Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Some progress is better than no progress. What's your milestone? (part 5)

Asked by Jeruba (56189points) February 21st, 2010

Welcome to the fifth installment of the Progress thread. More than a year old now, this thread has garnered a total of 1690 responses spread over four installments and is still going strong. From time to time we restart because a long thread is slow to load.

On Sunday of each week (if not oftener), some of us gather to announce our current goals, report progress toward our milestones, cheer each other on, and commiserate over setbacks. Newcomers are welcome.

See Part 4 for recent activity.

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380 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

===================== Sunday, February 21, 2010 =====================

This is a Sunday marker. First one in sets it.

What are your goals for the week or the near (or long-term) future? How are you doing? How can we help?

ChaosCross's avatar

Finish my book and send it for editing,
Doing well, I’m almost done,
Send me some tips on how to publish a first novel, I could really use some help,

Did I do that right?

Jeruba's avatar

Welcome, @ChaosCross. You did fine.

Just as we advise when you join fluther, we also suggest that when you join this thread you look at recent posts and get a feel for the (sub)culture. The latest link is in the question details above.

ChaosCross's avatar

@Jeruba My my, so formal ;D

Ok, I’ve visited the link and I think I have an idea on how all this crazy stuff works.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s not a case of formality so much as that the Progress thread is kind of a community within a community, and it has evolved a flavor of its own. May as well get a sense of that if you’re new and also see what’s going on with the regulars.

If you were speaking of my writing style, it’s not meant to be formal. That’s just the way I write and talk. White gloves (figuratively speaking) and blue jeans. Candles on the dinnertable for macaroni and cheese.

Violet's avatar

Overall, I am doing pretty damn good.
Goals for the week: find a better job.
Oh, I’d also love to want to work out. I have been lifting weights, but I want to want to run.
Accomplishments: I have gone almost a week without masturbating

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I have perused part 4 and I would like to start participating.

I have been pretty stagnant in my personal development since I became disabled in April 2004. It is time for me to define some goals and start working toward them.

I am well aware of my limitations but at nearly 56, I need to find ways to make my life more interesting to me and more valuable to others. While I can’t pick up where I left off in my career, I feel there is no excuse to spend the rest of my life not making progress in any way.

My time line may not be easy to define in terms of weekly goals because everything seems to move in slow motion or at least that is how it has seemed for years.

Any goals I come up with will be more related to hobbies or personal relationships than to my former career.

I will try and define some goal this week.

Jeruba's avatar

Welcome, @Violet. You might be surprised how much a little encouragement can help. What sort of job are you looking for?

Welcome, @Dr_Lawrence. “Weekly” is defined very loosely around here. We set a marker weekly without fail, haven’t missed once, and somebody always stops by. Some folks drop in and out, some are regular, some used to come around and have since moved on. We have shared specific short-term goals, vague long-range ones, and everything in between. I’d suggest picking just one simple achievable thing you’d like to do (get to the Y for one swim? read one online article? master one tough guitar chord?) and tell us what it is.

@ChaosCross, there have been a lot of questions about books and publishing here over time. One came up just this evening. Have you tried searching for the topic?

Violet's avatar

@Jeruba I totally agree! When I asked my masturbation question, I got a lot of encouragement. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

Berserker's avatar

Goals for the week; pay my electricity bill before they force me to live like a hobbit.

jazzjeppe's avatar

I need to lose a couple of kilos weight before March 3rd in preparation for GBP surgery. That’s my main goal this coming week.

Just_Justine's avatar

hi I hope I do this right.

I want to start working out again, I used to, I don’t want to at all, but know I should.

I want to get a life outside of my career, as I have over identified with it.

I want to detach from my co workers I realise I have so many goals. So I will stop there! If it is too many at once?

Sophief's avatar

I never got the job I said I went for, so I am still looking. Me and my boyfriend have started decorating, which is fun. Nothing else to tell.

Cruiser's avatar

Today is my last day as a Cub Scout leader and this will free up a good slug of time for me that more than likely will get devoted towards my sons Boy Scout Activity. Seriously though I am both sad and relieved for it to be finally over. Cub Scouts is a lot of work!!

CaptainHarley's avatar

My goal for the next couple of months is to finish rebuilding a home for my wife and me. Progress, while slow, has been steady and I think we may be done by the end of April.

Finally getting my PhD is a longer term goal, and I have yet to finally decide whether it’s worth the effort at my age ( 66 ), and given my physical problems ( cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure ). I’m currently postponing a final decision on this.

Long term, my primary goal is to stay with my beloved wife as long as I can. I work on THIS one every day of my life. : )

nebule's avatar

wow what an amazing thread.. I can’t believe I’ve totally missed these

1. Read all previous Progress Threads
2. Lose another pound and half this week (by Thursday)
3. Write my first essay by Thursday (for my) new course in the Philosophy of the Mind
4. Put two more posts on my blog by Sunday
5. Release some aggression that I’ve been holding on to for years, through the form of my audio diary

Good luck everyone by the way xxx

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I just got news that I will be able to participate in a clinical trial.Very happy :))

liminal's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille that is wonderful news!

I got a bit of a ring out of my tibetan singing bowl… lots more practice required.

Still working on getting our homeschooling rhythm together and the house is still in a bit of chaos. My hope is that by mid-week the house will be in order again. Hoping Thursday will be a return to a predictable school day.

mangeons's avatar

My current goals are still to keep up my grades and get my room cleaned out. And no, since the beginning of these threads, I have still not gotten my room cleaned out.

And thanks for the new thread, @Jeruba! The old one was taking rather long to load, especially on my ipod.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Ouch! My last posting didn’t go up. Basically ((hugs)) and encouragement for all!

I’ve jumped from hermit to cook/ washerman/ mechanic/ medic on my farm. From childless widow to father figure to 8 teenaged girls(thank goodness for that Paxil “side effect”) They’re all from Quebec so French is the official language here.

The setup work for the maple harvest is going well, only one casualty so far; yesterday one of the young ladies feet went numb (boots too thin), treated with a soak in warm water and later massage with warm oil to get the circulation going again. She’s helping in the kitchen today. “Qu est que c’est NSFW?”: I’m trying to answer tactfully to a 16 year old girl from rural Quebec.

Another item for my goal list. I should get EMT certified. The ambulance is an hour away and I haven’t used my combat medic training in 25 years and haven’t had CPR update in 12 years.

I’ll be switching from the kitchen to the sugar shack (reverse osmosis unit and wood-fired evaporator) once the sap run starts.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@liminal—Thanks! It’s been a bit of a roller coaster with that stuff lately,so that was good news…I just hope Dr.Frankenstein is not the one conducting the experiments!lol!
I hope your week goes well for you! :))—

Jeruba's avatar

Ok, regular guys, we’ve got a lot of new folks today. Help me welcome our newcomers, won’t you?

I’m about to get ready to go out to a matinee performance of The Marriage of Figaro, so I’ll have to do my own checkin a bit later.

wildpotato's avatar

Hi guys. Nice to see you all. I’m kind of in a rut at the moment; maybe this thread will be good for me.

I’ve lost my writing voice. I feel like my academic abilities as a whole became paralyzed over the winter semester. I barely read anything for class, and I didn’t even write the little 1-page summaries we were supposed to turn in – let alone the actual term papers. And I had to write at least one or say goodbye to three credits forever (which equals about $5000 and a permanent “N” on my transcript). I got my books and sat at my computer and waited for the brilliant part of my brain to come out and write – and I felt like there was a wad of cotton stuck in my throat. All I had to do was write a goddamn 15-page essay about anything having to do with Freud’s thought, and it could even just be expository! I’ve taken three classes on the guy, two of them at the graduate level, read the greater part of his work, and I just couldn’t do it. I had no ideas, no inspiration, and worst of all, barely even any interest. Lame.

So now I have five incompletes to catch up with by the end of the summer – five essays to write. They don’t have to be amazing, even, they just have to get done. I need my voice back. So that’s what I’ll be keeping you updated on.

mangeons's avatar

@wildpotato Good luck with getting your writing voice back!

That reminds me, ever since I lost the original story I was writing (35 pages of writing, down the drain), I’ve been meaning to start another story, but I just haven’t done it. So that’s another goal I have, get started on a new story.

nebule's avatar

@wildpotato all the best xx

@mangeons I was reading about that just today… I hope you get something started xx

mangeons's avatar

@lynneblundell Thanks, good luck with your various goals as well! (:

janbb's avatar

@wildpotato One technique for overcoming writer’s block that you may already be aware of is free-writing. You just set yourself an amount of time to keep writing and jot down anything you can without worrying about sentence structure, organization, etc. If you run dry, you just write “I don’t know what to write anymore.” This exercise will sometimes get the juices flowing. Another technique for branstorming ideas is to do clusters, with the main topic, i.e., Freud’s theory of X, as the center and sub-concepts circled around it. These are pretty simplistic solutions that may not help; I understand the frustartion of lack of motivation to write.

@lynneblundell Welcome! This is a great thread for you. I was just across the river from you this week (see below.)

@other newbies Welcome too!

I just got back from a short trip to England for a family reunion. Met up with my sons from San Francisco and Paris and got to be there when Jake met his great-grandmother! Although it doesn’t come under the formal rubric of goals, I was very pleased with how my relationship with my daughter-in-law is developing and felt I made great strides as a “Bubby.”

fireinthepriory's avatar

Good luck with your goals, everyone! Even in the last incarnation (when I joined the thread) I felt as though I couldn’t adequately reply to everyone… now there’s really no hope! Do know that I read all the posts and am cheering you all on. If I have a suggestion or something relevant for someone in particular, I will of course share it. Welcome newbies, and lurve to all!

My goal is to not panic about grad school so I can be productive! I’m still in no-man’s-land, waiting for an email from the guy I applied to to work with telling me whether he’s moving to a new university, and if so, whether I have a shot at going there this fall without having applied there. Meanwhile my university’s email system has been down, on and off, for about a week. I sent Mr.-hopefully-new-adviser an email from my gmail account letting him know to send an email there and not to my school account, but I haven’t gotten anything back so I’m afraid it got shoved to spam and I’ve missed something important. I don’t want to email him again for fear of annoying him, since really I’m at his mercy as far as going to grad school this fall. This is probably silly, but I am still very distracted and having a tough time getting anything done in the meantime. Ah, well. It’ll get better with time. :)

dpworkin's avatar

I learned a sufficient amount about cranial displacement and dentition in Homo erectus today, so that I don’t feel too guilty about neglecting my homework.

Grisaille's avatar

Just popping in to follow the thread.

Hey, all.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Hello, all! My goals this week are:

-figure out how to really find a decent job (followers of the last thread know I had an interview last week with the NYC Department of Education for a job, and I won’t hear until the end of next week on whether I made the second round of interviews) I’m just not very experienced with networking, especially with contacting people I haven’t spoken to in years. It makes me feel like I’m hitting them up ONLY because I need something, which doesn’t feel good.

-choose a sketch of mine to film and find people who want to help me (Again, though, with the problem of asking people for help ::sigh::)

-do some more work on learning Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 (that’s a video editing program), and

-learn at least part of the bass line to one song. I don’t know if it should be ”Words” by The Monkees or ”The Groove Line” by Heatwave. I really listened to both last week and it struck me that neither are especially complicated.

faye's avatar

I read the past threads and would love to join in. I am disabled from arthritis nad compression fractures. I was told to rest last winter and I did but I didn’t rest my my mouth so I ballooned! My goal this year 2010 is to work on my health. Bed is boring. So I stopped smoking Jan 8, (but I had a couple with my daughter last night- the wine), I bought an exercycle and elliptical machine after xmas, eating more salads every day. The doctors are working with me to find pain medication that works but doesn’t make me a zombie. I think we’re about there and so I feel like trying to walk further,and lose some belly. It’s like being 8 months pregnant! for a year now!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

It is scary to make a commitment to a goal in public after having no goals for so long.

Jeruba's avatar

Welcome, @Symbeline, and I hope you do, or we’ll be missing you!

Welcome, @jazzjeppe. A lot of people on our thread have health goals. Good luck.

Welcome, @Just_Justine. Whatever is meaningful to you is what to put down. You did fine. Do you have a specific aim, such as developing a particular interest or exercising so many times a week?

Welcome, @Dibley. It’s a hard time to look for work. Good luck.

Welcome, @Cruiser. Happy retirement.

Welcome, @CaptainHarley. We have a number of older learners on this thread, both for career reasons and for personal enrichment.

Welcome and a special hug to you, @lynneblundell. What excellent goals! I’ll look forward to reading about your progress.

