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talljasperman's avatar

What is the name of the space between the Earth and Moon?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 14th, 2010

People name ocean’s so in the future will we be naming the different parts of outer-space? I can see the part between The Earth and The Moon being catalogued and used for some purpose (like solar farming, residential, space corridors, ect.)

I will correct my question by adding this in the details “How can one claim a specific part of empty space, with out a map of four dimensional space and a name of w x y z co-ordinates? ”.

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62 Answers

Sampson's avatar

I don’t think there is a name for it.

talljasperman's avatar

@Sampson Then can I call dib’s…I will call the space between the Earth and the Moon is “New TallJaspermia”

susanc's avatar

the heart

markyy's avatar

The Moon is 0.0026 ± 0.0001 AU from the Earth. What? That’s not catchy enough for ya? I’m pretty sure it will be called the Virgin: Space highway in a couple of years/decades.

ucme's avatar

The junkyard.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The Sub-space Continuum.

TheLoneMonk's avatar

T’aint? T’ain’t the earth and t’ain’t the moon….

AlienBomber's avatar

So T’aint it is!

BoBo1946's avatar

Always wanted to know what my home was called!!! Most days i live there…loll @wundayatta (vote for your answer)

talljasperman's avatar

@BoBo1946 I vote Cislunar space… but I think there will be more names than one seeing space is large…that whole sections will have their own name…I think the part over “Jasper National Park” could be “New Jasper”...the space could be named for what Is below it on Earth

Pazza's avatar


BoBo1946's avatar

@talljasperman hey, sounds like winner my friend!

Pazza's avatar

So, now we’ll have our space-space violated, not just our aero-space!

Why did you blow up my satalite?
Well, it clearly violated my space-space!

The human race is so doomed!........

was that off topic?

AlienBomber's avatar

@Pazza: Watch Idiocracy the movie and witness the truth of your statement.

talljasperman's avatar

@AlienBomber I wonder which actor played the butt in the flim “Ass” in Idiocracy…(loved that movie)

chyna's avatar

The New Frontier.

Cruiser's avatar

The final frontier

Pazza's avatar

@ruthfluther – but what is this Geesh?

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Pazza's avatar

@ruthfluther – BOOOOooo!, that means I have to momentarily leave fluther!

ruthfluther's avatar

There are WORSE things in the world

Pazza's avatar

@ruthfluther – What, like the smell from a rancid Geesh!

ruthfluther's avatar

good word RANCID !! I like it

Pazza's avatar

I thought it was called a perinium, perininium, or something.

Wiki says – perineum.

Trillian's avatar

@Taljasperman Are you talking about the Van Allen Belt?

LuckyGuy's avatar

“Cislunar” is the right answer but my vote is “sublunar”. and interplanetary space is for the rest in our solar system. Intergallactic… you get the idea.

ragingloli's avatar

The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that I find “Sublunar Orbit” appropriate.

talljasperman's avatar

@Trillian yes and the rest of the space around it between the earth and the moon…and how it is divided into different sections.

zebter's avatar


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EmpressPixie's avatar

[mod says:] Off topic comments have been—and will continue to be—removed.

Berserker's avatar

We’ll call it, “The Choda”.

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augustlan's avatar

[mod says] For the record, the word “google” is allowed. Telling people to “google it” isn’t, as it’s not helpful in any way. Now, please respect the [mod says] and get back on topic, folks.

Pazza's avatar

How about – Namdom Niwuoy

Sampson's avatar

The space from the earth to the moon is now officially known as: Removed by Fluther moderators.

Pazza's avatar

@rangerr – Yes also valid :-)
@Sampson – Pure genius!

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talljasperman's avatar

“How can one claim a specific part of empty space, with out a map of four dimensional space and a name of w x y z co-ordinates? ” was what I couldn’t explain in the details.

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