Have you ever accidentally met someone you knew online?
This morning I came into work and found out the new supervisor they hired is actually a person I banned from a bulletin board I created about six years ago! I figured out who it was because this person has a unique name and I knew they lived in the city where I now reside and work. When all of this happened I still lived in California so this person was very taken aback when I introduced myself as the admin for that board. It was an incredibly surreal moment, probably more so for the other person because they are new to the job and most likely shocked to have something that happened online between seeming strangers years ago crop back up! Do you have a similar experience you want to share? Bonus question: What do you think are the odds of something like this happening?
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15 Answers
Wow, never had anything like that happen, but that’s pretty crazy. I do wonder if any jellies in Houston ever see me driving around with the Dr. J sticker on my car and wonder who I am. I keep hoping someone will stop and ask me.
By the way, if you see a little silver, 2 door Yaris with a Dr. J sticker driving around Houston, that’s me!
Sometimes I wonder. I’m sure there’s at least one jelly living around me, but I’ve never met them, if so.
I don’t really give it that much thought, though. Where I live isn’t exactly a tourist attraction.
Last year, I began exchanging emails with a stranger I had met (not in person) through Craigslist. After a few emails, I realized this was the same person whose wallet I had found a few months before and returned anonymously. I had found the wallet outside one of the buildings at my university, where 20,000 people go to school, so it was a pretty outlandish coincidence.
That’s a crazy coincidence! That has sort of happened to me. It wasn’t exactly an accident. I kept up a casual correspondence with a girl over deviantART who was interested in anime like I am. I knew she was going to the same anime convention, and I knew what costume she was to be wearing. I did not expect to see her right at the karaoke bar and immediately be asked to sing karaoke with her!
But that sort of thing happens at conventions a lot, I think. Get enough like-minded people together in a building and you’re bound to bump into someone you know!
i have accidentally met people online that i knew in real life, but not the other way round. well, not really accidental considering where i was hanging out and the size of the town i live in. but unexpected for sure.
@SuperMouse and @holden those stories are very, very weird! and kind of cool :)
I’ve deliberately met people I know from online, and then sometimes we run into each other in town, but by then it’s too late, we’re already real life friends.
wth, where did my post go??
someone from here just friended me on facebook, and i wrote in the comments “how did you know who i am?” because i am quite sure my real name is not anywhere on here, and i have not corresponded with this person on fluther messages, so i am curious to see her reply, how she knew that my real name is what it is.
I’m really awesome and have an okcupid account. A guy started talking to me on there from my area. We only talked a few times. I was in AC Moore getting art supplies with my friend. I come home that night and he messages me on the computer, eventually asking “Were you out shopping today?” and I was like “Well technically yeah but I just went one place.” He goes “Were you in AC Moore?” I was like “Wtf, yeah actually I was.” He was like “I had a feeling it was you, I saw you.” He said I was busy texting, which isn’t farfetched and that he looked at me ‘cause he thought I was cute then realized. He also said he never, ever usually goes in there. I didn’t see him, or really pay mind to any guys in the store so I don’t recall at all. Very, very weird I thought.
I guess it has to happen to some people. Never happened to me, though. If it does, I’ll be so surprised I might have a heart attack!
I have – in a backward sense. I met someone last year while photographing a surfing event and we chatted, got on quite well for a few hours, had a meal together etc., but the subject of IT/online forums didn’t come up. The next day I blogged about some of the things that happened and posted some photographs, only to discover a long term online acquaintance had blogged about the same things and posted similar photographs. It seems that I had known her for a year or so before meeting in person.
(She mentioned several times that I looked familiar – my icon. Hers was nothing like her.)
@casheroo Well don’t keep us in suspense… what did your invisible post say?
Yes. I remember being on a personals site and hit up someone that I was interested in.. after talking to them for a couple days I realized that they were one of my co-workers. lol =D
I also met my S/O in a interesting way. Was looking for someone from my school on my space and ran into her page by accident. :) Found out she liked similar stuff and decided to say hello. Been wonderful ever sense.
@augustlan lol, I got too lazy to rewrite it last night.
The way I met my husband was pretty much accidentally through online.
I was dating a guy who read a blog, and I read the blog too.
I was in need of a job and got a hostessing job at a local restaurant, and around that time my boyfriend and I broke up.
One night, the cooks in the back wanted to hang out, and I said sure. So, I go over to their friends house, which was rather close to my house and I’m sitting on the couch (umm, I believe we were all very stoned by this point) and this girl sits next to me. I didn’t think anything of it. She had her laptop out, and I guess I looked at what she was looking at…and it was a social site of the girl who wrote the blog that I used to read. I don’t think I said anything immediately, I was super shocked and wondering what the hell to say, since she probably had no clue who I was…just some random girl who read her online journal lol
I said something and she sort of knew who I was though, and it was just totally random. I wouldn’t have recognized her without her being on a social site right next to me. But, we shared the same stores (like Wawa..) and I’m always curious if I’d ever run into her or my future husband, prior to that (I had worked at the Wawa down the street)
Anyways, my future husband was there as well. He says he remembers me, but he was quite drunk that night. I don’t really remember meeting him that night lol. But, I had read about him in the blog…I don’t think there were ever pictures, so I didn’t know what they looked like. So, it was totally crazy.
About a year ago I met someone in a local club I go to, that turned out to be someone I’ve known for about 6 years on Livejournal. I forget exactly how it turned out that we knew each other, I think we were probably talking about fanfiction.
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