Social Question

The zombie bites you, now you're infected. What do you do?
So, I watched a movie remake yesterday, and I started thinking…If you’re with a group of people, there are zombies everywhere,in the midst of the fray you get bitten. You are trying to make it somewhere specific that will be safe and secure. You know that you’re going to be one of them, it’s just a matter of time. No one knows it yet. You are now a liability to the group, or at least a potential danger. You don’t want to eat your friends. On the other hand, the longer you stay, the better chance the group has of getting to safety. You either have special skills that are needed, or you’re simply another pair of eyes and you’re part of the weapons wielders holding off the oncoming hordes. Do you rat yourself out now and ask for a clean death? Do you stay and help as long as you can, knowing that you’ll never see the promised land yourself? What do you do?