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mowens's avatar

Do skinny people starve faster?

Asked by mowens (8410points) February 16th, 2010

Would a skinny person starve to death faster than an obese one?

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43 Answers

TheJoker's avatar

Yes they would… fewer fat stores to convert to energy.

judochop's avatar

Actually we turn ourselves inside out and start over again so the answer to your question is no. You fat asses will start eating yourselves long before we have to even consider a finger nail.

ucme's avatar

I think starving is the last thing on the minds of the obese.

Cruiser's avatar

Heck yeah but the obese person would suffer more and longer. Starving to death has to be a nasty unfun way to die.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Lean vs. skinny? If there is little fat to burn, the body will convert muscle mass to energy. So a person with a large muscle mass but little fat may survive as long as an obese person with little muscle mass. Someone with little muscle or fat would starve to death faster.

mowens's avatar

@Cruiser Are you implying there are fun ways to die? :)

ucme's avatar

@mowens Being tickled to death by a naked Angelina Jolie?

erichw1504's avatar

Um, I would imagine so.

Cruiser's avatar

@mowens Heck Yeah!! A heart attack in the sack with my hottie is my first choice!

TheJoker's avatar

@judochop Hahaha, love it!

ucme's avatar

@Cruiser As long as you’re not a selfish bastard & show her the courtesy of letting her orgasm, before any cardiac arrest kicks in.

JLeslie's avatar

@Cruiser Off topic slightly. I have heard it argued that starving to death isn’t horrible, and that is why we are allowed to let people starve to death, but not to end their life with medication. I disagree with this way of thinking.

Silhouette's avatar

Yes but we’d die much quieter than all the tubbies whining for some doughnuts.

ucme's avatar

@Silhouette Tinky Winky says eh-oh.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I don’t know because fat isn’t the only thing we need to live. I would imagine that both lean and fat people would die of thirst long before starvation.

@Silhouette: What a nasty and awful thing to say.

JLeslie's avatar

@KatawaGrey Of course people die of thirst long before starving, but that was not question. What if you have all the water you need to stay hydrated?

Silhouette's avatar

@KatawaGrey You’re probably right.

Cruiser's avatar

@ucme I aim to please every time like it will be my last!

Cruiser's avatar

@JLeslie I would agree but I have not heard that before and judging how my stomach feels right now before lunch, 10 to 30 days of not eating would be very unfun. But saying that, projecting how one may feel during the process of dying is subjective as I think drowning would be a very peaceful even beautiful way to die. I have yet to find someone who shares my sentiment.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@Cruiser probably because of the panic and suffocation factor in drowning. I think freezing to death would be more peaceful and beautiful because you would have time to see the hallucinations

JLeslie's avatar

@Cruiser It just bothers me that people against euthanasia are ok with letting people die by starving. I have no idea where you stand on the issue, again, it is off topic, but what you wrote made me think of it. I think it is uncivilized.

JLeslie's avatar

@trailsillustrated But being freezing cold is so uncomfortable, and being aware that you are dying would be scary, lonely, and sad I think.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@JLeslie @trailsillustrated People who have nearly frozen to death report a feeling of intoxication before going into coma.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@JLeslie: If you read my answer you’ll note that I attempted to answer in the first sentence. “I don’t know because fat isn’t the only thing we need to live.” I will elaborate more. We need many other nutrients to live that we get from food. Someone who is underweight as it is would probably die faster, like someone who is anorexic. However, someone who is average weight, like me 130–140 pounds, 5’3 might not necessarily starve to death first. However, since I would imagine that obese people have slower metabolisms or else they might not have gotten fat in the first place then, yes, it is possible that an obese person would take longer to starve to death.

Nullo's avatar

You make the mistake of assuming that all fat people are whiners. They’re not.

galileogirl's avatar

If the fat person has underlying health issues, they may die quicker than the thinner person. The breaking down of fat leaves waste products in the blood stream which the body will try to eliminate increasing urination and dehydration. Low blood sugar can also cause unconsciousness. A person with heart issues can cause long term damage. Cesar Chavez died of a heart attack brought on by his fasting. Starvation can suppress the immune system so that a heavy person is more vulnerable to disease.

YARNLADY's avatar

My Mom was very thin, but she died very quickly from brittle diabetes. The answer is, it depends.

JLeslie's avatar

But with everything being equal, the fat one most likely will last longer.

Silhouette's avatar

@Nullo The ones I know are. Always whining about being hungry or being called fat.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Silhouette: “The ones you know?” Has it ever occurred to you that maybe these people are just whiny and they happen to be obese as well? Of course not because you’re one of those people who has decided to hate fat people just for the sake of hating them.

Val123's avatar

@KatawaGrey The overweight people I know complain about their weight too.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Val123: This may be the case but @Silhouette was being downright rude and disrespectful. Also, let’s face it, everyone complains about the way they look. I’m not overweight but I complain about my acne, my hair, etc. Obese people are just singled out for being obese.

Val123's avatar

But can you do anything about your acne? Or your hair? It’s one thing to whine about something you can’t do anything about, like being short or whatever. It’s another to whine about something you can do SOMETHING about. I too have found that overweight people are always looking for something to eat and complaining if they can’t have it then and there, and complaining about their weight, in the same breath

KatawaGrey's avatar

Okay. I’m not getting into this argument again. I would just like to remind you, though, of all the people who have contempt for you simply because you smoke. Obese people aren’t necessarily fat because they are lazy and gluttonous. No one likes to think of that though.

Val123's avatar

@KatawaGrey BUT if it offended them that I smoked, I wouldn’t smoke around them!

KatawaGrey's avatar

So do you expect the obese to take off their extra fat and leave it by the door? I think complaining of hunger is only more noticeable because they are fat. if I complain, no one cares.

Val123's avatar

I was just making the point that comparing overweight people with smokers is not a valid comparison. I can control my smoking to fit my environment and the people around me. If I complain that I’m hungry it’s probably because I haven’t eaten in 8 hours. Today, for example, I got up at 9:30 a.m., didn’t have a chance to eat until 5:30 PM, and you bet I’d be whining about how hungry I was to anyone who cared! Overweight people tend to tell people what they had for breakfast, and what they’d like to have for lunch, and what new recipes they found that they’d like to try. It’s just something I’ve noticed. Overweight people seem to focus on food more than most…..

Nullo's avatar

That kind of universality is unknown in my experience :\. I’ve got a relative who’ll be quick to tell you about the way that her weight is due to a hormonal imbalance, and I know a guy who won’t bring up his superfluous mass at all. Eating habits only seem to be discussed when they come up in conversation.

Val123's avatar

Well, I’m not one to start the conversations.

Nullo's avatar

Oh, you know how it is with conversations. You start on one end of your shared interests, and zigzag along through cabbages and kings and end up talking about the time that you threw up at Disney World.

Silhouette's avatar

@KatawaGrey I don’t hate fat people, I hate whiners, and you’re right, I don’t respect whiners one damn bit, they bore me.

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