Welcome, @lucillelucillelucille. Let us know how it goes.

@liminal, homeschooling takes such a commitment. I hope you will continue to write about what you’re doing.

@mangeons, I’m rooting for you and your schoolwork. Trying to do your whole room all at once is probably just too much. What if you pick a space that’s, like, a yard square, or even just a foot, and clear that out? Chaos is creeping back into my room, too, so I’ll soon be joining you again in that effort.

@stranger_in_a_strange_land, I am so glad you went ahead! This is a new phase of life for you. After your season of withdrawal, you are engaged again. Let us follow your progress.

Welcome, @wildpotato. I think a lot of us know what it feels like to hit a dry spell. Is that Freud essay still on your to-do list? I’ll bet some of us could propose a question or a prompt that would get you going.

@janbb, welcome back! How great to spend time with your family.

@fireinthepriory, you don’t have to reply to everyone. I like to do it now and then, but writing a few directed replies when you have something specific to say is really fine. General greetings and updates are great too. We are much bigger now than we were when we all used to acknowledge what everybody said. That’s great! More ways to divide your attention, yes, but also more attention coming in. I’m sorry you’re still in limbo on your grad school plans. Is there anything you can do in the meantime?

@dpworkin, good job on the catch-up. How are the legs? Any improvement?

@Grisaille, nice to see you. Are you writing something?

@aprilsimnel, fingers crossed for you on the job, but I hope you keep looking so your hopes aren’t all pinned on one. Bass line on the guitar?

Welcome, @faye. I appreciate the discipline it takes to reverse course. Good luck and let us know how you’re doing. Small steps are still steps.

@Dr_Lawrence, we won’t hound you. We’ll support you. Sounds like right now your goal is to set a goal. That’s a great place to start because everything is possible.

I am working on a term paper for my philosophy class, and I am in danger of researching it to death instead of getting on with the writing. So I would like to get a draft done by the end of this week.

I’m also meeting with a prospective client this week about editing her novel. I’d like to do the job as long as she doesn’t expect it to be done too quickly—I don’t want to return to a heavy work schedule and give up the joys of retirement.

The almond blossoms are gone by and the lilacs are in bud. I love the early flowers. They remind me sweetly that I can start afresh on whatever I’ve previously left to wither, or I can just chop off the dead blossoms and move on.

Vunessuh's avatar

My main goal is to finish a screenplay of mine before March 22nd (which happens to be my birthday) so I have exactly a month. ::sighs::
That’s at least three pages of rewrites a day. A tad discouraging, but possible. I want it’s completion to be a birthday present to me. :)

Grisaille's avatar

@Jeruba You are the best at this, you know that?

nebule's avatar

@Jeruba I want you as a muse and mentor…you are brilliance embodied!

I have 148 words of my essay after working for two hours (1500 total) and have realised that I do not know enough about this subject and have to revisit relevant course material and re-read set excerpts until the neurons start firing ideas…

I have read the first Progress Thread and not sure if I can manage the others this week..with aforementioned essay…

Am going to have a hard time getting that pound and half off as I was total naughtiness yesterday on the diet (and the two days before that!!) :-/ But I am determined to do my best

I have an idea for my blog….just need to set to it later!

and I have plans for anger therapy later today!!

@Vunessuh you can do it… little steps… what little bit can you do today

Berserker's avatar

@Vunessuh I wish you luck with this. :)
Also my birthday is on March third. >_> XD

Dog's avatar

Hi All,
It has been a while since I have been able to post a goal but here I go:

I have designed several new lines of art to add to my licensing portfolio. Most is rough sketches in my book and some I have begun to paint out.

My goal is to provide 4 new complete lines with complimentary designs to appeal to a broad market and launch it within a week.

Complicating this is the untimely death of my computer. But I will not bve hampered. I will just keep plugging away at the basic designs using acrylic, gouache and watercolor.

I will update on Sunday and damn well better be able to state that my goal has been reached!


To all- may your goals see progress this week!

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Jeruba – Bass line on the bass guitar, yes. I have a lefty bass guitar.

I am indeed still looking for other work, but I realize that I don’t know how to look for a job that is higher up than an admin, even though such work bored me to tears and I hated every second of it. I didn’t think I deserved to work in any higher position. I never asserted my opinion or suggestions at meetings, afraid that I would be made to look foolish.
Let me put this here while I’m here. I hope it helps someone to, as Cher once so eloquently put it in Moonstruck, “SNAP OUT OF IT!”

My problems in looking for work this past year? This is what happens when you allow yourself to believe that you are “not as good as” others; you shy away from showing your skills or challenging yourself, you don’t connect with people and then when you’re stuck, you don’t know who to turn to or where to go. I wouldn’t even know the first person to contact now to let them know that I want to be in the TV and film business again. It’s been a while since I worked in that area, and I didn’t maintain contacts with my co-workers or bosses or join related organizations because, hey, I was just a a PA. Just a secretary. Only super-important director and producer-type people are involved in that stuff. What would I have to say? What would I have to contribute? Nothing. Best to keep my mouth shut and go file something. And now look where I am. No contacts at all, and too embarrassed to look for the people I used to work with. I doubt they’d remember me, I was such a mouse.

Have faith in yourself at all times. Don’t be afraid to talk to people. Stop worrying about whether someone ‘higher up’ is judging you. It doesn’t matter; such people honestly are no better or worse than you. Assert yourself and your ideas in the world. Be kind to yourself at all times. Believe in yourself at all times. If you live with a firm belief in yourself and your abilities and your likability, then no matter where you find yourself, you know you’ll be OK.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

My goal for this week is to address a lump in my right nipple that is worrying me – I am trying to not so accidentally run into a breast health physician assistant friend of mine today at the hospital so she can feel me up and send me for a sonogram. Second goal is to get a colonoscopy done.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Dog's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Hoping you run into the doctor and the tests are negative.

nebule's avatar

@aprilsimnel I’ve just printed that off to stick above my kettle as I do this all too often… in fact I’ve been guilty of this constantly for the past few years!! thank you for sharing that… I hope you continue with conviction and head held high xx

@Simone_De_Beauvoir all the best xxxxxxx

@Dog you are already doing something (and have been doing for some time…) something that I’d love to be doing so I think you’re fabulous and anything you do is fine by me xxx

Violet's avatar

I have a new goal for this week: be able to to 2 real push ups.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Violet Good for you! Keep your back straight.

zephyr826's avatar

@Violet That’s a great Goal. It starts with two, and continues till you have a core of steel.

Welcome to all the new posters. It’s one of the best parts of restarting the thread, having new faces and new challenges. I’d love to greet you all in person, but we’re in the midst of parent-teacher conferences right now and I can’t get too involved.

As I said last week, my goal is to start working on this new course. Over the weekend I fleshed out the things I want to include over the semester, and this week, I’d like to get a vague timeline done with which to develop a syllabus. Anyone who’s taken or taught an acting class at some point and has some pointers, PM me. I’m always looking for good ideas.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Update: So I did see the PA, she did an exam, said it could be a sebaceous cyst (most likely) or a breast cancer lump and since she is unable to tell the difference, she’s ordering me an emergency sonogram for sometime in the next couple of days. Strangely, I am not too worried about it.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Good luck with it; I trust it will be a cyst. Keep us posted.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir ((hugs)) Sending you all my positive energy.

nebule's avatar

Really struggling with this essay to the point where I’ve just been in tears about it… I’ve never been like this before, I can’t believe how awful I feel. It’s supposed to be really simple too and I just can’t do it. I’m wondering what the hell I’m doing taking this course right now. My tutor is rubbish and hasn’t helped at all and I have to finish this by Thursday and have so little time. I might just go to bed and cry some more. :-’( so far…not very successful at all.

Jeruba's avatar

@lynneblundell, what’s the essay about? Can you write the middle and do the beginning later?

Violet's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land and @zephyr826 Thank you : )
Sometimes I can’t even do 1 push up, and I just do “girl” push ups, or I just hold myself up in a traditional push up. For the first time in years, I did 1 push up last night. I have been lifting weights, so I think that really helped.

nebule's avatar

The beginning is done and I have a basic concluding paragraph too. The question is basically requiring me to explain Gilbert Ryle’s criticism of Descartes two-substance-dualism.

Ryle totally annihilates Descartes by saying he makes a category mistake (which we have to define and describe and which I have done). Descartes theory is based on a everything that proceeds from that is wrongly entailed…according to Ryle. Part of the problem I’m having is that Ryle’s theory is totally outdated (logical behaviourism) and has it’s flaws as well and I don’t agree with half of the criticisms that he aims at Descartes, but I’m not really allowed to start critically evaluating Ryle (which is stupid)

I seem to have done a lot of what they ask in 500 words and I feel reluctant to start explaining a view in more depth that I thoroughly disagree with…I’m just exhausted thinking about it…and all the doubt in the world has crept in now…about my ability to do this and I want to hurl the books across the room. And it’s 21:40 here now so I may as well go and get some rest rather than kicking myself for another hour and wasting even more time. Thank you though xxx Sorry I’ve taken up so much space. xx

Jeruba's avatar

Ah, but you don’t have to agree, you just have to comprehend—right? It sounds like your own point of view is hanging you up. If you could write a paper about what the Buddhists believe or the Greek Othodox believe or the Rastafarians believe without having to share the belief yourself, this sounds like the same thing: explain this thinker’s position as if from his point of view.

Not to get too far off topic, @lynneblundell, but we do sometimes go into specifics a bit, and it seems to me that if you could free yourself of your own perspective here, your work would be done.

You seem to have run into a patch of sand on the ice that’s halting you in much the same way as @wildpotato. I’ve been there and a lot of us have. You can push past it. This is your field, and you’ve got what it takes—so says the award you received. But sometimes the absolute best thing is a night’s sleep. I have come to a state of helpless frustration with an intractable problem in so many editing jobs, wondering what the hell to do next, and just shut the damn thing, only to find the next day that the solution was plain and simple. You can’t think well in that state, so it’s best to stop for a while.

dpworkin's avatar

@Dawgie – I didn’t know you were an artist; one learns something new each day.

@Simone – Fingers and toes crossed. I don’t know if you’re scared; I would be.

In fact, I am scared of my Demographic Anthropology homework because it has nuh-nuh-numbers in it (Yikes!)

janbb's avatar

Thought better of it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@lynneblundell – If you understand what Ryle is arguing, then you’ve done your bit. Have a good night’s sleep and you’ll be able to knock it out in the morning, I’m sure. 500 words, fortunately, isn’t a lot.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Please go have your concern checked out. I hope your fears will turn out to be without basis and you will be well. My thoughts are with you.

faye's avatar

Okay, I chopped up a huge salad, tried my exercycle but didn’t last too long, bathed and pampered myself a bit and didn’t need any extra pills. @Simone_De_Beauvoir I’ve had breast scares-best wishes, @lynneblundell You sound to be working so hard!

nebule's avatar

@Jeruba thank you – feel a little more positive this morning. I think I’d probably tried to do too much yesterday without clarity. I hear what you are saying and totally agree with you. If I can drop my subjectivity about the issue and concentrate on the facts maybe I’ll actually begin to see the explanation more clearly.

@aprilsimnel I think that perhaps I need to re-read some of the course material again to make sure I have really understood it… I have a suspicion I am missing something!

Thank you guys… will try not to get too far off topic in future xx

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@dpworkin I had to tutor Meghan by e-mail with her undergrad statistics course for her psychology major (I was deployed halfway around the world). Sometimes finding a tutor who can explain things from a different angle than the textbook or the instructor can make all the difference. I just kept looking for different ways of explaining until the “lightbulb” went on; it’s a great feeling when that happens in a student.

@lynneblundell You don’t have to agree with Lyle, just demonstrate that you understand what he is saying and contrast with Descartes. As @Jeruba says, you don’t have to agree, just understand and contrast, like comparative religions.

@Violet Are you working with a spotter if using freeweights? (safety)

nebule's avatar

1118 words and now fears she may go over word limit and have to start cutting back…on the nonsense that has been churned out. :-)

@stranger_in_a_strange_land go you, you sound like a great teacher!! unlike my current one…grumble grumble lol xxx

@faye well done you!! xxx

Grisaille's avatar

I’m so apathetic.

