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Are you a pessimist? What does that mean to you?
I always figured that being too optimistic and denying or ignoring everything one doesn’t like or is frightened by was never any good, (IE shitting sunshine.) so I’ve come to look at pessimism as realism. On the other hand, seeing everything in black and failing to notice the good things is just as bad.
Unfortunately, my first impulse with everything I see or experience is to notice whatever’s no good about it, and I probably miss out on lotsa good things, which means I’ll probably die as a miserable old cat lady who scares all the little kids and-wait see I’m doing it right now.
I’m a lot more positive than people think actually, but I’m starting to wonder if finding good things is worth it when you only concentrate or what sucks. I mean, isn’t that living a drab and bunk life? If I feel that all I do is cut up and analize things, then I’m really not experiencing anything because the experience of anything is supposed to shape you, rather than you shape what you perceive. Or something?
How does any degree of either too much pessimism or optimism to the point that it blinds you occur? Are you responsible for it yourself, or are there some conditioned factors to consider? How to remedy the matter and find a decent, realistic balance?
“Reads the above.” Wow this makes absolutely no sense. It needs dissection.
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