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Neal Stephenson fans: what are your top three picks and why?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39062points) February 15th, 2010

I haven’t gotten to the Baroque Cycle yet but I’ve read the rest of his work and I obsess over every one of his books for months after…many of his books I’ve read more than once…I know that the Baroque Cycle will be a great read because it links up all the books and is a candy treat to the fans, so to speak…so far my absolutely favorite has been Anathem followed by Snow Crash and then The Diamond Age…but I love Cryptonomicon and all the others too…this is so hard…

I love Anathem because, of all his books, this world speaks to me – it speaks to me of divisions, of philosophy, of linkages to others…

I love Snow Crash because of the hackery and the viral way information can be spread…and who doesn’t love martial arts?!

I love The Diamond Age because of its focus on a young female protagonist (the horror!) that kicks so much ass and because of the focus on educating young girls…

So tell me what’s your favorite Stephenson novel or three and why?

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