I don’t even feel like writing this message here. I have a whole lot to say, or a lot I should say, rather. I just don’t have it in me.

janbb's avatar

@Grisaille You have been rather quiet lately. Feel like sharing what’s doing or not ^^?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@lynneblundell I sound better on the internet than in person.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Grisaille – Well, we’re glad you’ve put in a word, just to let us know you’re around. Whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Well it looks like I will probably not be going to grad school this fall. Ah, well. I only applied to one school, so I knew this was a possibility and I’m not too upset. It’s more frustrating than anything, because it didn’t come down to my actual credentials. My potential adviser is almost certainly moving to a new university but deferring a year. While I could still attend the school he’s at now for a year and then move with the lab, he thinks it’s unlikely that they’ll take me now that they know he (and therefore, I) would be leaving in a year. I don’t blame them. Better to make room for people who’ll stay through completion; I’d hate to be turned down in favor of someone else and then find out they left a year later. Wouldn’t you? I’ll apply at this new school (and probably several others for backup!!) for next year.

Now that that’s almost certainly cleared up, I’ll be able to focus more on finishing my Master’s degree by September! Two experiments down, one to go. Bring it on. My immediate goal is to read through my proposal, top to bottom, and send it to the new post-doc I’m working with by Friday. I wrote it months ago, here’s to hoping I wrote something coherent! :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@fireinthepriory maybe that’s how it’s meant to go down and the reasons you’ll see later on, you know?

I got my lump checked out…after many people looking at it and poking and prodding they still don’t know what it is…and now I want a biopsy.

janbb's avatar

@fireinthepriory I’m sorry you have to delay a year, but it seems almost certain the adviser you want to work with will be bucking for you in the new place.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir So frustrating that they couldn’t determine anything! Will you be able to get the biopsy soon?

As some of you know, I am at a plateau in my life. Kids are long gone and unfortunately far away, my job has been satisfying but lately has not been. My main goal is finding more richness and passion (and losing the perennial 5–15 pounds.) I ended up in more discussions with colleagues at work today and also spending some time learning and evaluating the Kindles which we have just purchased for use in the lbirary. I felt more stimulated than of late.

nebule's avatar

@janbb have you ever read Simple Abundance and Something More by Sarah Ban Breathnach… They are beautiful books to read and they help one find passion and richness through various ‘exercises’ (that word sooo doesn’t do them justice)... They’re lovely anyway…might be just up your street?.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb I really don’t know – these things take time (needlessly) but because I am friends with and a colleague of the original provider, I can give her a call in a few days and hurry things up.

jonsblond's avatar

Hello everyone! This is a first for me.

My goal is to Fluther less and exercise more. I just hiked in the snowy woods for an hour with my dogs and I feel great. I hope to continue doing this daily throughout the week. I need to get off the computer now, but I will return later with words of encouragement for everyone else.

janbb's avatar

@jonsblond Good goal. I love hiking and snowy woods plus dogs sounds lovely.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@janbb – I highly suggest you look for a few titles by Barbara Sher. She’s awesome. There’s a book she’s written called “I Could Do Anything… If I Only Knew What It Was” that’s great for helping people figure that sort of stuff out.

janbb's avatar

@aprilsimnel and @lynneblundell Thanks for the book suggestions; I will look in to them.

zephyr826's avatar

@jonsblond Welcome. I too need to exercise more, but alas, we haven’t had any significant snow all year. Way to get started!
@janbb I know how hard it is when suddenly you feel like you’re somehow on pause. Here’s hoping that the new kindles (aren’t they adorable) signal the start of new exciting things.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I hope that the biopsy comes quickly. Here’s hoping for good results!
@fireinthepriory Way to look on the bright side. Good luck with your editing!

My colleague (our Spanish teacher) fell skiing on Sunday and broke her leg in four places. She will be off it for 12 weeks, and out of school for at least a few of those. I have suddenly been thrown into the role of department head, right as next year’s scheduling, two language conferences, and an annual overnight field trip come around. My current goal is to make it through the week without killing her sub, and to call the hotels and the airlines for her. I feel so petty for whining about this. She is being such a trouper, but I am so not meant to be in charge.

fireinthepriory's avatar

@jonsblond That sounds wonderful. I live in the middle of a city, so going for a long walk inevitably ends up with being at least mildly harassed. Bike rides are better (although I was once followed by a teenage bike gang… Haha I really have to move) so I’m waiting with bated breath for the snow to melt! I always feel better after some physical activity.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Also hoping for good results for you here. Glad you have friends in the biz, it’ll make it that much easier to get to the next step and figure it out.

And thank you, @janbb, Simone and @zephyr826. :)

nebule's avatar

Oh!! I’ve finished my essay… am just going to have one final read through tomorrow morning in peace and over coffee made with much love and then send it off through the ether!! Still not sure if I’ve got it all right…(and I’ve had zero help from my tutor who I am incidentally going to lodge a concern about tomorrow) but it’s done anyway and I don’t think it’s too bad at all!! Yay!! xx

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

My next goal: get through the colonoscopy prep and the colonoscopy itself on Friday.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@lynneblundell I’m sure you did wonderfully on your essay.

@fireinthepriory Sorry about the academic letdown. Good luck on finishing your Masters.

@jonsblond Welcome. I need to get more aerobic exercise in also, I can feel the mood difference if I don’t.

@zephyr826 Sometimes we are shoved into roles we never wanted and discover talents we never knew we had.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Wishing the best for you ((hugs)).

The lambing is over, our flock is now 48, 23 lambs. I’m handing over the cooking to Genevive and heading into the woods tomorrow, we start tapping trees. I want to be out there to prevent injuries (drills and wrenches can slip) or be right there with the first aid kit if they do. By popular acclaim, I’m to be cook on weekends; I’m still amazed that they love my cooking.

Jeruba's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, you’re in my thoughts. I’m not worried, exactly. Let’s say concerned. Let us know, please.

faye's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Sounds like a vacation work to me. I had a big salad again, made myself up and got out and about today. In bed now whining, but I’ll do something again tomorrow.

Violet's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land I use free weights (10 lbs), so I don’t need a spotter.

nebule's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’ve had a couple of these! Admittedly they are not very pleasant but I’m sure you will be fine and it will be over before you know it! xx All the best xx

@stranger_in_a_strange_land you sound like you’re doing really amazingly…well done xxx

I’ve finally sent an email to a specialist solicitor regarding making a will… (in order to make sure Theo gets put into the right care in the event of my death) something I’ve been putting off for quite some time apart from anything, because I burst into tears every time I think about it but I’ve made a step in the right direction! BIG achievement on that one!

dpworkin's avatar

@lynneblundell I am still procrastinating about that myself – I know how much energy it takes. That’s a tough one.

janbb's avatar

@lynneblundell Just think of it as another important thing you’ve got to do to insure Theo’s well-being. It’s not anything that will be needed for a long time if at all, and once it’s done, you don’t need to dwell on it. If you can keep your imagination out of it as much as possible, it’s not that hard to go through and you will feel good that Theo has been provided for by you.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@lynneblundell It’s not something we like to think about, but so necessary. I don’t know how it’s handled in the UK, but you should also look into a “living will” or “advance directive for health care”. This instructs the medical providers to “pull the plug” if you are unconcious and there is no reasonable chance of recovery. In the US if you don’t have one of these, you can be kept alive on machines in a “vegetative state” while the hospital drains your assets. Being 20 years older than Meg and a professional soldier, I had “put my affairs in order” many years ago, assuming that Meg would survive me by many years. Fate had other plans, alas.

We should have all of our trees tapped in another 3–4 days. Many hands make light work. We’re tapping 520 maples; 1040 taps and feeder lines. If we finish early, we’ll help our neighbor and her sons with their taps. This may get interesting; 2 teenaged boys and 8 girls of the same age working together. The boys know that I’m watching out for these demoiselles.

janbb's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land makes a very good point and one that I meant to mention, We have both designated “health care proxies” and advanced care directives as part of our wills. As I said above, it is reassuring to get it done.

mangeons's avatar

I got my class selection sheet for next year today, and after careful consideration (and discussion with @augustlan) I decided to take a shot at AP World History. The class is a lot more hands on, and I feel I would enjoy it more and be more successful in it. The only thing I’m worried about is that I won’t be able to keep up with the workload. But like I said, I’m taking a shot at it.

I also selected Creative Writing as one of my electives, and I am hoping that the class will get me back on the track of writing.

janbb's avatar

@mangeons If the class is exciting and the teacher good, you’ll be able to handle the work. Good on ya for choosing it! The writing class sounds like fun.

zephyr826's avatar

@mangeons I loved my AP History classes in high school! They were wonderful, and I think it’s great that you’re going for it!

nebule's avatar

did I tell you I sent my essay for marking….

OH my… all this will business is really making me sad… but I’ve got a few emails back… it’s gonna cost me £80 at the cheapest at the moment… so I need to write it myself first and get things in order… it’s really really crap and…. I’ve really had the crapiest evening in a long long time :-(

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Had the colonoscopy – they found one polyp, removed it (I’ll find out the biopsy’s result later as far as the polyp goes).

dpworkin's avatar

Oy, the easy pasrt is over. I hate waiting for results. I always imagine the worst.

nebule's avatar

xxxx love to you all tonight! xxx

janbb's avatar

(I always figured the hard part of a colonoscopy was the prep part.) It does sound like you are having a rash of biopsies, @Simone_De_Beauvoir. Hope for speedy and favorable results on both bits..

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb I just figured to do it all and get it over with…in the past couple of years, I’ve been getting my shit together and going to all the doctors is part of that…not sure that I’ll have to do the breast biopsy…seeing the surgeon Monday

nebule's avatar

that didn’t mean i don’t love you on other nights btw!

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I would think that getting your shit together is counter-productive in terms of a colonoscopy; it’s the dispersal that bothers me!
So it doesn’t sounds like there are particular worries at that end, just routine maintenance. Kudos to you and let us know what the surgeon says.

augustlan's avatar

Love, hugs, and encouragement to all of you!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@mangeons Good luck with the history course. A fascinating subject. Starting this summer, I’ll be making my second attempt at a doctorate in that noble field.

The heavy snow on the tree branches is presenting a hazard. I’m keeping the girls out of the woods this morning. Genevive and I are going to do a recon of the #2 line section. Snowshoes, barrier tape and a shotgun. Any branches that are dangerously loaded with ice, I’ll try to knock off the ice with birdshot (standard practice here). If I can’t dislodge it, we’ll use the colored tape to mark off a safety zone. Hopefully this afternoon (weather permitting) we’ll place the last taps in section #2 and start the vacuum pump. Tomorrow will be a day off (first full day off in 2 weeks for the crew). We had a minor accident yesterday, one of the ladies cut her finger on a drill bit; there was ice on the tree and she didn’t realize that a wood bit is not an ice auger. Cleaned it up and bandaged, followed by a gentle lecture to all the crew about handling tools safely. These ladies really want to impress us with good work, but I don’t want them taking risks.

Jeruba's avatar

===================== Sunday, February 28, 2010 =====================

I’m away from home tonight (Saturday) and in a class all day Sunday, so I’m just setting the midnight marker and then retiring. I’ll catch up in a day or two.

How has your week gone? What are your hopes and aims for the coming week?

Violet's avatar

I had a wonderful day! My boyfriend woke me up with coffee, went for a scenic drive, he took me to a fancy seafood restaurant, went home, watched a movie, and had some great adult time!!
I have a surgery consultation on Monday, and possibly the actual surgery (it’s minor, just to remove a cyst). I don’t know what to expect.

nebule's avatar

Well my aims were:
1. Read all previous Progress Threads
– I only read one

2. Lose another pound and half this week (by Thursday)
– I stayed the same, despite working really really hard at it…maybe it will show up this week.

3. Write my first essay by Thursday (for my) new course in the Philosophy of the Mind
– I completed this one and thought I did a pretty good job too.

4. Put two more posts on my blog by Sunday
– Didn’t manage any blog posts at all :-(

5. Release some aggression that I’ve been holding on to for years, through the form of my audio diary
– I did try to do this but when I used my dictophone the anger really didn’t seem to be there… but I DID end up telling my sister some feelings I was having on Friday night and it’s ended up in a big argument, which I miserable about

Will post my new aims later when I’m feeling a little more positive perhaps.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Violet Sounds like you had a great time, so happy for you! I had a sebaceous cyst taken off my arm a few years ago. It took about 20 minutes under a local anesthetic and two stitches.

Genevive and I went out yesterday and knocked loose some ice from branches. We also set the last 72 taps on the second line. We’re drawing about 100 gallons of sap daily now, not much, but the temperature profile is not optimum yet.

Gen and I had a long talk while we were in the woods. Things are much better between us that I had thought.

Today is an “off day”. I’ve got five loaves of bread in the oven and am making a gallon of two-alarm chili (the crew is from Quebec, don’t want to overpower them). Another gallon of beef stew, a wok load of stir-fried veggies and a black forest cake (mit Kirschwasser) will round out the feast.

