(NSFW) Have you found your "G" spot?
I was told once that not all females have one? When people talk of that soft flat spongy area I have no clue what they are talking about.Perhaps not all women have one, or perhaps it is located and experienced in different ways. I’d really love some diagrams and instructions!!!! If you wouldn’t mind sharing your experience of finding it nor not finding it. Thanks.
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42 Answers
I’m pretty sure all women have one, it’s just whether stimulation of it does anything for them. I haven’t found mine, per se, but my past partners definitely have found it. One ex in particular had toys with g-spot stimulation in mind (large heads on the dildos) and that was pretty incredible sex at times. Anyway, I think, depending on one’s particular physiology, that it can be hard to find your own (if you’re talking about sticking a finger in and trying to locate it). It can be helpful to have toys.
As for finding it in others, I’m pretty sure I have, but it never seemed like direct stimulation of the spot was the trick, more like massaging the upper wall of the vaginal canal over and around the g-spot.
No one knows for sure if such a thing exists at all.
Why don’t you ask him yourself?
edited by; Trillian, who decided to keep some things private.
@Trillian – I know, right! You put that very well, I was sitting here trying to think of how to phrase it. It may not be a G-spot, but there is definitely a different quality to that kind of stimulation than any other. I always know when the area is being rubbed the right way and have far greater orgasms than I would otherwise.
The female “G-spot” is most often associated with the clitoris as it is the most sensitive part of their genitalia. However, this is not true of all women and people with different sexual tastes or fetishes may have vastly different “G-spots”. The same can be true of men.
@MissAnthrope some great points thanks. I sort of thought of this when I saw the “magic wand” they say that really works. It seems expensive though. I wonder how it works? Has it got a rotating head? Thanks for the heads up on large headed dildos!
@mzehnich quite true I think mine is in an “odd place”!!
@snarp so many of my friends have found it, and like threesomes when I ask them have they done it they kind of look at my sideways as if I am mad. (since I haven’t experienced either. )
Found it. Now I just have to make the damn thing work!
@Facade – You can make the damn thing work.
I’ve never concerned myself with this search, just with what feels good.
@Snarp How silly, of course they exist. Just gently push your finger into your girlfriends vagina. When you feel the rough spot deep down in there, and she screams like a bloody banshee, you know you have found it.
@Just_Justine – Are you talking about this? It’s for clitoral stimulation (like a vibrator). My favorite toy that my ex had was something like this, a smooth glass dildo with a nice big head. God, that thing was amazing.
In terms of digital stimulation, what I’ve found that works pretty well for stimulating the g-spot is using a finger or two inside and making sure I push upward against the top of the vagina on each inward and outward stroke. I’ve tried rubbing the g-spot itself, but it’s never seemed to do the trick that stimulating the top of the vagina does.
Oh, and to answer the title question – yes, I have found mine, although being a male it wasn’t a terribly difficult search. :P
Anyone just looking for a G spot will never find it by just poking around down there. The G spot to any woman in my experience is between the ears….get that turned on and then only then will you be able to get the feedback from the woman as to where that magic spot resides (1 – 1½” just inside the vagina up top…soft spongy area feels like your tongue)
@Just_Justine There is a rough spot in an otherwise silky smooth slickery wet vagina…I found it in my first gf when we were petting (heavy petting)...It is like a small patch of roughness and it drove her completely insane!!!
It is not the clitoris, which is obviously located above the vaginal opening. It is found depp inside…It is real, and it is fun!!!!
@MissAnthrope yes that’s it the magic wand. It is really good? (I am wondering if you can buy them here in S.A). I would never have thought the glass one would be so great? It seems then the size of the “head” is important? I am learning a lot here thanks loll.
I didn’t find it ‘til this year. (Ha!). As far as my girlfriends go, they were able to find it just fine. For them, I hit the mark, as well.
You know what they say, fingers in, slightly curved towards you (come hither motion), gentle strokes at first, then add more pressure whilst pressing down on her abdomen.
**And when you’re fucking her, add your tongue/mouth for clitoral stimulation. Oh-la-la!
@Cruiser I’ll be sure to “re look” for that. I envy those girls that squirt too, but I guess finding the spot would help?
@Just_Justine – A lot of women like it and it’s one of the most popular vibrators. It’s just way too big for my tastes.. I prefer something smaller, like a bullet vibrator.
They make g-spot toys in all shapes and sizes, some have the head, some don’t. I find it easier to stimulate mine with a larger head that I can grip, but that’s just a particular sensation/experience I enjoy quite a bit. You could probably do some experimentation and find your spot with a regular dildo if you have one.
Yes.It’s right next to my car keys.
@ChazMaz -Sounds like you could be under the influence,I’d wait!
And waiting is half the fun. ;-)
I can tell you “in general” where it’s supposed to be and how a partner can find it. I think a woman would have to be awfully damn flexible to find it on her own (without a tool).
For the partner: Extend your index and middle finder, palm up, into the (lubricated) vagina and feel (not too gently) along the anterior (front) wall of the vagina. It’s more than a couple inches in, so it will be a reach. It is a sort of barely raised “spongy callus” on the anterior wall, so you’ll want to be pressing a bit so that you can tell the difference between the vagina’s ‘normal’ feel. The books that I’ve read say that different women prefer different manipulations. Some like gentle steady pressure, others a firmer (still steady) “pressure only”. I think when we found it I was using more of a “sweeping” motion with my fingers.
When I got it right, she was off like a rocket, though, for the longest orgasm I ever saw her experience. She had always been very into sex anyway, but apparently no one had found this with her before. She was so discombobulated that she was apologizing for wetting the bed… when she had recovered the ability to speak… at the same time she was shaking uncontrollably and still having after-orgasms. I get the feeling that when you find it, then you’ll know.
I didn’t find it, he did.
Most of you men seem to have the right idea.
I find lying on my stomach makes mine more sensitive.
THANK GOD, somebody found it.
@ChazMaz I had a dog who chased cars, but if he ever caught one he wouldn’t be able to drive the damn thing! (Benny Hill as Virginia wolf) ~
As @CyanoticWasp said, results can be spectacular. When my lady and I found her “spot”, her climax was so intense that I thought she was having some kind of seizure. She’s also a “squirter”. We found it about 3” in, somewhat deeper than the literature says and deeper than she could comfortably reach with her own fingers. It didn’t have a “rough” feeling, just a bit less soft She preferred two fingers stroking on either side, initially very gently and increasing in firmness (but not speed). In combination with clitoral stimulation (lips or tongue), the orgasm was so intense that she would be “off in space” somewhere for 5–10 minutes afterwards and would take about 30 minutes to fully recover.
Her girlfriends G-spot is located about half that distance in (about 1½’). She responds best to direct stimulation with one finger, in a circular rubbing motion, quite firmly and without any other stimulation. She prefers either clitoral or G-spot but not both. Her climax response longer but less intense.
This is only two points on the data curve, but it does indicate that there are differences in location, preferred stimulation and levels of response. It’s also interesting to note that my lady in orgasm would spread her legs as widely as she could while her girlfriend would clamp down like a nutcracker (strong legs, too).
@stranger_in_a_strange_land well said. I’m not even going to ask where the data came from on the girlfriend… I have a pretty good imagination.
@CyanoticWasp Personal experience. Our relationship was three-way. :^P
It is between the “F” and “H“spot.
I have found it but like @Facade have not felt it’s full potential yet. I’ve come no pun intended very close but haven’t quite made it. I have been told that you need to relax beyond what feels natural for it to work and that it often gives you the sensation of needing a wee. Can anyone clarify this?
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