Social Question

TheJoker's avatar

Did your mum or dad have a nickname, or something cute / nauseating they called you as a child? If so, how about sharing?

Asked by TheJoker (2800points) February 16th, 2010

In the spirit of fairness & mutual humiliation, my mum used to call me ‘Her little ray of sunshine’ now, excuse me while I go vomit!

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82 Answers

Arisztid's avatar

You have my sincerest condolences, little ray o…. errr… Joker.

No, I was blissfully free of that stuff. I was called by my name, son, or muro chavo (my son).

My mother died birthing me and I think my father would have imploded had he tried to use cuteisms. From what I knew of my mother, she, too, would have just imploded.

Sophief's avatar

No. Sorry, I wanted to answer your question.

Darwin's avatar

Yes, but now that they are old enough to have forgotten it I am certainly not going to revive it.

TheJoker's avatar

@Arisztid Hehe, thanks Aris… I rather wish my parents had shared that very same problem!

TheJoker's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Hah, now thats just cheating :)

Arisztid's avatar

@TheJoker I consider myself quite lucky.

RandomMrdan's avatar

Haha, my mom called me “Little Man” because I was a handsom baby. She still to this day will sometimes call me that… *sigh

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley Now I find that very hard to believe…. nothing that made you cringe?!

TheJoker's avatar

@RandomMrdan Hehe, aren’t parents just the…. er…. um…. something!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@The Joker-Lucille/Lucy is a nickname I’ve had since I was a little girl ;)

TheJoker's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille They didn’t even mix it up with the ocasional Lucybelle or anything?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Well my dad rarely spoke to me as a child, I got under his feet a lot and had to be sort of invisible. My mum never had any names for me, she just used to, and still does, always tells stories about when I was little and things I used to do.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@TheJoker-They mixed it up with the occcasional Dammit!!!LOL!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley Heh, fair enough. I can just imagine the type of short-story too, highly embarrassing & disclosed to your nearest & dearest :)

TheJoker's avatar

@Arisztid I’ll tell you what my friend, I & quite a few others share your sentiment!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker and anyone who’ll listen!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley Aaah, mum’s. You cant live with em….. yep, thats about it!

ModernEpicurian's avatar

Hmm, there are so many. It was just me and my father so he had a fair few for me.
The most embarrassing of which is quite easily “Pants” (Try having your father call you that the first time you have your friends round and he promised to be normal :-().
After that they are just daft; “Sqeak” “Squeakston” “Squeak Meister General” “Gungadin” “Twinkle toes” (I used to walk on my toes as a child”.

I could go on. But I fear I’ve alienated myself enough.

TheJoker's avatar

@ModernEpicurian Hehehe, thank you, I dont feel such an outcast now :) By any chance did you dance as a child?

Cruiser's avatar

“Hey YOU!”

TheJoker's avatar

@Cruiser Hehe, either you were often getting into scrapes, or your parents were maxed-out on the imagination front.

Arisztid's avatar

@TheJoker Well my father did, when I did something particularly dumb, precede and succeed my name with various muttered invective from quite a few languages (he was a polyglot). He tended to switch languages mid sentence when he did that. I managed to pick up bits of it and those bits told me what level of an ass tanning I would get or other punishment, like extra chores. If he ever actually spoke these in louder than a mutter, I knew I was really getting my ass tanned.

I do not think that could be termed a pet name, especially since it changed every time I did something extremely stupid.

TheJoker's avatar

@Arisztid Hahaha, your dad was quite a character from what I’ve gathered. I honestly cant remember my dad getting angry with anyone other than my oldest brother. & he really deserved it!

Arisztid's avatar

@TheJoker I kind of earned it at times. Usually punishment meant extra chores, including chores for neighbors, or time to sit and think of the errors of my ways (sometimes including me writing an essay about it), grounding, or extra school type assignments courtesy of him but I did get an ass tanning a few times.

FishGutsDale's avatar

I use to get called Daphnie by my mum. In front of my friends. They too started to call me that. High school was rough.

TheJoker's avatar

@Arisztid Heh, fitting the punishment to the crime… & it clearly did you no harm, you seem a pretty well adjusted fella from this side of the pond.

TheJoker's avatar

@FishGutsDale Ouch, Daphnie is abit harsh… besides you seem more of a Michelle to me :)

Arisztid's avatar

@TheJoker He really was a great guy. I am going to PM you a link about him from the other site.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I guiltily admit to a whole litany of cutesy nicknames for my daughters and their long-time friends.

