Does x come before o or does o come before x?
I’m a believer in xoxoxo, but I’ve seen others do oxoxox.
What do you do? What is the significance of which comes first? How do you feel when someone puts that in their email? What does it mean to you, either when you are on the receiving or giving end?
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36 Answers
I am a personal XOXOXO guy, it is just the way I think of it when I say it out loud.
I think generally mad people do the oxoxo and sane people do the xoxoxo :O
I always use “xoxoxo”. That’s the most common usage of it I see. It’s also easier to say it that way.
“Oxoxoxox” looks too much like excessive repetition of “ox” as in, oxen, IMO.
I don’t do either. If I had to pick, though, xoxo.
Not sure. Are you practicing with a bow and arrow, or a rifle?
It’s always XOXOXO for me.
um…I really don’t understand the question…. but thanks @phillis can you explain though :-/
abcdefghilklmn O pqrstuvw X yz
Looks as though O comes before X.
could xoxo be more intimate than oxox?
I actually find this to be pretty interesting. Everyone always says “hugs and kisses”; it’s rare that someone says “kisses and hugs” and yet most people place kisses before hugs in the XOXO thing.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that is easier to say and flows better or maybe it’s because X always goes first in Tic Tac Toe?
OOOOOOOOhhhhhhh I seee!!!! In that case…. just kisses! xxxx
@lynneblundell because you wrote xxx on your response, which was really cute. I read your answer at the same time I read that question :)
I, myself, would like to be in the hug when you kiss me, so how to write that? It would be okay on paper.
I always write XOXO by say “hugs and kisses.”
X before O.If you call someone an OX,then you won’t get a hug and a kiss.
It’s definitely xoxoxoxo. Only heretics reverse it.
I’m all in favor of “xxxxxx” until we happen to get around to “ooooo” and “OOOOO” and “0oO0oO0oO0oO, xxxxxx me some more!!!”
@CyanoticWasp yer scaring me! That looked like something CaRbOnPrOdUcT would write! {{{shudder}}}
That’s like asking if the chicken came before the egg, no one knows for sure!
(But I think it was the chicken, personally!)
I do xoxo – more than that seems excessive. :)
I have never used either. Not that type of person.
Okay, here’s a weird one for you – in email to my husband, it’s XOXOX, if I use it at all. Other people to whom I would send hugs and kisses get XOXOXO. I have a “thing” for palindromes so XOXOX is special in my head. Got a problem with that???
I prefer xoxoxo and lots of them!
XOXOXOXO is a chain of hugs and kisses. OXOXOXOX is a herd of oxen.
Done right, what comes after XOXOXOXO is XXX (rated).
Would you rather get a hug first, or a kiss?
@ETpro and done right, what follows XXX is zzzzzz
xoxoxo is the right way, the only way. I’ve never seen anyone write it as oxoxox. Ox Ox Ox. What’s that supposed to mean? What do oxes have to do with anything. Though, to give people the benefit of the doubt, maybe the oxoxox people are dyslexic.
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