Is legalising abortion a correct thing?
Asked by
cornbird (
February 21st, 2010
Many of us come from religious backgrounds which prohibit abortion. We see it as a murder of a child and an immoral thing to do. On the other hand given some circumstances, some people might say that it is necessary. Is it right or wrong?
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98 Answers
dear lord, not again
it is still legal. making it illegal is a wrong thing and will cause health problems and fatalities from people still getting abortions in unsafe ways.
Woman’s body. Woman’s choice. Period.
Abortion isn’t awesome but it’s not wrong. If it’s the mother dying vs a fetus or embryo being destroyed, I’m going to side with the life that already exists v the potential life.
I understand what everyone is saying and I respect that, but what if that happend to one of us? Shouldnt life be preserved at all costs?
@SuperMouse Nailed it. It shouldn’t be left up to politicians, the religious, or anyone else who isn’t directly involved. It is the woman’s choice, and everyone else should keep their noses out of business that doesn’t involve them.
Yeah I’m done here.
The christian sites are located elsewhere on the internet.
This really isn’t that complicated.
Yes. And it’s a done deal.
In my personal view I agree with SuperMouse. I am just looking at the other side to it.
@cornbird it didn’t happen to any of us because we’re here – it could have happened to me as I was going to be an abortion and the doctor was on vacation so that didn’t happen but so what?! it’s pointless to think about what I could have been if I wasn’t here because you’d never know until you were sure that I was here which wouldn’t happen if the abortion did.
@cornbird how do you know it hasn’t happened to one of us?
I will maintain until my last breath that if men were the ones who carried the baby this would not even be up for discussion. Abortion would be legal no questions asked.
Woman’s body. Woman’s choice. Period.
To answer your question, legalizing abortion is not a correct thing because you can’t legalize something that is already legal.
Next question please.
It’s not an issue that the state or society should have any say in. It’s the womans choice. Period.
@SuperMouse Totally agree!! I have some people telling me that a woman would go to hell and that she is a “murderer” and stuff like that, but what about women who were raped or their babies being terminally ill….they definitely should have a choice.
@cornbird People will say whatever. It doesn’t matter. Because they’re not the women making the choice. And if they are, they can do whatever they want. But they can’t tell others what to do.
Life is never preserved, at any cost. Sometimes death is delayed. All over the world people die every day for very little reason. Here in the US, 45,000 people a year die so that health insurance companies can maintain their profitability. No one really cares. As Stalin said, one death is a tragedy, 10,000,000 deaths is a statistic.
If the mother was not in a dangerous scenario, I say let the kid have a chance and taste of life. I mean, its wonderful living here and it would be a shame.
By the way, the same group of morons that fights for the “rights” of blastocysts, is against Single Payer health care. Go figure.
Here is a very enlightening book filled with personal stories about the consequences of illegal abortion.
@SuperMouse What about the baby inside the woman’s body?
Just the fact that we actually discuss this topic is silly, from my view.
Why is it, that so often people that want to stop abortion are the same that are supporting the death penalty?
@Pseudonym it is the woman’s body that is giving life to the baby inside the woman. Without the woman’s life flowing through it, it does not have life. Paraphrased from Carrie Fisher’s story in the book linked above.
I don’t believe in Abortion period, but I can’t control what people do. I mean I am not the one that has to answer for it later. @dpworkin 45,000 people a year vs. 4,000 abortions a day in the US? At least the 45,000 lived for a while.
Anyway, there is a story my mom told me when I asked about abortions. Here it goes.
“One day the world was going to crud. People looked into the sky and cursed god’s name. They asked him “if you are so powerful, then where is the person to cure all diseases?” God replied and said: “I sent him.” So the people said “Okay, if you are the almighty, then where is the person to solve our economic crisis?” God replied and said: “I sent her.” So the people asked again, “If you are the creator of all living things, then why haven’t you sent a someone to solve our wars?” God replied once more and said: ” I sent him.” The people became angrier with god and said “Then where are they?” God looked down and said ” you killed (aborted) them.”
@ducky_dnl uninsured people are still living, not all of them are dead. living for a while is not a reason to not abort – quality of life matters
what a good story…anyway…
Oooh, @ducky_dnl, I just love one-dimensional bathetic bedtime stories.
