Which cat is better male or female?
Which gender of cat do you feel is best behaves? Someday i want to get another cat but don’t know weather to have a male or female cat?
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27 Answers
I like to have two cats, one male and the other female. In my experience, this is a good thing because they can keep each other company without fighting over territory. They kind of balance each other out like people do. I think two male cats could be trouble (fighting) and two female cats, I’m not sure.
There is also more to behavior than gender. I’m guessing it is a complex thing (involving their experiences when they were young, genetics, and other things perhaps), not unlike human behavior. Cats have temperaments like people. My male cat is the calmest, most laid-back cat I’ve ever had, while the female is very high-strung. You can tell a certain amount about a cat from its breed, but if you’re adopting a cat they are often not of a single breed.
Ive only had bad experiences with female cats. My male cats (as long as they’re neutered ;)) have always been the most affectionate, and just best all around :)
I have always had female cats (animals in general). This Christmas Eve I found a tiny kitten who is a male. (well, er was…..) and I don’t know if it is just his personal nature or luck of the draw but he is the friendliest, loving-est cat I’ve ever had.
If you go for a male plan on neutering asap because once they start marking their territory it doesn’t matter how cute they are they are a big smelly pain in the ass.
I have a male and a female cat.They are both great.They have never damaged anything by peeing ot scratching and both have their claws.
I have an extremely affectionate female cat. I’d say have no more than one male cat at a time for territorial reasons, but other than that I don’t think that one gender behaves differently than the other in general. You could get a cat that’s ill-behaved or hates people for no reason of either gender.
I’ll take Halle Berry thank you very much. Prrr!
I have always had female cats and found that their temperaments have run the gamut. My most recent arrival is a male cat. He is very affectionate. We had him neutered as soon as we could, so have had no problem with spraying. I don’t know if he is typical, but I would never hesitate over gender again.
I agree with @lilikoi Cats have personalities just like people. I have a sweetheart of a calico cat that just loves to be pet and loved and is generally pretty agreeable except when she wants something that I don’t give her immediately…
As a gross generalization, male cats seem to be more affectionate and make better pets (the opposite with dogs). There are plenty of exceptions to that rule. The drawback is that male cats are susceptible to urinary blockage, so any owner who has a male cat should be sure to familiarize them self with the disease.
If you’re getting them “fixed” it’s pretty irrelevant. Cats are cats. They have some interesting side traits if they’re not fixed, like peeing all over your stuff, but otherwise, don’t worry… if you love them appropriately, they’ll be whomever they are as a cat.
Male cats. Just like humans, the girls get too moody :O
If you’re only planning on getting one cat, I don’t think it matters. Males tend to be very outgoing which can be good or bad depending on your lifestyle. But as many have said, if you’re going to get two cats, try to avoid getting two males. They may get along well as kittens, but as they grow older and more territorial it will most likely cause some unpleasant problems in your household. Right now I have three male cats, one older (about 17) and the others 3-year-old brothers. The brothers loved to play with each other all throughout their youth, but now they tend to get into spats about territorial things (who gets to sit in the comfy pink chair, for example). It has led one of the boys to start peeing in beds out of nervousness, which is not fun at all…
Of course, make sure to get your cat fixed whether it is male or female. When picking out a cat, go to your local animal shelter and spend some time socializing with the cat to get a sense of its personality. Keep in mind that any animal in a shelter spends most of its time in a cage, meaning you can’t get an accurate impression of its character until it has had a chance to get out of the cage for a while.
I suggest finding a cat at a shelter that you’re particularly fond of and fostering it for a while before deciding to adopt. I believe most shelters will let you foster an animal for free; even if you don’t end up adopting him/her, socializing the animal will greatly increase its chances of finding a good home somewhere else.