TheJoker's avatar

@Arisztid Thanks for that, I really should take another swing by your site to, it’s been a while.

FishGutsDale's avatar

@TheJoker Daphnie was harsh! But it was a progression from Dale Anthony, my first and middle names, shortened to Day Anfy…and then to Daphnie.

michelle?? I thought i would be a Gladys or a Roberta for sure

TheJoker's avatar

@FishGutsDaleHahaha, that makes sense…. & you’re right, I just took a peek at your profile & Roberta suits far better. +5points for the excellent sense of humour :)

FishGutsDale's avatar

@TheJoker Roberta it is haha…Thank you sir.

TheJoker's avatar

@FishGutsDale No worries, perhaps a profile name change is in order!

Tenpinmaster's avatar

yea. my grandma called me bebe.. like bebe’s kids. How annoying was that.. though at the time that movie never existed so it really got irritating when i was referenced after some bad ass little kids in the movie

TheJoker's avatar

@Tenpinmaster Hahaha, I can see how that would wear a little thin, thank you for the revelation :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

My dad has always called me Fruitcake!

TheJoker's avatar

@Leanne1986 Now that one I like alot! 5 Stars for ur dad!

mrentropy's avatar

Not me, but my wife calls her youngest son “Monkey Butt.” Sadly, the parrot knows this and while the kid may not mind right now, in 20 years or so when the parrot starts calling out “Monkey Butt!” when he’s around with his girlfriend… Well, that may not be amusing for him.

Although it will be for the rest of us.

ucme's avatar

No but me & my dad share the same christian name. So whenever my mother would call, frequently we would both come running.Mildly irritating.

SABOTEUR's avatar

No nickname.

They named me Rip.


It’s ok now, but pretty nauseating as a kid.

Facade's avatar

Pumpkin head


ucme's avatar

@Facade Those aren’t too bad.Although Gross is a little cruel.

Broken_Arrow's avatar

Yes. It was “yo, shithead!”

HGl3ee's avatar

My Dad called me “Shit-head”, I know it’s weird but it was an affectionate funny name that he still calls me today :) My Mum calls me my initials “HGB” she pronounces it haych-gee-bee ;)

TheJoker's avatar

@Facade I love Boobalooga, nice mix of crazy & insane!

TheJoker's avatar

@SABOTEUR Please say your last name is Torn :)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No, thankfully. Just my name. But I knew I as in trouble when my mom called me by my first & middle names.

quark's avatar

When I was a baby, my parents used to call me dirt…thanks to god they don’t anymore

Facade's avatar

@TheJoker It fits then :)

sakura's avatar

I asked somthing similar a while back, here are some of the answers I got!

As you can see I was called dollyflop, duck egg! And I am just as guilty calling my daughter spud/ spudnick/ sweet pea!

Frankie's avatar

My dad called all of us kids pookindorfer and plopenschnugus all the time…they’re words he made up, so I’m not entirely sure what they mean to him. My mom called us buggy-boo.

TheJoker's avatar

@sakura Ah, but Sweet Pea’s cute….. not so sure about Spudnick, but I do love it :)

sakura's avatar

It came for when I was training to be a nursery nurse there was a really cute baby who looked like a little round potato we used to call him spud and because he used to wave his arms around like a satellite in space, it got mixed with the satellite thing called a sputnick?? And spudnick was formed, when I had my daughter, she didn’t look like a spud or wave her arms around but spud stuck and continued to be spudnik!! Wierd I know!

I like calling her sweet pea! She hates it!

Do you find that your Sunday name gets used when you are in trouble? ie you get your full name!! I do this with my daughter all the time Amber Rose pick that up Amber Rose…!!

fireinthepriory's avatar

I got called nothing exciting. My next-oldest brother got “boo boo bear” (probably the most embarrassing family nickname!). The next three sibs don’t have any exciting nicknames, just normal boring ones. The littlest sib gets called “G,” and being the youngest, we often call her “Little G” which is a pretty awesome nickname for a 6-year-old girl. Hopefully she’ll turn out to be a rapper.

TheJoker's avatar

@fireinthepriory ‘Little G’ is awesome, sorry you didnt have anything quite so funky… but I dont think anyone did, does, or ever will.

drClaw's avatar

Carly Barley Soup… F’ing hated it.

TheJoker's avatar

@drClaw There’s got to be a story behind that one :)

fireinthepriory's avatar

@TheJoker It’s definitely the nickname to beat in our family. We’ve taken to yelling “Yo! Lil’ G!” at her, and sometimes do it in public when we’re not thinking. You should see the faces in Barnes and Noble when this kid answers to that. It’s probably the least politically correct thing we could do, but we can’t help ourselves. :)

That’s definitely her rapping face, fyi.