@ducky_dnl yikes! There is really nothing more to say…
@dpworkin and @superMouse Have a good day, God loves you.
@ducky_dnl you can’t be serious with that last bit.
@ducky_dnl thanks, but I already knew that. I also know that He would love me even if I decided to terminate a pregnancy. ...and you have a great day too dear.
@ducky_dnl Oh sure, I get it – I am the same way – and I love to remind people how adding bits like that is quite condescending.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir good point! @ducky_dnl He loves you still even though you are so wrapped up in judging and being condescending to those who are different or believe differently from you.
These always devolve into god talk. Always. God or not god is irrelevant to the fact (remember those?!) that making abortion illegal will NOT result in decreasing abortion and WILL result in poorer health for women. If you can argue against that, be my guest, but I don’t need your religious inclinations muddying this up.
There are some that think – as I do – that having unwanted children will increase the risk of having poorly raised and socialized children that may on the balance create more misery than the abortion did. For instance here, even though I realize that this position is debated, especially by the “pro-life” movement.
(The “pro-lifers”, I think, have made a great choice in naming themselves, falsely implying that pro-choice equals “anti-life”. We should rebrand pro-choice into pro-freedom.)
@whitenoise I sooo agree with you, especially the last part. I’m a fan of “anti-choice” instead of “pro-life”. “Pro-life” implies that anyone who disagrees with them is “pro-death”, or “anti-life”. So not true! Hooray for life and choice about creating it!
@cornbird It is none of your business what a woman decides to do with her unborn baby.
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It is thought of as wrong in most groups, but as long as there is a will, there is a way, and if that will is of a woman who does not want to keep her child. There will always be a way to stop that, be it using the “coat hanger” method or killing after birth, it is her choice and abortion is just a method in achieving that goal.
If you think they’re bad, don’t get one.
I don’t like getting speeding tickets. So I don’t speed.
I don’t like France. I don’t go to France.
Anyhow. Those of you who say “give the baby a chance, this world is pretty awesome”, you don’t know where the aborted fetus’ spirit goes. Maybe it’s way more awesome where s/he is going.
@Sarcasm Indeed. And maybe the aborted fetus’s role was to come into this particular women for the sole purpose of being aborted. After all, there must be lessons learned in this instance…
@Sarcasm I love that argument for people who believe a fetus or embryo has a spirit..
I believe abortion to be immoral and the legalization of it improper.
I learned the other day that Adolph Hitlers mother considered having an abortion but was talked out of it. Yeah.
Abortion is not a terrible thing. My neighbor was raped and impregnated by her BROTHER. Her brother…. Enough said.
If life begins at conception, then the legalisation of destroying a life is wrong. Of course, it seems to be universally agreed upon that rape victims have a gray area.
its the womans choice, however it should be something that only 1 in 10 people or less do at some point in their lives and using it as a form of contraception should be illegal for sure.
@Fuchsia It’s ok to destroy a “life” if the way it was created is horrific? So is “life” created by rape less important than other life?
@ChaosCross what are these “most groups” of which you speak?
I really don’t see why people are so opposed to abortion. They say “don’t kill your baby” and “all children deserve a chance at life.” Well I say, there are enough damn children in this world. ENOUGH. I hate to sound like a heartless bitch, but this is how I feel. We have enough damn people on this planet. There are plenty of babies, plenty of teen mothers on welfare, and plenty of morons having children that have no business having children. Why encourage them all to keep them? Everytime I go somewhere in public and I see those little bastards I feel like I’m swimming in a damn sea of MISTAKES. Now, some of them do a good job and raise their kids right but not all. Just watch an episode of 16 and Pregnant and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Sheesh!
@Fuchsia OK. I thought you were posting what you believe, not what some people do. Did you edit your original post, by the way? No worries if you did, I was just wondering if I’m looking for shit to be pissy about today. :)
@Likeradar lol in my original post i just forgot to tag you. As for my personal beliefs, I don’t believe it is correct for abortion to be legal, but as long as it is legal, then it’s really up to each person if they want to get it or not. And if someone doesn’t want to raise a child, then they can easily give it up for adoption. There are plenty of hospitals that will let you drop the baby off with them, no questions asked. So I guess I’m personally pro-life and politically pro-choice.