@lynneblundell It feels good to get rid of that aggression, doesn’t it?

Dog's avatar

@lynneblundell Things will pick up. Great job on the essay
@Violet May the cyst removal be fast. Nice you had such a good day.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land How many trees total? Awesome about the sap and wish I was there for the party.

On a very happy note I got another contract this week with a manufacturer and will be processing 12 painting images to be sold as canvas gallery-wrapped prints.

My goal for the week was to create 4 new complete lines. I am nearly there with final detail work needing to be done on the fourth. I will complete this today and send it to my agent.

After this I am going to start work for Fall and Halloween. So next weeks goal will be to have two Halloween lines and two fall lines by next week.

Thinks are looking up and forward!

dpworkin's avatar

I have a finicky, silly, rote-memorization exam to study for, so of course I am on Fluther.

janbb's avatar

And I’ve finally got some energy back after three days with a cold and swollen glands so why am I still on Fluther?

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Need any extra help with the sugaring?
@Dog Great work, Dawgie!
@lynneblundell You’re too hard on yourself – take pleasure in what you do get done.
@dpworkin Get workin, kiddo! Finish your studying and then come back and play.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Dog Congratulations on the contract! We’ve got 392 trees tapped now and hope to have 520 done by the end of the week.

@janbb Sure! The more the merrier!

nebule's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land well actually i’ve not felt this bad for a long time… I hate fighting and so…no…it doesn’t really feel very good right now :-(

@janbb thank you… must try harder at not being hard on myself!

@Dog you are brill xx

liminal's avatar

I am definitely better at making a Tibetan singing bowl gong than I am at making it sing.

While I sometimes find it easy to grasp a concept I sometimes stumble around in terms of knowing how to apply it. Which often makes homeschooling an exercise in my own learning not just the children’s. This week I am on the hunt for some creative and diverse history resources.

While we get outside and play every day we still have a bit of cabin fever going on. March is always a hard month for me to get through and the kids notice. My goal for this week is to plan out at least one prolonged outdoor adventure for every week in March.

faye's avatar

Fell off the wagon with some drinks last night. A good firend is moving to Ontario. I have exersised each day on the bike but not very far trips! Cleaned house yesterday which hurts so I’m having a bed day. I did buy all the little jiffy pot for my seeds so tomorrow will be tomato day!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I am glad for the weekend – there are stressful things at work and the resolution is not yet in sight – I have to continue to interact with people that have made my life hell and I don’t know how long for.

dpworkin's avatar

How can a man study when there is a hockey game to watch?

holden's avatar

Hi guys, what’s up? I’ve been mostly inactive on fluther for the past two months or so but I do lurk. I’ve been missing this discussion and have been intending to rejoin for the last few weeks but until now have felt too embarassed to show my face here again. Now I’ll go back and read through the last week’s responses so as to catch up a little bit.


janbb's avatar

@holden Good to see you.

dpworkin's avatar

@holden Glad you’re back.

Violet's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land was there any major pain after the anesthetic wore off? I have a pretty high pain tolerance. The cyst is in my left wrist (I’m right handed). What were you able to not do after surgery (drive, exercise, etc)
Good luck with the sap
@Dog thank you so much : ) When you said “lines”, are you referring to your painting? What exactly is a line?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Violet There was no pain at all after the surgery. I was able to return to duty the next day with no restrictions. The stitches came out four days later.

Dog's avatar

Welcome Back Holden!!!

I am totally elated! Not only did I meet my deadline but I was able to paint an extra painting too!

This is seriously the first time I have jammed out so many paintings!
Thanks for the support everyone- knowing I had to report in fueled me!

janbb's avatar

Go Doggie, go Doggie, go Doggie go!!

augustlan's avatar

Great work everyone, including you @lynneblundell. I know it was unpleasant, but sometimes these things need to be done!

I finished my first Fluther newsletter! It’s not really much more than an email, but I’m following the examples the guys have sent out in the past. I hope to expand on it in the coming months. It will be sent out Monday. If you all want to receive it, go to “my account”, and then “notifications”. Under “email”, check the “newsletter” box.

janbb's avatar

Go Auggie, go Auggie, go Auggie, go!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Health Update: The breast surgeon decided against the biopsy for me – he believes my lump to be a result of a nipple infection – said to do another sonogram in 3 months and come see him for follow-up.

dpworkin's avatar

@simone: Whew!

Dog's avatar

Awesome news! May the infection clear fast!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@dpworkin @Dog thanks, it’s taking its time though but I’m not too worried.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Thats great! Hope you’re on the right antibiotics @Simone_De_Beauvoir .

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land they decided against antibiotics as well because the lump has decreased in size and swelling and inflammation on its own.

aprilsimnel's avatar


Nipple infection? Ya learn somethin’ new ev’ry day! I would never have imagined there could be such a thing!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@aprilsimnel Neither would I – I asked him how it came about – he said ’ a variety of ways it can come about ’ I told him ‘care to venture one’...anyway he was too busy helping the 3 med students in the room find the difference in my nipples.

dpworkin's avatar

Nipple mites. The scourge of breasts everywhere.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

I guess my milestone for the past few weeks is getting a song recorded in using tracks. It’s the first time I’ve attempted tracked recording. Still a little rough around the edges, but I’m proud of it. Intensity Sleeps

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir That’s great news!
@JeanPaulSartre Cool song.

On my continual goal of getting more fit and perhaps thinner, I took a Zumba class at the gym this morning. It’s such a relief when you get to the point in life where you realize that everyone probably isn’t looking at you. (Although I have to say, a penguin doing salsa dancing is probably quite a sight to see.)

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@JeanPaulSartre Fine piece of music! Worthy of a recording contract, IMHO.

nebule's avatar

@JeanPaulSartre liking the moodiness!!

I think I’m just going to try to be kind to myself this week…how I’m going to do that I’m not entirely sure right now…maybe I just need to tell myself like a hundred times a day that…I deserve happiness and can provide myself with happiness..perhaps… I need a good mantra…. mayeb that will be my aim for the week..get a mantra

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@janbb @stranger_in_a_strange_land @lynneblundell Thanks for the feedback!

A record deal is probably not in my future @stranger_in_a_strange_land, but thank you for thinking so!

fireinthepriory's avatar

You never know, @JeanPaulSartre. Although I think a record deal would be very stressful, personally!

Great news, @Simone_De_Beauvoir!! [high five]

@lynneblundell Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Maybe you should ask Fluther for a good mantra? ;)

I got my big Master’s outline and methodology written last week, and I think it was pretty good. It’ll certainly make writing the final thesis much easier. Now I’m working on a side project that involves photography, which was my second undergraduate major. It’s nice to use that second set of skills – I sacrificed a lot of freedom in terms of coursework in order to fit that second major in and a lot of times it feels like it was in vain. Plus it’s just good to switch up what I’m spending the majority of my time on! I hate spending too long on one thing. It’s why I got into academic biology – a project can only last so long, and most projects involve many different techniques, so you’re never stuck doing one thing for too long. I find doing new things to be refreshing. This new project is really energizing me and I’m burning through the work. All my photos are taken, now I’ll be cutting out fish in photoshop for a few days. My goal is to cut them all out and have a mockup of my final diagram by Friday.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@fireinthepriory True I suppose, but I just can’t see myself pursuing anything that takes me away from my family for so much time out of the year.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@JeanPaulSartre – Don’t let Billy Corgan hear this. He might send Courtney Love to kill you because someone was better than him.

augustlan's avatar

The newsletter caused a new Fluther record… most people on the site simultaneously, ever! Yay!

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@aprilsimnel ha ha, Thanks! I’m so scared of that woman – seriously, that’s the stuff nightmares are made of. Billy should come himself – we could jam over coffee.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@JeanPaulSartre You can do studio / no touring. Enya built a wonderful career on that. Session work is another option.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land That I could consider, although, no idea how to get going on that. I PMed ya.

nebule's avatar

@augustlan I think I will do that tomorrow!! (ask fluther that is!) go you anyway!! Good luck with the mock up xxx and the newsletter = fabulous xx

I’ve managed to actually post a couple of things on my blog, even though they are tiny things..they’re posts!! I have sorted things out with my sister! and am feeling a little brighter…

janbb's avatar

Putting in some extra hours at work this week due to a colleague’s bereavement. It feels good to be busier and also to have something of a change in schedule.

dpworkin's avatar

In the liberry, “studying” for a picky, shitty rote-memory type of exam. I expect to suck at it, not least because I am on Fluther instead of being in my book.

janbb's avatar

Well then gae aveck @dpworkin

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

We’re back in the woods doing the final tapping. Slight snow flurries, but no wind. The last several days of wind have got the battery banks full and we’re running the pumps care of Mother Nature. Tapping should be done tomorrow, then just looking for vacuum leaks now and again. I’m setting up the #3 pump skid this afternoon. We’re getting about 200 gallons a day now, still running the small evaporator; will probably shift over to “the monster” next week. About 30 gallons of Grade A Light Amber in the drum so far.

I kep the crew in when the wind was high, so no more injuries, thank goodness. Genevive and Karen are running the kitchen now. Little Jacqueline (who almost froze her feet) likes to follow me around like a puppy, so she’s my “tool passer” in the shop. I’m rebuilding the backup pump skid so a failure doesn’t cost us time. We have backup units for everything except the reverse osmosis unit (too expensive, but I have enough spares, including a membrane). When the sap run starts in earnest, we’ll be filling about 2 55 gallon drums a week, right now we’ve filled about half a drum in two weeks.

@lynneblundell It’s amazing what can be sorted out in relationships. Genevive and I are working well together, when just three weeks ago I thought all was hopeless. ((hugs))

janbb's avatar

Not really a milestone of mine but I feel like posting it here for sharing. I have a new grand-niece, born yesterday evening in Brooklyn! We’ll get to see her on Friday.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh @Janbb! Mazel Tov!

janbb's avatar

Thanks, pd. My phone buzzed about 20 minutes ago and I got a text with her name and two pictures. Sometimes, technology is just grand!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb Do you want to come visit us in Brooklyn?

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir It probably won’t work out for this Friday cause I am working in the morning and going to a play in the city after seeing the baby. But it would be fun to do sometime! Thanks for the thought.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb well I meant in general, not this friday lol…free saturday?

nebule's avatar

@janbb congratulations xxx

I’ve managed 3 blog posts!!

janbb's avatar

@lynneblundell Thanks! Good on ya on the blog posts.

Dog's avatar

Awesome @lynneblundell !

I have contracted 12 new works and today am painting Holiday Cards for Horse and Hound. I have my new paint (arrived yesterday) and a new sta-wet palette that will make life easier keeping the acrylic paint wet.
I hope to finish two or three paintings today.

@dpworkin- May the test give you total recall!

dpworkin's avatar

Took both exams this week, I expect I did OK, even on the hateful, picky one.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@dpworkin Good for you! May you ace both of them.

Our taps are all in, 1118 of them (one tree I chose not to tap for safety reasons). The only woods-work left now is the occaissional patrol for vacuum leaks. Were pulling 250 gallons of sap per day; still running the small evaporator. Our tasks now are mild, checking the lines, monitoring the pumps, backwashing the RO unit and running the evaporator. Genevive and Karen are now reasonably competant at running the small evaporator. I’m rotating each of the ladies through a stint at each task in the operation, so they will all have a resume at the end of the season indicating that they are fully competant in all aspects of the maple operation. Everyone is also taking turns in the sheepfold; feeding, mucking out and keeping the heater running.

I’ve raided the root cellar and am going to make a treat for supper tonight, fried apple pie with plenty of cinnamon and maple sugar. A well-deserved reward for work well-done. These ladies have done a magnificent job.

faye's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land I’m probably the only Canadian that doesn’t like maple sugar! But, wow, lots of work with that many trees! @dpworkin so good to have exams behind you, huh? I have got myself up, made up, and out of the house for 3 days running. Partly it’s so I can write it down here! Thanks all.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh. I got to 20k. Now I can die in piece.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@faye During maple season, nobody working with the stuff can stand it. The cloying sweetness permeates everything. We love to eat sour things like pickles.

@dpworkin Way to go!! I hope that I can get there before the site disappears like all good things.

janbb's avatar

Although iti’s been said many times, many ways, Mazel Tov again, pd, 4RL.

dpworkin's avatar

And Merry Christmas to you, too, bubbeleh.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I overcame one of the hurdles at work.

dpworkin's avatar

@Simone: Cool beans!

fireinthepriory's avatar

I’m about to go on a short “spring break” trip to Washington DC, so my goal for this week is just to relax!!