Supacase's avatar

Mine were boring in comparison. Mom called me Pumpkin, step-dad called me Kathy Lou (hated that!) and step-sister called me Brat. Friends were much more cruel.

@fireinthepriory “Yo! Lil’G!” That’s great – love it!

Vunessuh's avatar

My dad called me Zezza (because I couldn’t pronounce my name well when I was younger so I just said Zezza) and my mom called me Dolly.
But they still use those names to refer to me.
I don’t think my mom has used my real name in years.
@jbfletcherfan That’s how it was for me too. If my mom used both my first and middle name, I knew I was in trouble.

drClaw's avatar

@TheJoker You know I’m sure there was a story behind it, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is. I guess that I will have to give my parents a call and ask.

Cruiser's avatar

@TheJoker No my parents were simply maxed out….with 5 kids scrambling and scattered we all were “hey you”...first one to reply was duly rewarded with more chores or punishment often both.

zephyr826's avatar

I was “Pumpkin”. My sister was “Honey”. My brothers were “Daniel-bear” and “Michael-bear” respectively.

TheJoker's avatar

@zephyr826 All very cute…. & did y’all live up to the names?

oddlings's avatar

mom called me ‘Halla’, called meself ‘agix’ (name is alex), early speech impediment (no ‘r’s, no ‘l’s), lucky mom was a speech therapist…..

Seek's avatar

My daddy was awesome.

There were three of us, and we all had nicknames.

Me (the eldest) – his “Bestest Widdle Kid”
My brother – his “Bestest Widdle Bud”
My baby sister – his “Bestest Widdle Bit”

I also got “Ali Baba” and “Alley Cat” (My name’s Alyson)

Arisztid's avatar

Reading this thread makes me realize that I am very lucky. :P

Of course I did have the pleasure of having my name mangled in more ways than I can remember: Arisztid is my middle name (it is Hungarian), my first is a family derivation of a traditional Romanian name, my last name is Polish.

tinyfaery's avatar

None from my parents, but my grandfather referred to all of his grandkids as Mi vida.

avengerscion's avatar

Parents called me Tater and grandma called me Muff – short for Muffin…

SABOTEUR's avatar

@TheJoker: Not likely, though rumor has it I was named after him. Why my father would be that impressed by Rip Torn is beyond me. So when I asked him why I was named Rip, he looked me straight in the eye and replied,

“What’s the matter? You don’t like it?”

I never asked again.

TheJoker's avatar

@SABOTEUR Hahahaha, that was a classy response!

SABOTEUR's avatar

Indeed…as classy as whatever they were drinking, snorting, or shooting to come up with a name like that for their son…sheeesh!

SABOTEUR's avatar

@TheJoker Actually, a purely practical explanation was once given to why I was named Rip. My mother once explained that my father took issue with the number of sylables in our surname (10) and chose a short first name so my signature wouldn’t be so long.

I wonder if that decision influenced my tendency to want to quickly get to the point, or look a things from an annoyingly practical point of view?

Nahhhhhhbut it does makes for a good story.

Darwin's avatar

@SABOTEUR – 10 syllables in your last name? That must have given your teachers fits. Mine only has four and no corpsman can ever get it right. And many don’t even try. I just respond when someone comes out to the waiting room and opens their mouth but doesn’t say anything.

SABOTEUR's avatar

(Turning beet red) Eh…I mispoke. Not syllables…lettersthough syllables make my response a lot more interesting. Thanks for the correction, @Darwin.

TheJoker's avatar

@SABOTEUR Sure is a fine story… & I wouldn’t be surprised if that, & your dad had influenced it… I on the other hand, tend to waffle :)

SABOTEUR's avatar

You’re too nice, @TheJoker. The truth is, I should have my grammar card revoked.

TheJoker's avatar

@SABOTEUR Haha, my spelling card was revoked long ago, shredded, burt, the ashes encased in lead, & burried in the bottom af an abandoned mine shaft… that goodness for word!

Arisztid's avatar

Speaking of long last names, mine is Polish. Combine that with a Romanian first name and Arisztid being my middle, you have no end of opportunities for name mangling. I just learned to grin and bear it… and be happy when they got in the same zip code, forget the ballpark. At doctors offices I just look for the person staring at a chart, mouthing something, with that kind of “I am going to mangle this” expression to know that they are about to call me.

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