I stand foursquare behind any woman who thinks an abortion is wrong-she shouldn’t have one. I think men should keep their big yaps shut on the issue. But right or wrong, no one tells me what to do with my body. Sometimes I have made good choices, sometimes bad ones, but they were my choices and control over your own body is the most important right a human being can have.
@galileogirl ”I think men should keep their big yaps shut on the issue” Why’s that?
I believe that it should be the women choice. What if she didnt have the money to take care of the child. Then you have stupid people protesting and they dont knw why the women is even doing it. I say if they are so worryed about someone elses body they why dont they offer to take care of the childs expanses all of them.
@Sarcasm Because this is one choice they will never be called upon for their own bodies…except that freak who went through a partial female to male gender reassignment in order to be a “pregnant man”
I knw huh…. they should have made him get an abortion. what kind of life is that kid going to have.
@Sarcasm if I may… Because men are not the ones carrying the baby.
@SuperMouse @galileogirl As stressful as those 9 months may be, it is only 9 months.
The man, just like the woman, still shares the legal responsibility for that child for 18 years at the least. Even if he doesn’t want the baby.
I think he deserves some say in the matter as well.
@Sarcasm talk to me after you have been impregnated, carried a child, and delivered a baby. Until then I stand by my statement: Woman’s body, woman’s choice. Period.
“As stressful as those 9 months may be, it is only 9 months” But a man doesn’t share the possibility of death (1 in 2800) or disability (1 in 300 pregnancies result in strokes for example) that a woman does. And while the law might call for financial responsibility, the statistics show almost half of fathers avoid that and even more don’t take half the physical and moral responsibility
Men have 100% control in this matter. Just keep it in their pants.
@galileogirl @SuperMouse Do you think that if a man does want the abortion, but the woman does not, that the man should not have legal responsibilities for the child?
Nope. He made his choice knowing his lack of later options. Fly away little bumble bee and don’t whine about kicking in with some nectar. lol
@galileogirl Are those stats world-wide or specific to the US or another country?
@galileogirl That doesn’t sound the slightest bit unfair?
Males and females both have sex knowing the possible consequence, but only one of the two has any control over that possible consequence?
@Sarcasm unfair? He took the responsibility for a potential creation of life when he decided to whip it out and do her. She made hers as well. He has control over the possible consequences, it is called wearing a condom. The minute he ejaculated inside that woman he made his choice. She is responsible for baby for its entire life, why should the man be able to walk away without any consequences?
@SuperMouse “he decided to whip it out and do her.” hahaha
Abortion is legal.
But i mean sometimes you got to do what you have to do
“He has control over the possible consequences, it is called wearing a condom.”
Stop for a minute and change the gender here, see if you still agree with the statement, considering you’re pro-choice:
“Women have control over whether or not they want a baby, it’s called birth control pills.”
Well, shucks, that thinking sounds very “pro-life” and not very “pro-choice”, doesn’t it?
Both parties agree to fuck.
Neither one uses birth control.
They are both at fault for producing the baby.
1) If she does not want it, then they do not have it.
2) If he does not want it, then they do have it.
You somehow think it’s right to tell a man to “suck it up” and support the baby regardless, but simultaneously you think it’s acceptable for the woman to choose whether or not to support (read: give birth to) the baby.
I’m a pro-choice man, I don’t want you to misinterpret this at all as “pro-life” propaganda. But your logic is quite sexist.
@Sarcasm sexist though it may seem, my logic is dead on. The person who carries and delivers the baby has the final say. Your statement about a woman using birth control doesn’t sound pro-life to me, it sounds pro-common sense. And yes, the man does have to suck it up and support the baby regardless (although we all know that it is not rare for a man to shirk that responsibility anyway). The minute he shot his wad he took on that responsibility.
@Sarcasm I think you’re absolutely right that the current system of men having no say isn’t ideal. But what do you think should be the alternative? I don’t think it would be even a little ok for a woman to need a man’s permission to have an abortion. Do you have any ideas? I’m not trying to be confrontational, I agree with you and I’m genuinely curious.