See you all in a week, and may this coming week be as good as this past week seems to have been for all of us Jellies. Lots of positivity and goals met here this week! :)

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

We topped off our first 55 gallon drum this morning. Liquid gold. If we can fill another dozen this season, we’ll do fine. The run is still slow, temperature profile still isn’t right. What is needed is nighttime lows around 10–15 F and day temps in the 40s. This morning I’m going over to the neighbors and pick up a 500 gallon tankload of sap. I’ll run the big evaporator to process it. I’m looking into buying a second reverse osmosis unit as a backup and to handle peak load, a new one is too expensive for this kind of use, maybe next year we’ll have another.

Town Meeting is next Tuesday. I hope I don’t get drafted for some office. The Emergency Director post may be open, but I’m hoping the incumbent will stay on one more term before I get stuck with it.

dpworkin's avatar

I am seized by a sudden desire to devise demographic life tables from Meso-American archeological data. I just can’t wait! Could it be that my homework is past due?

janbb's avatar

@dpworkin Man, you do have some crazy desires, dontcha? Carpe diem, bubbeleh!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@dpworkin I’m a dinosaur with things like that. I do them in pen and ink, then search for a software format to transfer it to (or someone to do it for me). Good luck!

dpworkin's avatar

I don’t think there are any software solutions for this type of problem. I have pen, paper, a ruler and a scientific calculator.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

That’s great then, you don’t have to worry about a computer and its mysteries multiplying your troubles.

Dog's avatar

This morning I am headed to an all day seminar on how to interview and present myself to business. I am doing this because when I meet with manufacturers I become uncomfortable and tend to speak too much. (I also tend to interject humor which often times falls flat, making the interview exponentially more awkward.)

Hopefully this day invested will help me get more contracts and give me more confidence when working directly with others.

Happy Saturday everyone!

dpworkin's avatar

Good luck, Dawgie. Very ambitious, and a very good idea. Everyone needs training in some area or other.

nebule's avatar

@dpworkin sorry I’m so terribly late in congratulating you on the 20!! xxxxxx

@stranger_in_a_strange_land you still sound like you’re doing great…it’s brilliant!! xx

@Dog you are so dedicated and fervent in your passion xx love it…good for you!! xx

@fireinthepriory I think we could all do with a bit of that… hope you relax and sink into it xxx

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Excellent news x

Jeruba's avatar

===================== Sunday, March 7, 2010 =====================

Wow, what a lively week it’s been around here! I am so far behind in reading. It sure isn’t easy to keep up any more. But it is great to have so many flutherfolk interested in supporting one another’s efforts and letting us know how they’re doing.

I took my second philosophy exam on Wednesday, and tonight I finished what I hope is my final draft of my term paper. I went way overboard for the requirements, really for myself and not for the class or the grade. It felt pretty good after all this time, kind of like picking up a sport you haven’t played in decades and discovering you haven’t lost the moves.

Speaking of moves, I am still hobbling around with the darned cast on my foot, going on six weeks now. The doctor just looked mystified and said it ought to be better by now, and that was ten days ago. As impairments go, this is nothing, but I am still tired of it.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll try to catch up with everybody here. Keep on target!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Jeruba Is this a bone or soft-tissue injury? My wife had to have an electronic device (TENS unit?) on her right foot to promote healing of a stubborn break.

Our nighttime low temperatures are still too high to trigger really good sap flows, but we’re producing good quality Grade A Medium Amber nonetheless. We’re on our second 55 gallon drum. Eight drums should make expenses, depending on the price the co-op can get. Hopefully we can get over $40 a gallon this year, prices have been low the last few years.

My practical teaching has branched out a bit. I was repairing a cracked frame member on our old John Deere B and picked up some spectators. I’m now teaching two of the girls the basics of arc welding. Little Jacqueline seems to be a “natural” at this, she quickly grasped the principles involved and has made some very good welds already. I’ve cut out the parts for a new pump mount, I’m going to let Jackie tackle the fillet welds with a bit more practice. This young lady is amazing; she has little social confidence, yet she has a natural affinity for anything mechanical. Her older cousin, Marie is learning also, but I think it’s more that she doesn’t want to be outdone by Jackie in anything.

I have so many alternative energy projects lined up (anaerobic methane digestor, small processing unit for biodiesel, solar methanol still, etc) that I’m considering setting up some kind of “hands on” program with a vo-tech school or the local community college. It would be great if we can get girls interested in alternative energy projects; good paying jobs and another crack in the “glass ceiling”. I never thought of myself as a teacher, but I seem to be slipping into that role.

All of these young ladies are Canadian and have never touched a handgun before. I’m going to give all that are interested a treat this afternoon; just a basic safety orientation and let them bang away at a few targets. Most of them are familiar with rifles and shotguns already, being from rural Quebec.

I’m down to 5mg a day on the Valium. My goal is to be off of it entirely this week. The paroxetene (Paxil) will take much longer, or may have to be permanent. I don’t like the idea of my mental health being dependant on the pharmaceutical industry, but I may have to do this in order to be a useful person.

janbb's avatar

I had a great week at work due to more time on the reference desk and some really interesting interactions. On Friday, I was helping an elderly Chinese man understand some of the idiomatic writing in the New York Times. In addition, I was working more closely with my boss on the new project which is evaluating and ordering new titles for our play collection.

The capper was Friday when I got to go into the city and hold my three day old great niece for an hour. This is a fun time of life for me with the next generation of new babies coming in. After that, we saw A View from the Bridge with Scarlett Johanssen and Liev Schreiber.

A good, good week.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Wanted to update the weight loss – since starting a food diary in December, going vegetarian in January and vegan in February, I have lost 17 lbs and am 10 lbs from being pre-baby #1 weight – a weight that I think is healthiest for my height.

dpworkin's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir That’s progress! In my life, weight has been the single most difficult issue. Kudos.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir That’s terrific!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@dpworkin @janbb Alex’s support was everything.and the food diary really really helped!

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir My husband lost 30 lbs. last year and still keeps a food diary. It does really help. I have used one in the past too.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb wow, yeah..many people just don’t realize just how much they’re consuming.

janbb's avatar

It’s frustrasting for me ‘cause, being short, I have to eat very little if I want to lose weight. I’m not that big an eater anyway, in terms of volume, but I do like to nosh.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb certain foods are really filling like whole grain oatmeal and tofu.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

It’s not really personal progress, but I found a group of musicians here that are like minded and extremely talented. I had a blast hanging out with a mass of them at a “private” show and party last night. It’s fun to meet new people who at least already share a love of great music.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@Jeruba I hope that heals up finally! Sheesh!
@stranger_in_a_strange_land I’m guessing the temps will level out for you yet, but I’m glad to hear you’re still gettin’ that sticky gold ;)
@janbb What an awesome week!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir woot! You’re doing so great.

gggritso's avatar

I’ve been keeping up, and I’m very happy for everyone, you’re all doing really well!

I don’t have a whole lot to report, I’ve slipped into a very comfy routine. The one thing I will mention is that I did defeat the snooze button! Not a huge accomplshment, but I’m quite proud of myself nonetheless. I now get 30 minutes more sleep every night thanks to a small willpower exercise :)

liminal's avatar

It is nice to hear about everyone’s progress and haps.

I am feeling a bit ambivalent about the idea of progress this week, I might abstain.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I accepted the notion of setting goals. I set an attainable one but allowed myself to use the fact of my chronic pain to continue to avoid getting started on my plan to learn something new on the banjo every week.

Despite the validity of my excuse, I am disappointed with myself that I did not break out of my daily habits to start doing something to try out my plan!

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir 17lbs since December! That is very impressive. What meat were you eating before you went vegetarian (and then vegan)?
@Dr_Lawrence I’m sorry if you already explained this, but what is causing you the pain?
@gggritso are you going to bed earlier?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Marvelous on the weight loss! You look fabulous.

zephyr826's avatar

I attended a really good conference in Minneapolis this weekend, and picked up some strategies that will help me with my students (those pesky past tenses – sigh). My goal for this week is to get my classroom cleaned up enough that I’m ready for a sub next week.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet I ate chicken and sushi mostly.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land thanks!

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir did you only change your diet, or are you also exercising?

faye's avatar

I planted about 60 little seed cups. I’m getting excited about spring and growing things. So my seeds are under a grow light, on a heated pad, and have a small heater aimed at them! I want to make removable square gardens in my garden plot. I have thought of lawn or flower bed edging which would then make it circular gardening! Any ideas?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet I only changed my diet – my exersize routine (bikram yoga 2x-3x a week and tango 4–5 hours a week) remained the same.

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir ooo tango, what a fun exercise

nebule's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land wow on the Valium – that’s brilliant GO you!! xx

@Simone_De_Beauvoir that’s excellent!! you must be very very disciplined, I admire you x I am also 10 pounds away from my goal weight x

@janbb good to hear you are happy – you so deserve it x

@faye are you growing any fruits/veggies?

@JeanPaulSartre I don’t know!! Finding like -minded musicians can be a tough call… I haven’t found any yet…although I’m not looking but I have done in the past and there’s so much variation in music out there these days it’s needle in a haystack type stuff

@gggritso well done on the sleep!! I should be in bed now!!

@liminal me too… I have horrible nasty task type things lurking but am ignoring them and thinking solely about studies and weight loss!!

@Dr_Lawrence maybe this/ next week??

I am…tired and need my bed…I’ve done three hours studying tonight , that’s on top of an hour and half this morning… brain is mushy peas…. well done everyone xxx

faye's avatar

@lynneblundell veggies and flowers, with my fingers crossed, I’ve never done this before. Good luck everyone with whatever you are working on.

Violet's avatar

Update on surgery: not sure if I want to go through with the surgery. I haven’t met my deductible yet and my insurance only covers 90% of the surgery. I could just get it drained. If I just get it drained, there’s a 50% chance it will come back. If I get surgery, there’s only a 1–2% chance it will come back.
Also, I have TMJ and I have a dental appliance. My dentist said since I’m just having popping and locking, but no pain, I should just live with it. But now, I’m getting pain.

nebule's avatar

@Violet sorry to hear that :-( health problems are a real pain and I can’t imagine the further headache of having cost/ insurance issues involved too and what it does to one’s stress levels… (which can’t be helping the TMJ) I’m sure you’ll get through it though xxx big hugs and much love xxx

Violet's avatar

@lynneblundell you are such a sweet heart! I have to say, dealing with health insurance is a bigger pain than TMJ, well, almost..

dpworkin's avatar

Better that you should suffer than this formerly Free Country be forced further into Socialism, though.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Violet Is there any way that this condition might be work related?

janbb's avatar

Had another good day at work. I came to a realization that may be helpful. Because I am part time and work in an isolated area, I am somewhat marginalized. When I initiate discussions with colleagues, my input is valued and I am more stimulated. I have to continue to find ways to have meaningful contact with my colleagues so that this occurs. It’s a little hard because my position is unque and I am not a part of the normal academic structure.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@Violet I was a passenger in a stopped vehicle that was hit at 75 mph and then again by the same car from a different angle a minute later at 45mph after the driver had backed up three to four car lengths. No the other driver has no drunk or stoned. They were just stupid!

Violet's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence what part of the car was hit?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I was in the right rear of the car. We were first hit directly in the back.
I had no head or neck support.
I had unbuckled my seatbelt after the first crash as I feared that the gas tank would have been ruptured.
We were hit in the right rear in the second crash!

Violet's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence Were people surprised you survived? That sounds like an accident where people would have ended up paralyzed or dead. Well I’m happy you’re alive, but I am very sorry you are in so much pain.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence My wifes car was T-boned by a logging truck 4 months ago. She was killed instantly. Many times since then I wish it could have been me in that car. Meghan had so much more to offer the world than I do. I feel your pain my friend.

Dog's avatar

I wish I had time to go way back and catch up but there is not enough time today so I have to wing it here…
@Jeruba Hope the ankle heals now. Mine took 3 months when I sprained it but now it is finally totally rights and no longer swollen. More importantly KUDOS on the school work!

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Great on the trees!

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Incredible work on the healthy weight loss and exercise.

@janbb Great job taking the incentive to reach out and it is awesome that you are recieved well!

@faye I envy you! For two years I have planned a home garden- even tilled the soil and built frames but in the end it sat as a weed patch because we could not get the soil and fencing needed. (We have lovely little wild rabbits in our neighborhood so a little garden fence is necessary)

@JeanPaulSartre Sounds like a blast with the other musicians in an unplanned jam. Do you think it will stick?

@gggritso How is work going?

