I heard that IT professionals are considered to be the most romantic partners, can any women confirm this?
I heard it not too long ago from a friend that IT professionals are the most romantic of all professionals when it comes to dates, events, anniversaries, and so on. I’d like to hear it from any female flutherers out there who can confirm it.
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50 Answers
<Laughing uproariously>
Um, not that I noticed when married to one and immersed in the culture.
Profession will not really define one’s personality. It mostly depends on one’s background.
I guess, has any fluther women found an IT guy to be more romantic than previous significant others?
Obviously, it can vary on a case by case basis.
My dad is in IT. He is probably the most cynical person regarding romance on the face of the planet.
With one exception, I’ve found IT guys to be very strange people, and the word “romantic” would never have even occurred to me as any adjective that I’d ever use.
You made soda come out my nose!
haha, I’m glad this makes everyone laugh. I’m an IT person, and consider myself to be a romantic guy.
Truer words were never spoken ;)
@lucillelucillelucille so you agree that IT professionals are romantic?
And by the way everyone, I’m not saying that people who play WoW, or online games of any sort to be an IT person. Those guys are nerds.
IT professionals make excellent lovers :)
@RandomMrdan Umm my boyfriend and I happen to play WoW. You callin me a nerd?
Wishing I knew an IT guy….
@tragiclikebowie yes, I am calling you a nerd, haha. But don’t worry, I’m an ex nerd, but you keep on chasing that carrot ;)
@RandomMrdan A wide range of people play WoW. I don’t consider it a nerd game, it’s just a waste of time because they’ve (Blizz) required you to put so much time into it, and they keep making it easier for baddies to be “good.” I quit raiding a week or two after ICC came out because I was sick of having to put hours into it and competing for gear.
I am offended that this question assumes IT professionals are all men.
@lilikoi I didn’t make that assumption, it was implied that I was asking referring to the male IT population.
I don’t think selling computers qualifies you as an IT person dan. More like a sales man.
and help people solve problems, because I know what I’m talking about… quit spamming my question.
you solve problems to qualify people for what you think they need to be sold….
Is this the right time to show off my true computer nerd badge? I usually hide it – deep well inside :P
I’m not sure there are big, valid correlations on this. Could just be that IT people can organize better, and can throw together events like nothing. Destroying the—good IT people image…. self inflicted wound! hehe
I lol’d at this. I don’t know if it’s true or the one I dated just happened to be, but he was completely romantic and gave up a lot, and went through a lot for me for the short time we were seeing each other. He made me things, wrote me things, was all about doing shit for me.
I have never heard this one but my husband is an IT genius and he is romantic and an excellent lover – so who knows – it might be true, lol
Must I assume you don’t know any architects?
Yes, I should know, I’ve been married to one for 35 years.
My IT sweetie is romantic. She notices nuances and knows how to push all the right buttons.
@drhat77 I know, i know, I couldn’t resist.
I’m too sexy for my shirt.
Oh, wait; I work in construction. Never mind.
I’ve never heard any woman seriously suggest that a man’s romantic tendencies or other good qualities would be dependent on his profession.
@Janka I wasn’t suggesting that a single profession could determine someone being romantic, but that I heard statistically speaking, IT professionals were more romantic.
If you are asking for a confirmation of a statistical fact, there is no point asking female Flutherites spefically, unless you assume that female flutherites probably have an actually significant personal sample size of both IT pros and others. ;)
@Janka where do I sign up to volunteer for the study?
@janka I was looking for confirmation of any fluther women that date, or are married to an IT professional…. personal experiences and so on.
For example, if you’ve dated a number of people, and also agree that the IT people you’ve dated were indeed more romantic… or if you disagree that they weren’t.
@jaytkay absolutely, I agree with that entirely, right on Charles, right on.I don’t imagine the people of Britain need reminding of the great debt they owe their public schools
@randomMrdan Your everyday school, schools attended by children of common men and women, not the schools attended by the upper class (e.g. Eton College), whose children tended to end up as officers in the army. ***Someone might like to correct me, please do if I’m talking through a hole in my head :)
@Adagio are you sure you’re commenting on the right question?
It might be the hole in the head
@RandomMrdan The point is that you cannot get a confirmation to a statistical fact by personal experience. The likelihood that anyone would have dated enough IT guys and others to make a statistical comparison is unlikely to begin with, and the likelihood that they correctly remember the details well enough to make the comparison even if they do now is even unlikelier.
@janka having dated just one IT person would be enough to share. I was simply looking to hear whether or not women on fluther found IT guys they’ve dated to be romantic, or more romantic than other men.
I can tell you without polling that, yes, some flutherites have found their IT guy partners to be romantic, while some have found someone else to be more romantic than an IT guy.
That helps you about as much as polling individuals.
Thanks janka, I’m glad you were able to share your personal experience with us all.
Ha! I dated someone in computers and he was sappy with words (could warm your heart with a card), but basically a conniving tricky one. He was emotionally abusive. Sorry if I sound bitter but that was my experience.
IT guys are engineers.
With that background they routinely analyse and plan.
Many IT guys are also very creative, this helps when building new systems and when trouble-shooting.
Not all IT guys are affectionate, but if expressing his affection for you is on your IT guy’s project list, you are in for a thorough campaign of romance and attention !
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