Beats me, the people with the big bucks are pulling the strings anyways.
I don’t come from religious background, I say if it is for a valid reason and early enough then it is ok.
@Steve_A The obvious question for you then, is what constitutes a “valid reason” and who gets to decide if a woman’s reason is valid?
@galileogirl that man is not a freak and he didn’t have gender reassignment for the pregnancy.
@Likeradar probably the people with the bug bucks will.
@Steve_A Are you talking about the situations in which you agree with abortion or what you think the law potentially will mandate? Cause I’m confused.
@SuperMouse It seems obvious to me that you don’t want to budge from your opinion, and nor do I from mine. I won’t continue with this back and forth, as we’re just repeating the same ideas. You may count this as a win in your book if you wish.
@Likeradar ”I don’t think it would be even a little ok for a woman to need a man’s permission to have an abortion.”
I don’t either. I think that regardless of gender, anyone should be allowed to absolve all legal responsibilities for a baby that has not been born yet.
Men obviously can’t abort, it’s not their body (as I’m told). But I think in the 21st century, there should be a legal document. “I, the male, wish to have no legal part in raising this child.” “I, the female, recognize my male partner’s wish to not have any part in raising this child. I recognize my options, but I believe it is in my best interest and my baby’s best interest to bring it into this world and raise it to the best of my abilities”
I agree with @Sarcasm. I’m a firm believer in women’s rights and very pro-choice, but there should absolutely be a mechanism for men to forfeit all parental rights and responsibilities. That mechanism should have a timeline associated with it so that women can make the most informed decision on carrying the baby, but it should exist.
As the two adults consented to the sexual activity, they were both aware of the risks. They both decided to engage sexually. Maybe the condom broke, maybe she had medical reasons that she couldn’t use birth control. Who knows. Maybe even PlanB failed. Now they should ideally, come to an agreement as to how to handle the situation, but if they cannot, then I see no reason that either party should be tied to the other beyond their desire to be. He wants her to have the kid and she doesn’t? Tough cookies. She wants to have the kid and he doesn’t? Tough cookies, but she shouldn’t expect to hold his purse hostage over it.
The goal should be zero unwanted pregnancies. Penalizing woman or doctors for having an abortion is the wrong strategy. Good parenting and good sex education is.
I only take people seriously when they want to protect both unborn and born life. The religious right takes a very hypocritical stand on abortion, because they reject the precautionary principle for remedying climate change. Their real issue is about having power over women.
I think abortion is a horrible method of birth control. I also think that abortion decisions should be between the woman and her doctor. I do no believe that any man, no matter what his position, has any say in what women do. Even a husband has no right to force a woman to carry his baby.
Any man that would interfere in the process probably should have his baby aborted. It is proof that he is willing to impose his will on others and we have enough of those people in the world already.
Amputation is a horrible method of infection control, but when all else fails…
@galileogirl yes, the fear of amputation is highly motivating.
There is however the subtle difference between the genetic composition of the diseased foot, which will end the life of the organism if not removed, and the distinctly different genetic code of the fetus, – the entire entity will cease for the convenience of the owner of the uterus.
I think every abortion should come with the strongly encouraged option of the amputation of the uterus. As you say – when all else fails….
@DrMC Typical-Women are so stupid and feckless that they have to be instructed about their choices by people who have no stake in those choices. Why do anti-choicers have so little respect for women?
@Ron_C abortion is a bad method of birth control, as smith and wesson is bad method of conflict resolution. Why is the victim of a hate crime so much more precious than a fetus?
It’s worth going over the stats at guttmacher – refer to stats about religion and ethnicity. Who is being killed the most?
white christians.
Which party favors abortion?
Do the math
I have nothing against women.
Murderers of all types go to prison every day.
Why don’t you give murderers religious freedom and allow them to have choice over their fingers which apply pressure to the trigger on the gun?
@DrMC ”Who is being killed the most? white christians.”
Last I heard, you pick your religion after you’re born.
”Which party favors abortion?” Oh, I know this! the non-white, non-christian party! Because there are no Christians in the Democratic party! Am I right? Do I pass the test?!
@Sarcasm no, you are of the party that is not “pale, male and stale” as I have heard on this web site.
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