puts on his skeptics hat because he finds The Guardian to be fairly biased.
Okay, I just read through the bill. It passed in the house of representatives. It is currently assigned to some committee in the senate (but the state hasn’t actually passed the bill, as the Guardian implies). Pretty much all of the Republicans voted for it and the Democrats voted against it. Even though the Guardian puts “essentially harmless” in quotes it doesn’t show up anywhere in the bill. It does say a bunch of stuff about their (the representatives’) doubts about climate change. Here’s what the bill will actually do:
“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges the United States Environmental Protection Agency to immediately halt its carbon dioxide reduction policies and programs and withdraw its “Endangerment Finding” and related regulations until a full and independent investigation of climate data and global warming science can be substantiated.”
They’re going to “urge” the EPA. That sounds pretty weak to me.
Some parts I think are interesting:
“WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Endangerment Finding” and proposed action to regulate CO2 under the Clean Air Act is based on questionable climate data and would place significant regulatory and financial burdens on all sectors of the nation’s economy at a time when the nation’s unemployment rate exceeds 10%;”
“WHEREAS, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that current legislation providing agriculture offsets and carbon credits to reduce CO2 emissions would result in tree planting on 59 million acres of crop and pasture land, damaging America’s food security and rural communities;”
I think this is some token legislation they put out so that they could tell their constituents that they care about people having jobs, they care about the farmers and ranchers, etc., but that essentially does nothing. There are a fair number of farmers, ranchers, and unemployed people in Utah. It’s some good politicking; it’s basically the same crap that all politicians do.