@liminal You can do it! Give yourself some room then take a step forward. :)

@Dr_Lawrence What goals are you setting for yourself? Is it the Banjo? (I love the banjo)

@zephyr826 Awesome on the seminar!

@dpworkin Way to go on the exams!

@lynneblundell You can do it! You deserve to focus a bit on yourself and your goals :D

If I missed anyone I am truly sorry.

Okay- with firm statement here is my goal:

I need to paint three Christmas scenes with foxes for Horse and Hound. I have them sketched. I will paint them by Sunday!

janbb's avatar

Go Doggie, go Doggie, go Doggie go!

nebule's avatar

I am going to finish my painting before Sunday…I will I will I WILL!!
I am going to bake my mum a mother’s day cake
I am going to bake me a mother’s day cake
I am not going to give myself a hard time for not losing any weight again this week (if indeed that is the case – find out Thursday pm)
I am going to put my party invite list together
I am going to choose some colours to decorate my house
Oooh got a lot to do before Sunday…better get on!!!
I have so many other things I want and others that need doing too… think I might need to write downa long term list too :-/

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@lynneblundell So many goals, so little time. Leave some time for yourself. Get that relaxing massage you need, a Mothers Day present for yourself. I’d gladly do it for you but we’re 3000 miles apart.

janbb's avatar

I was the only one who had read an article that had been distributed to the librarians on Kindle use in universities; ended up informally giving a synopsis, including my reactions, of it to some of the others. A small thing, but in the context of how I’m trying to enrich my job, it felt good.

gggritso's avatar


I just received my first big-boy paycheque. I’ve been waiting for it for ages, and it finally arrived today. After spending an entire summer doing pro-bono work just for some relevant experience, it feels amazing to see this envelope. It’s kind of an awesome feeling. I’m quite happy at this moment.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@Dog It seems to have given me an “in” with the music scene in Brooklyn, with lots of event invites on Facebook from new friends. A good sign!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land I am so sorry for your loss of Meghan

@Violet I appreciate your empathy. If we had not been in a Saturn “L” class, it is possible that none of us would have survived.

@Dog I guess my goal is to take the banjo out of the closet and work on something.

nebule's avatar

@gggritso I don’t think that should have been whispered!! that’s amazing news! xxx

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence If Meg had been in my Power Wagon instead of her cute little TR3A, she’d probably be alive. But she adored that little sports car and logic doesn’t always triumph (no pun intrnded).

holden's avatar

Hi guys, here goes my first update in almost 2 months. Sorry to butt in after blowing you off for so long but I need to mentally check myself and blow off some steam.

It’s finals week and I am feeling the crunch. I went into this quarter thinking I would finally pull my GPA up to a 3.0 but that is starting to look unlikely. I am shooting for an A in physics, an A in calculus (if I get 100 on the final!), a B- in linear algebra and a C in chemistry, which is fairly ironic since I’m a chemistry major. I have fallen into the habit of staying up all night studying on Thursday nights since Fridays have been the days where I have quizzes or tests in at least 3 classes, and I think it has had an adverse effect on my health. But now that I know that I can stay up all night, I’m likely to persist in doing it.

My fiance and I got into a pretty heated argument last night. I hate arguments but they have been happening often. I won’t bore you with details but it mainly had to do with the fact that I don’t want him to go into the Air Force, and he doesn’t think I should go to Tanzania this summer. That’s another thing—I signed up for a student volunteer convoy to Tanzania and was accepted into the program. The fees total up to over 3k and I will have to fundraise the money somehow. I really want to do this but he thinks that my money would be better spent on something else. I think it comes down to a fundamental ideological difference: he doesn’t believe in giving to strangers without receiving in return – his time is valuable and he expects to be paid for it—and I believe an experience like this can hold a lot of value, whether money is made on it or not. Now we’re not really talking to each other and I feel like shit. :(

So, finals, making up with the guy, raising 3 thousand dollars by June 1 – that’s what’s on my mind. Whew! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Ok, I’ll stop bitching now.


Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@holden Congratulations on being accepted into the Tanzania program – that’s great news and you should totally go for it – it’s not like he has to go so what does it matter if it’s something you want to do?!

faye's avatar

@holden Congrats on Tanzania! Gawd, I’d love to see it!! What an experience of a lifetime! Good luck with fundraising.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@holden Congratulations on being accepted into the Tanzania program. I served as a peacekeeper on the Kenya/Somalia border and the people in that part of the world are wonderful.ake sure you bring plenty of SPF 50, Immodium, water purification tablets and dust masks.

janbb's avatar

@holden Sounds like a great opportunity! Congrats!

zephyr826's avatar

Update from the beginning of the week – The classroom is still in a state of relative cleanliness (at least enough that someone can sit at the desk). This afternoon I’m taking 13 students to an overnight language conference up north. I have my car game for their 4 hour drive, and my CDs for mine. I think it will be fine, but cross your fingers for us.

@holden Congrats on the opportunity, but I know how hard it is when your path diverges from that of your partner. Good luck. I know you’ll make the right choice.
@gggritso HOORAY FOR PAYCHECKS! (sorry, but that’s something to shout about in my opinion.)
@janbb I’m so glad that you were able to help your colleagues and make a bigger connection with them.
@faye Good luck with the gardening.

To everyone else – Way to go. You’re doing great. I just don’t have time to go all the way back. See you next week.

nebule's avatar

I’ve FINISHED my painting!!! :) which can be viewed on my blog if anyone wants to see it and comment…although I’m not plugging my blog AT ALL ;)

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@lynneblundell That is really awesome looking – plug away!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@lynneblundell You’re picture, c’est magnifique!

nebule's avatar

aaaah thanks guys love you!! xxx

faye's avatar

@lynneblundell I really like your painting. It just made me smile to look at it. For my accounting, I have pumpkin and cucumber plants 4” high! I think it must be mutant seed. I can’t plant them out until mid May for sure. Who know they would grow so fast? I’m going to have them trailing over that little room like a Stephen King story!! Many other seeds are sprouting but in a much more respectful manner!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

*****SUNDAY 14 March 2010*****

Freezing rain forecast, but the sap is flowing well. The big evaporator is on line now and we’ve filled our second drum of Grade A syrup. Jackie did a beautiful welding job on the pump frame support.

Town Meeting is Tuesday. I hope that I don’t get “drafted” into some town office. My family has held offices in town, county and state level for over 230 years, so it will be very hard to say no. If the Emergency Director will agree to one more two-year term, I’ll agree to be his replacement, but I’ve too much on my plate right now. I’ve decided to provide matching funds for whatever sum the Town will appropriate to the Library book fund, maybe this will be an incentive to fund this at a decent level. Last year I contributed two desktop computers for the library. The idea of a free “internet cafe” has increased traffic in the library, since many locals can’t afford internet connections (this is not the “rich” part of New Hampshire).

Good luck to all in your progress this week. ((hugs)) to all.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Sounds like a busy time! Good luck not being appointed mayor or something! =)

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

I put in lots of work this last week on a new song… and it seems to just be awful. I spent another hour or so last night kinda trying to fix it, but I need to face it that I need to start over on the recording and try to make it listenable. I should also never record vocals when I’m getting sick… worst ever. So hopefully some work on the redo there this week, and a probable trip to the doctor with the little one who’s a little sick too. Also in the heavy rain yesterday the support for our fence, washed away partially, and then the high winds blew over… so I’m guessing fence repair will be in my future as well.

Hope everyone else has a great week too!

dpworkin's avatar

My feet are slowly improving. I’m still walking with a cane, but at a somewhat faster pace. My new goal is to be more compliant with the exercises the physical therapist wants me to do. They really help, but I keep forgetting.

I’m quite disappointed at the results of two recent exams (in the low “B” range: not good enough) so I am redoubling my efforts to study. It seems to be paying off – I think I might have gotten a perfect score on my Sociolinguistics exam. Two more midterms coming up – one tomorrow and one on Tuesday. Oy, vey.

janbb's avatar

@dpworkin Schvara (sp?) arbeiter (although my mother used to say it sarcastically, I mean it.) Do your exercises too, boyo!

@JeanPaulSartre Nice work on the music. Glad you are enjoying it.

@stranger_in_a_strange_land You sound much happier now that you are back at the farm and busy.

I’m on Spring Break now and excused from working on any goals except not to get too fat from eating out! “And it doesn’t really matter if I don’t get any fatter, and I don’t get any fatter, what I do.”

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, dear me, @stranger_in_a_strange_land, I completely forgot to check in! Thank you for starting us off. I’ve been a bit preoccupied today.

liminal's avatar

You all do lots of inspiring things! What a joy to read.

Spring break ends for me tonight. I could talk about still figuring out the tibetan prayer bowl, but realize I am probably better off shelving talk until I do.

The kids and I are getting our and enjoying the spring. I missed the sun.

My goal this week is to get a week ahead on my school work and get started on my beloved’s birthday present.

holden's avatar

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I have 2 finals tomorrow starting at 7 in the morning. Fuck fuck fuck.

Violet's avatar

I have 1 final tomorrow (Monday), and one on Thursday.
@holden Good luck!

faye's avatar

@holden Your adrenalin will see you through and you’ll have an even better mark.

mangeons's avatar

Well, I am now not failing algebra two. This is a good sign. (:

Dog's avatar

YAY @mangeons!!!!

@pdworkin- hope the pain is gone soon.

Holden- you can do it!
Violet you too!
Dpworkin you three!

Happy spring break to all!

I finished a painting today that is really a departure from anything I have done before. I am hoping it will interest a mainstream manufacturer and am confident enough to be starting a companion piece tomorrow. (Licensing usually requires sets of four)

So that is my goal- another one (or even two) by next Sunday :)

nebule's avatar

@Dog excellent work…fellow painter albeit a much more experienced one than I!! :-)

Dog's avatar

Oh @lynneblundell I am glad you reminded me- I had meant to comment on your finished painting (and cake) Very fun and lively painting! Great work!

nebule's avatar

ah thanks @Dog xx mwah mwah xx

I went to the doctor today about my throat problem/ anxiety and urological disorder, which I’ve been putting off for weeks…and it went well…I have no answers as yet as usual! but at least I was brave enough to go! :-)

dpworkin's avatar

Dawgie went a paintin’ and she did ride, uh-huh.

janbb's avatar

Started rereading the first novel for the course that I am teaching starting March 26th. Been suffering from Fluthermind and having trouble focusing on reading, but at least I made a start. Next week I’ll post about my performance anxiety; it should be in full flower!

nebule's avatar

I’m currentyl stuck in a Fluther loop again @janbb :-/ must leave now!!!

janbb's avatar

Ah Honey, I know that feeling so well, so well…

dpworkin's avatar

I have actually written 5 pages of the 10-page paper that is due next Wednesday, but I can tell that I’m going to need 20 pages to finish it. Ah, well, it’s a lot better than nothing, which is what I had at 2:00 this afternoon.

nebule's avatar

@dpworkin progress!! you’re on a roll!! :-D

faye's avatar

I am so impressed by you painters. I used to draw, should pick it up again.

Violet's avatar

Dog- thank you : )

Pandora's avatar

Well I’m back to working out and just trying to get fit. My goal is to tone up for the summer and try to stay fit. Once I got that well on the way, my second part to this goal is to quit smoking.
For now its just getting back in shape and to finish decorating my second room and to finally get around to hemming some trousers.
Bet I can get in shape faster than those trousers get hemmed. LOL

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I hope that I have my personnel problems sorted out. The whole damned situation is likely my fault, not understanding the behavior and thought processes of teenaged girls. I thought that I was being deliberately attacked with baseless rumors. It never occurred to me that, as a man in a position of authority, that I should never allow myself to be alone with a young female employee. It sets off vicious gossip even if the situation is entirely innocent. I was just trying to be helpful and friendly, but was unwittingly tap dancing in a minefield. Apparently young girls love to gossip, have very active imaginations and like putting the worst possible spin on any topic. It seems that I can’t work with one helper; I must either do the work without help or have two helpers (one to help and the other to be a witness that nothing improper is going on). Utter silliness, but the alternative being my reputation destroyed by gossip and rumor.

nebule's avatar

@faye go for it!!!!
@Pandora you can do it!! exercising makes you feel brilliant and so addictive… and if I can get round to picking the colours for my rooms it will be a miracle… I’m not good at this decorating thing… I’m about to attempt the whole house more or less..:-/
@stranger_in_a_strange_land it’s a sad state of affairs indeed x

I got my assignment result today – 85% :) First essay of the course and on my way to another distinction… that’s the plan anyway! :-/

zephyr826's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land It’s difficult when your interest in a young person is strictly as a mentor, and others read into it so much more.
@Dog and @lynneblundell way to go on the art. I’m so impressed by people who can create visually.
@Pandora It’s always so much easier (for me at least) to exercise when the wether gets better. I feel like I have a second chance.
@mangeons Congratulations on bringing your grade up.
@janbb Enjoy your break. I’m so jealous. 2 weeks until ours.