I have a female cat, Adeline and a male cat, Steve. I love Steven, but Adeline is such a bitch
I’ve personally found that male cats are outwardly affectionate. My cat Sebastian is far more likely to let me hold him and cuddle, whereas Sydney (my female) wants affection on her own terms. She still likes to sit on my lap and sleep next to me, but only when she wants to. And holding her is a definite no-no.
That being said, Sebastian is far more demanding. He insists on getting his attention, and makes a fuss if I’m gone for too long (or getting ready to go somewhere). Sydney takes it all in stride.
Definitely spay or neuter, it’ll save you a lot of behavioural issues for both sexes, and if you work long hours, consider adopting two, a male and female. They’ll keep each other company while still giving you all the love you could possibly want. :)
They’re both kind of chewy.
But I think the female has the edge.
@lloydbird It’s best to slow roast them. A little BBQ sauce works wonders, too.
if you get a female you would want to fix her but if you get male then you wont have to.
i have a male cat and he is calm but my female is a whore and ran away she was a bitch anyways i would like to have a male cuz there mostly calm and nice.
In my lifetime I have had many cats of both genders. Just like human children each one has their own personality. Some are more playful and “rowdy” , some are quieter and just want to cuddle, some are aggressive or dominant, some submissive. I hesitate to generalize. It can even vary by situation.
Two young kittens brought into the home at the same time will grow up getting along and playing together. Two old cats that don’t know each other will most certainly growl and hiss at first meeting, and it will take them some time to even be in the same room together much less be “friends”.
A female cat that is normally docile and gentle might, after a litter of kittens, become a protective lioness when you reach for her kittens, when she had never shown aggression before. It varies by temperment, personality, situation, age, and their own experiences.
In general I find males are often “playful” aggressive when they are in an adolescent stage. They want to play, but play too rough and will make a game of attacking feet or other painful games. It is important to train them to play with toys and not hands and feet. The same male cat that was “climbing the curtains” during adolescence might just be fat and lay around when he is old. They are like humans this way.
Human responses to feline nature varies as well. An aloof cat might be seen as independent by one person or unfriendly by another.
Some people want a lap cat and not all cats are going to be. Early experiences are very important. A litter of kittens can turn feral within a few weeks of not being handled by humans, and from then on be much different than a kitten handled constantly from birth. If you want a cat to be very friendly it is best to get one that has been handled by humans a lot during its early development, or adopt them very young.
@emelie59 You are absolutely incorrect. A responsible pet owner neuters any pet (spay for females, castration for males). A male cat will reproduce, fight, and smells atrocious.
@emile59, @syz is completely correct. Un-neutered males are much more destructive in homes and will destroy/pee on your furniture, and you don’t want that. Always spay or neuter, no matter what! The last thing this world needs is more domestic animals that no one wants.
my male cat is calm and nice he does not fight a he does not pee around the house i had him for 7 years if i were u i would pick a male
Milo here; I am the proof that is in the pudding (which I probably ate) that males are best. Here I am on top of the refrigerator, having made a small leap.
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They are both equally behaved as long as the male is fixed, if not then he’ll miss behave more and feel it appropriate to mark his territory. With girls it won’t matter if they’re fixed or not they’ll behave as you trained them to for the most part.
I also have both a male and a female cat, both fixed. Kitty, our male cat, (he wasn’t SUPPOSED to be our cat so I had to call him something until we found a home for him) is 10 years old and has always been a paranoid cat with noises and people. He will not be out in the open if anyone beyond our family is around. He came from a wild family under a porch at the lake, but he was pretty tiny in the beginning, so I don’t know if that’s what made him paranoid. Around us, he’s great. Addie is 2 and she loves to run everywhere and jump over things. Both get along extremely well. I’ve had two males before and they were great when they were young, and then hated each other when they grew up.
I think the best cat pets are sterilized females in most cases.
With male cats you have to worry about them spraying. It doesn’t stink as bad as their pee, but it still stinks. If you already have a female, don’t get another female because that’s what I have and they fight ALL of the time!!!
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