General Question

Is this guy interested or not? Should I just move on?
I will try to keep this somewhat short and sweet, but it is long and requires some back story, sorry!
So, I met this guy on an online dating site about a year and a half ago. We hit things off pretty well, and went on a couple dates. Unfortunately our lives kept getting in the way and we kind of lost touch with each other. A few months later we got back in touch, texted, emailed, IM’d, and all those things. It was going pretty well until I kind of flipped out on him…
I was going through a rough patch (I’m bipolar and sometimes medication needs tweaked…), I was afraid of how strong my feelings were for him, and I didn’t know what to do about it. I kept trying to do things that would push him away, but he resisted, so I finally yelled at him over some very minor annoyance and refused to speak to him again. He tried contacting me several times, but after about three months gave up.
In January, I try to make a list of people I need to make amends to for whatever reason. He was naturally on the list. He (amazingly) responded positively and told me I was welcome to continue contacting him, then contacted me instead. We’ve been talking since.
Now, I most certainly understand him being wary of me going nutzo on him again. However, he’s been kind of flirty (very kind of), and IMs or texts me nearly every day. He also frequently tells me he’s horny, that he wants sex or to make out, etc. I have offered. He has refused.
I did manage to get out of him that he is weird about sex, that is changes things, and that it’s kind of gross. He also (the last time I offered to come over) told me he ‘didn’t want things to get weird’.
So… What the heck is going on here, guys (and gals)? Is it just his ‘weirdness’ about sex? Does he not actually want a relationship? Should I just decide he’s mentally a 14-year-old and move on?

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