This week is about learning to find balance at work. Due to budget cuts and general distrust between the faculty and the administration, school is not a friendly or calming place to be. My goal is to teach as best as I possibly can, without worrying about my job security or letting the undercurrents affect how I relate to my students.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Health update: they biopsied the polyp found during my colonoscopy and it’s not malignant.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Great news; things seem to be going well for you on the diagnostics front.
@lynneblundell Dramatic picture – I like it! You are firing on all cyllinders lately!
@zephyr826 I have friends who are teachers and similarly bummed out right now. Hang in there.
@Dog Woof! Woof!

mangeons's avatar

I had a big government test today (counts for about 20% of this term’s final grade) and I think I did pretty well on it. (:

dpworkin's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m glad to hear the biopsy was negative. That must be a relief.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I dug my banjo out of the closet. I’m going to play it some this evening.

Dog's avatar

YAY on the negative biopsy. My dear friend is going in for a lung biopsy tomorrow. I am very worried. I am praying it is not cancer.

Mangeons you are doing great! :)

Dr.L Play away! I wish I could hear it. I love the sound of banjo.

This morning at 8:30 am I went to my studio determined to paint a potential puzzle on a “Tropical” theme. At 11:00pm I finished it. In one long day. It turned out as I had hoped it would and tomorrow I will go to the studio with garden flowers and sweet peas in mind.

Puzzle paintings are- in my opinion- way too busy. I would never hang the paintings on my wall as the patterns would annoy me. But I guess puzzle loving people like the little detail work.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m so happy for you on the biopsy result. Is the cyst healing well?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

thanks everyone
@stranger_in_a_strange_land Not really, it’s small now but it’s not going away – this period I thought it was going to flare up again, but it didn’t…and I wouldn’t care if I didn’t plan on breastfeeding again sometime in the future which I do…and no milk can come out because of the hard cyst and that’ll be a problem.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m sorry to hear that. Meg had a fluid filled cyst, staph infection from an injury, that had to be drained surgically. Eventually the docs found a combination of antibiotics that got rid of it. One of the medications had to be directly injected into the infection site twice a day, (ouch!).
Maybe that’s why nature gave ladies two breasts, an installed spare. At least from the standpoint of your own health, things are looking brighter. ((hugs))

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land I really don’t want to have it be drained – the doctor didn’t say it was a cyst but who knows…now I have this $462 bill from the hospital for this sonogram of which they think I’m going to pay $444 (effectively, this means my private and supposedly good insurance covered less than $20) and they’re quite mistaken if they think I will actually pay any of it.

dpworkin's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Jeez! I thought it was scary to be uninsured. It looks like it’s nearly as scary to be insured, but improperly. This country needs single payer health care, but it doesn’t look like we will ever get it.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m so sorry. I thought it had been diagnosed as a cyst. Sorry about the feeble attempt at humor on my last posting. This crazy healthcare system is incomprehensible to the ordinary person. You never know how much you have to pay until you’re obligated to pay it, only a uniform single payer system will fix it. I’ll never see it in my lifetime, special-interests have a stranglehold on Congress and also have the money to manipulate public opinion via mass media scare campaigns.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Oh gosh, what are you apologizing for, shhh – I don’t even remember whether I mentioned that it wasn’t a cyst before.

Violet's avatar

I’m going house hunting today!! I’m so excited!

dpworkin's avatar

Wow, @Violet! Cool beans! When I grow up, maybe I will own a house.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

great, @Violet ! Prices are really low now. Are you going to hire an inspector once you have your choices narrowed down? Remember that the real estate agent represents the seller; they’ve been known to conceal faults that aren’t obvious to the average person. This is an exciting time, but remember to stay in a price range that you can comfortably afford. Good luck!

Violet's avatar

@dpworkin and @stranger_in_a_strange_land we just went looking today. My boyfriend decided to wait about a year or a year and a half when he’ll be making more (and when I can help contribute). But yes, we will hire an inspector. Thank you for your advice : )

janbb's avatar

Sunday, March 21

This is going to be a weird week for me. I’m trying to do my final prep work for the lit. class I am teaching on Friday. I’m in quite good shape but need to finish rereading the novel I’m teaching and go over and revise my lecture notes. I get performance anxiety before the first session anyway. However, my Mom, who lives on the other side of the country near my brother and is over 90, has stopped eating and has just been put in hospice care. We have had a difficult relationship and I am living on two levels right now – one of them just fine, and one quite anxious. She has Alzheimer’s and is fairly unresponsive right now, I had a good visit with her in December so I don’t plan to rush out there unless it seems needed. Just venting here.

augustlan's avatar

@janbb Sorry about your mom… that must be a difficult situation. Good luck with your class!

dpworkin's avatar

@janbb I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to post publicly about your mom.

I’m sure everyone knows I have been struggling with procrastination demons, and that I underperformed on a couple of key exams, so I am very happy to be able to say that my CBT techniques seem to be working: I finished a very long, very technical paper this weekend (not due until Wednesday, but now out of the way!) and I have been doing my required reading before it is actually required (what a concept!) so on that front I am pleased with myself.

In another regard I am less pleased – I still have trouble controlling my anger here on Fluther, but I am giving it a go, and have not given up. Those of you to whom I must apologize, you know who you are; I hope you also know that my apology is sincere and that I am really trying to stop. I may or may not be able to stop my newbie bashing or my Nazi bashing, but I swear I am undertaking to stop bashing my friends.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Alex finally managed to come record me dancing Tango – the links to his videos are on my profile page.

dpworkin's avatar

Cool beans, I’m going to go see.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh, very cool. I have to go watch the open-embrace one.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

I got another song almost done… still not 100% happy with the vocals, but I surprised myself with an awesome piano run in the middle last night that I didn’t know I had in me. Hope to get that at least all recorded this week, if not mastered.

janbb's avatar

@JeanPaulSartre @Simone_De_Beauvoir What a talented couple; you guys are cool!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb he’s the talented one! really!

dpworkin's avatar

I just watched you dance, so no self-deprecation in the talent thread.

nebule's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir So elegant!! beautiful!!
@dpworkin I hadn’t noticed any aggression from you – I think I got offended at something you said a long long time ago but never since – I have rather a lot of respect for you, if that helps at all! :-)
@janbb hope you get your work sorted for your class, I’m sure you will! Sorry about your mum too x

Am feeling low today so might need to just rest up a bit, however, my goals for this week are

1. To get through the allotted course work schedule and half way into next week’s also so I can get a little ahead in preparation for Easter Holidays…
2. Weather allowing: To clean out the greenhouse in preparation to put it on freecycle..I have decided after much deliberation that I have simply not got the time to grow (lol) this year and the space would be better used for a trampoline or football nets for Theo…hopefully we’ll have a good summer this year
3. To start and finish a small painting
4. To figure out what ‘me time’ means for me this week and get me some!!

janbb's avatar

@lynneblundell Good idea about the “me-time”; I think you need that.

nebule's avatar

@janbb thank you – me too, just not sure what will hit the spot yet xxx

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@dpworkin I accept your apology, but it will take time for me to start interacting with you again. I hope you understand.

dpworkin's avatar

Who could blame you?

holden's avatar

@janbb I’m sorry about your mom. My grandmother also has Alzheimer’s and I have watched her gradual decline over the last 3 years into a person I cannot recognize as my grandmother. It’s been hard to accept but it’s now come to the point that I almost don’t remember what she used to be like pre-Alzheimers. It’s something I would never wish on anybody.

I am on my spring break and all but one of my grades for last quarter have been posted. I’m happy that I passed my classes but I was really expecting better grades. This was supposed to be my quarter to bring my GPA above a 2.9 but now it looks like it’s going to slide back under 2.5.
Here’s the breakdown:
Linear Analysis I: C
Calculus IV: B-
Modern Physics I: C
General Chemistry II: ?? (expecting a C)

I’m not surprised by any of these grades but I had much higher expectations for Modern Physics, since I was going strong in the class until the final (it was killer hard!) I really struggled conceptually with quantum mechanics and the Schroedinger equation and that’s where I think I lost the most points, and once we got into the Schroedinger equation in 3 dimensions I was totally lost.

I’m happy I’m finished with these classes but based on my grades for this quarter I’m beginning to wonder if my ambitions of double majoring in physics and chemistry are beyond my abilities.

janbb's avatar

@holden Thanks for the thoughts!

I’m sorry you were disappointed about your grades; one of the best things about being done with school is that you don’t have those constant external markers. Only you can decide whether to proceed with the double major or not, but I wouldn’t let low grades in one semester necessarily discourage you.

holden's avatar

@janbb thank you. It’s not the grades so much that discourage me as the thought that I won’t be able to keep up with the coursework and maintain a respectable GPA. However, next quarter I am taking the sequel to all of those classes except calculus (there are no more calculus classes to take! woohoo!) and perhaps that will be my chance to improve. Employers and graduate school admissions officers are more inclined to let early poor grades slide if they see evidence of an upward trend, right? I hope

janbb's avatar

@holden Yes, I believe so.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

1. Today is my flutherversary – a year ago I joined fluther.
2. I got tested for HIV yesterday at the LGFT expo and am negative.

holden's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir were you concerned that you might not be?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@holden Not at all – but it’s good to have a recent HIV test.

nebule's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir wait…. you’ve only been here a year and you’re on 18,000… wow!good news on the HIV…I’ve never had one…:-/ hmmmm

@holden well done on the grades!! sounds very complicated!! x good luck with chemistry x

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@lynneblundell You should get one, just to know what’s involved in one

nebule's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir my Doctor already thinks I’m neurotic… lol…I think that would warrant certification! can you just request them though without having any symptoms?...and…what is involved in one?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@lynneblundell In NYC there are a lot of organizations where you can get them for free – find some clinic in your area or your doctor can do one. I usually do the rapid test – you swab inside of your cheek and get your answer within 20 mins—

holden's avatar

Fuck yeah, C+ in chemistry.

I can’t believe how excited I’ve gotten about being borderline average.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@holden ha I remember when I celebrated that in molec cell bio – that was a good grade in the mother of the devil’s class.

holden's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir oh boy, I’m taking that class next quarter.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@holden well since you’re not taking it with him then you should be fine.

nebule's avatar

well done @holden <pops open champagne> :-)

janbb's avatar

Just finished the reread of the book I’m teaching on Friday; didn’t think I’d be able to concentrate enough to get it done so fast. I’ll revise my lecture notes tonight and be in good shape for the class, except for a final review on Thursday night. Nothing new is happening with my mother; I’m feeling less anxious on that front right now, but having occasional flashbacks of the past.

dpworkin's avatar

Po’ sweetie. Great book though, ain’t it?

Jeruba's avatar

Whew! Tuesday night at 11:15, and I have just finished my final exam for my philosophy class, due tomorrow afternoon. It’s a take-home final, and I groaned when the instructor announced it because I knew I’d spend much longer on it than if I just studied for a day and wrote for an hour. Sure enough, I averaged 3 hours for each of 5 questions after prep time. But anyway, now it’s done.

And I have my class for next quarter lined up: I’m taking Intro. to Film. The instructor is a member of the adjunct faculty, a well-known movie critic whose reviews I was reading 20 to 30 years ago in the local paper. I’m excited about this!—my first class in the film medium.

First I get a breather for ten days. We are going away to the mountains again. That’s when I hope to catch up with all the wonderful reports on this page.

I also have three freelance editing clients, and that’s all I want to handle right now.

And—the lilacs are blooming. Utter fragrant delirium..

augustlan's avatar

Great work, everyone!

This week, my goals are to do my taxes and get started on the March newsletter.

dpworkin's avatar

Lilacs! My favorite! We’ll have to wait for May to have those.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba That course sounds cool; can I come?

I remember being in Cali in Feburary for my nephew’s wedding and all the Spring trees being in flower. It was thrilling, coming from a northeast winter. I read an article once by Micahel Pollan about moving from Connecticut to Berkeley and having to unlearn everything he knew about gardening.

Dog's avatar

Hi Everyone! This week the goal is to focus on what I do best so far- images for jigsaw puzzles and greeting cards. I got off-track and painted a coaster set with seashells that I will finish today but really it has been too boring and I wasted 4 days on them.

