to connect the router to the WAN, then use a browser to go to, enter the default username and password (admin, password is used by Netgear a lot, but you can always google the default for your router) and then use the firmware to set the router up the way you want it.

jaytkay's avatar

What is the brand and model number of the router? Often the manufacturer will have a program you can download to guide you through setup.

dpworkin's avatar

@jaytkay has a point. I was assuming you had no installation CD, but you can always download one and burn it.

Steve_A's avatar

Have you downloaded all the correct drivers for your wireless router?

anon30's avatar

I put in the CD, okay? I just got a new wireless router.
I need to do this.

But what do I do?

Steve_A's avatar

@BlockStar22 Make sure your cable modem is hooked-up, take the cord that says ETHERNET and plug it into the back of your wireless router it will probably say INTERNET or ETHERNET.

After that do what @dpworkin said and make a password lock so only you can get into your wireless internet.

anon30's avatar

Okay and what I do next? cause I have to hook both way in a different room .

Steve_A's avatar

you should already have a signal, check by using your wireless laptop or other wireless device.

anon30's avatar

okay, I will connect them. hold on.

Steve_A's avatar

is it working?

anon30's avatar

okay their both connected.

anon30's avatar

i can see the connection but i can’t connect it.

jaytkay's avatar

Netgear has a step-by-step walk-through here:

anon30's avatar

i’m connected, but now i want to put a password on it.

Steve_A's avatar

This should work what @dpworkin said

“then use a browser to go to, enter the default username and password (admin, password is used by Netgear a lot, but you can always google the default for your router) and then use the firmware to set the router up the way you want it.”

anon30's avatar

okay i’m in, its updating firmwire.

anon30's avatar

Internet IP Address
Get Dynamically from ISP
Use Static IP Address

whats this?

anon30's avatar

thanks! i got it working now!!!

Steve_A's avatar

Cool glad to hear.

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