I will be back to read up on everyone’s accomplishments! :)

zephyr826's avatar

My goal is to get through this week. It’s show week for us, and the kids are a wreck. There’s a sinus infection racing through the building, and we of course have no real understudies. I love High School theater!

My real goal is to be in bed before 11:30. I’m not young enough to function on 6 hours of sleep. sigh.

Good luck to all, and congrats on your good news everyone. @janbb sorry that things are so up in the air right now.

gggritso's avatar

@zephyr826 I don’t think I’ve ever been able to function on 6 hours of sleep, and unfortunately I just now realized it. I always thought “Just condition your body to sleep less, that’s all! Margaret Thatcher only slept for four hours a night!” I actually set a strict goal to get 8.5 solid hours a sleep per night. It’s been two weeks so far, and I’ve been much more productive. Good luck!

zephyr826's avatar

@gggritso that’s wonderful. you’re my hero.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

The goal for this week has been to impose a computer curfew on both Alex and myself so that we can spend more time having sex/snuggling, etc. It has worked out so far, 11 pm we turn off fluther and spend more time together and that way we even get more sleep.

janbb's avatar

@JeanPaulSartre @Simone_De_Beauvoir Aw shucks – you guys are cute!

dpworkin's avatar

This is the strangest accolade I have ever received on Fluther:

+5points for answering: uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw.

+5points for answering: uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw.

+5points for answering: uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw. uh, ffffw.

Dog's avatar

@dpworkin You wrote that? Funny!

Finished a set of paintings. Today is a wash with obligations out of studio. Hope to return to studio shortly and start new work. No new contracts yet- but if the economy improves so will my income.

dpworkin's avatar

Hey Dawgie, is there anywhere to go to see your work?

janbb's avatar

@dpworkin What was the question if that was a GA x 3 answer? Do tell.

@Doggie – I seem to remember seeing a link to a webpage of your work months ago, still around?

@Jeruba Time for Part 6? This is taking forever to load.

dpworkin's avatar

It was a question about how to spell the sound that one makes while blowing up a balloon, and I got at least 5 GA’s in a row. I just thought it looked so funny.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Congratulations on everyones achievements.

We’re at peak capacity now, running both evaporators 12–14 hours a day. My partner is now confident enough to run the big evaporator, three or four of the girls are running the small one. I run around repairing things and trying to keep an eye on the whole operation.

New goal: get my neighbor set up with her own evaporator; the system we’re using now is clumsy, having to haul 1000 gallons of sap on a trailer. This will delay building a “proper” sugar house for our own small evaporator (the new larger evaporator is in a stone structure, I was planning to get rid of that tin shed over the small one as well). Having her own evaporator, however small, will make everything run more smoothly. Most of the task for me will be designing and constructing the reverse-osmosis unit to feed the evaporator.

Apparantly, the “gossip trouble” has stopped. The best I can deduce is that the whole thing was directed at the girl working with me. The ones doing the rumormongering probably didn’t realize that I would interpret it as an attack on my reputation. I now work without a helper and keep my distance from all of these girls.

I get my “spring break” in May, after the cleanup from the maple operation and the veggie planting. The “break” will be spent going over my thesis draft.

mangeons's avatar

Eek, I have a government CRES next this coming up Tuesday, counts for 10% of my final government grade. On the bright side, the last big government test I took, that counted for 20% of my government grade for this term, I got a 98% on ! ( :

We take a lot of tests in that class. D:

liminal's avatar

@dpworkin that question and your answer made my day.

janbb's avatar

Sunday, March 28

Well, I taught the first class of a two session adult lit class on Friday. I am always very nervous beforehand. The class went well, but I was very disappointed that out of the 6 students who registered, only 2 showed up! This has never happened before, and I wasn’t sure if the class would work since I encourage a lot of discussion. However, the two who came were my regulars and we had a great time. I wonder if the book I chose was too inacessible for the rest.

On the Mom front, there is no news.

dpworkin's avatar

I think I am slowly getting ready to do something I haven’t dared to do before because it will very nearly guarantee a vicious legal battle, and an end to any pretense of amity in my relationship with my former wife, but she gives me no parental rights at all, and I think I must finally have a court instruct her that I am a parent, too. I need regular visitation, and I need to be consulted on health and education issues. I have no money for an attorney, I will have to do this pro se, it’s very scary (her lawyer is Gloria Alred, a famous Manhattan divorce lawyer who is often in the news) but I think a court will agree that I am a parent, too. There is nothing in my behavior or history that I am ashamed of, and I don’t believe there is any legal reason to deny me my rights.

mangeons's avatar

Well. I started a blog. I don’t know how successful I’ll be in keeping up with it, but I thought it could be something new and interesting for me to try !

You can find the link on my profile, or, if you’re too lazy to go there, it’s here.

Other than that, nothing much here. I have a big test for algebra two on monday and then a big test for government on tuesday.

I gotta get around to studying at some point. .-.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

I basically finished recording another song, maybe some vocal touch up to do still, but on to mastering for the most part.

Dog's avatar

@dpworkin Damn… Gloria Alred?
But really- she could hire God and a judge would still have to follow the law that states that you have parental rights.

On a side note I think it is interesting that you are saying she is amicable now- as she is denying your rights and not allowing you contact with your children. Is she doing so with a smile on her face and talking nice? Because her actions are not reading as amicable even if her physical presence is. I applaud you for deciding to take the battle up to be with your kids. They need you in their lives.

@JeanPaulSartre Awesome on the song!

@mangeons Great blog! :) Love the hourglass!

@janbb Bravo on the class. Sorry only two students showed but it sounds like they are great students! Maybe more will show next week?

All others- sorry I am so far behind on comments but I am hoping progress is happening in your lives and that you are being rewarded for your efforts!

I have nothing to report at the moment but should be able to chime in later in the week.

mangeons's avatar

@Dog Thanks, although I can’t take credit for the hourglass, I reblogged it from Tink :P

Dog's avatar

@mangeons I know- but it is really COOL!

dpworkin's avatar

Dawgie you didn’t answer my question about your work.

And by amicable I mean that if it fits in with her schedule, I get to see the kids, but if I disagree with the way she’s doing something I get punished.

liminal's avatar

As always you all are inspiring!

My computer and fluther time has become excessive lately. I am going to be limiting my computer time and doing some refocusing. I also am reconsidering going back on medication to manage my ADD

mangeons's avatar

@Dog Well I think you’re really cool ! (:

Dog's avatar

@dpworkin I see about the wife. I was divorced (marriage fail from teen romance) and would never, despite how I felt or my schedule, deny my ex regular visitation of his daughter because it is important for kids to spend time with dad. So I am sorry your ex does not feel the same. I will PM you a link to my old web site but is so neglected that I am really embarrassed. I do have a youtube video of my homeless pet animal art here

@mangeons :D Thanks!

prolificus's avatar

Newbie to this thread… My milestones are:  today, turning off the tv when I normally would have watched it for hours.  Tv has become my biggest time-suck and I’m determined to invest in other areas of my life.

Also, yesterday was another milestone as I followed through on a goal to set up an area to grill.  My partner has been encouraging me to explore my interest in cooking (knowing that the payoff for her is more home-cooked meals!).  Grilling is something I enjoy, but haven’t done in years.  I’m looking forward to many grilling adventures in the times ahead of me!

Yesterday, I shared a yummy BBQ chicken and grilled veggie dinner with my partner.  Today I’m preparing grilled pork chops that are marinating in a mixture of balsamic vinegar, terriyaki sauce, olive oil, garlic, simple syrup, steak sauce, and coffee (the combo sounds odd, but the fragrance is nummy).

Okay.. Signing off so I can resume my Sunday afternoon tasks. (Giving puppy a bath when I don’t want to should be a milestone as well!)

janbb's avatar

@Doggie – You make me want to have a dog again; a feeling that is never far from my heart anyway. Lovely doggie pics!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Nothing to report other than I think we’re past break-even point with the maple production. The next four or five weeks will determine whether the farm itself breaks even for the year. I hope that eventually the castor bean production for biodiesel will bring in some cash also (right now, the crop covers the refining costs and powers our working vehicles).

@prolificus Good luck on breaking the addiction to that idiotbox. It not only wastes your time but plants bad ideas and images into your mind.

@liminal I wish that I had enough time to spend fluthering right now. I’m beginning to wonder whether I reduced my meds too soon; as long as I’m very busy things are acceptable. The instant I stop, the “black dog” of depression creeps back in. If things have gotten to the point where you are thinking about the meds, you probably need to be on them. We are probably the worst judge of our own mental health, especially with debilitating conditions.

@dpworkin Good luck with your legal battle. Lawyers are horrible, even my own, pushing me to settle so they can get their “payday”, without reference to my intentions. Regardless of settlement or jury award, I refuse to touch a dime of it.

@janbb Remember that ane effective class can be a teacher and a student sitting on a log, as long as long as learning takes place.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir @JeanPaulSartre You two are such a delight. A true Renaissance couple. ((hugs)) The Tango vids are lovely (what little I saw, my computer gets balky with video feeds).

dpworkin's avatar

I have no lawyer. That’s the one positive thing about this: I will represent myself.

janbb's avatar

Did a hard Zumba (exercise to salsa music) class and a walk with a friend yesterday; a 4 mile hike today. Goal of getting fitter is progressing even if I’m not Twiggy yet!

dpworkin's avatar

Twiggy isn’t Twiggy, either. Don’t you watch ANTM?

janbb's avatar

ANTM? Apparently not.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb America’s Next Top Model

dpworkin's avatar

If you say you don’t know what I mean by Real Housewives, we may have to break up.

janbb's avatar

Is that all it would take? Ha! Ha! And I thought we were through because I’m not a sports fan.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir What was that question about being an intellectual and whether you fit in with your community? :-)

augustlan's avatar

Well, I utterly failed at my goals for last week. Neither the newsletter nor the taxes are done. Same goals this week, I suppose!

nebule's avatar

@dpworkin Good for you – you don’t know how good it is to hear that a man is fighting for his child/ren sorry I don’t know how many you have! Theo’s father is devoid of all responsibility and desire to be involved in Theo’s life and it’s encouraging to hear that you want involvement. Whilst it makes life easier for me it’s certainly not the best all round for Theo (perhaps…) Anyway, I digress All the best!!! xx

@prolificus sounds absolutely delicious! I’m coming to yours for tea!!

@janbb Go girl!! You Zuma Pro you!! I have not got the DVDs yet…might have to be a birthday present I think. Actually I bet I can get some on ebay

@mangeons I came to this thread yesterday and got distracted on your blog…and then that always leads to other things doesn’t it!! I should be following you anyway now…if technology serves us right…

@JeanPaulSartre excellent news on the song x

@liminal don’t leave us…no don’t do it…staaaaay!!! Only joking… good luck with cutting down on screen time… I managed to do some of that later last week but…

still didn’t manage to achevie all my goals.

I did however manage to send out my party invites on Fluther which I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. I hope I didn’t forget anyone!!! :-/

1. I did get through my allotted coursework and a little bit ionto this week schedule as well…so on track with that.
2. I did not start on the garden, every time I looked at it I felt despondent.. I don’t know what’s stopping me from doing it at the moment…
3. I did not do any painting…. what is wrong with me? Why can’t I just get stuck in? I have all these ideas and desires, images in my head…but little impetus to get the paintbrushes out and DO IT… grrr at self…..
4. Don’t think I managed the ‘me time’ thing really either… I seemed to get distracted with parenting and studying and other stuff… must try harder.

Goals for this week

1. Do the painting that’s in my head and post on Blog by Friday
2. Lose two pounds (edit: just wanted to add that I’m now 11 stone exactly and have 11 pounds to lose to get to my target…. this might help me focus a bit more if you know the stats!!)
3. Do some more work on anger management…by journalling every day
4. Keep up the good work with the studying :-)
5. Look into bankruptcy :-(

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb :)
Anyway, I gained a couple of pounds – apparently my new and obviously bad snack choice of potato chips every day and a slightly higher number of calories per day is NOT conducive to weight loss, sigh…duh…anyway, I am just going to not dwell, look forward and begin again today…no more chips in my vicinity and I will pay more attention to the calorie count yet again…I can do it, I keep telling myself this…yes, I will do it.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir If anyone could invent great tasting potato chips with zero to no calories, they would have my nomination for a Nobel prize! You’ve done so well so far with your weight loss, just gotta keep on going. Easier said than done, I know.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb It’s so strange how quickly my body responds to bad foods these days as mostly, I eat whole healthy foods that don’t freak out my body.

dpworkin's avatar

Isn’t it about time to begin Volume Six? This has been loading quite slowly for some time now. I’ll post a link here.

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