How do you feel about Ford Mustangs?
Over the past few months, I have been contemplating buying a Ford Mustang. Of course, I can’t afford it for quite some time, therefore I am doing my best to find out as much about them as possible. Unfortunately, all these websites where people have discussions about Mustangs, most are generally negative and often have nothing to do with the car in question, but more with the recklessness of teenagers and people sharing their tragic tales of the loss of loved ones behind a wheel. What do you think, is a Ford Mustang a reliable car? Is it a good choice? Do you think it is a “magnet for tickets and accidents?”
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53 Answers
I have an 06 Mustang and I love it.
As far as tickets and accidents, that depends on the driver, not necessarily the car.
Yeah, I agree on that. Most of the discussions that have been aforementioned in the details, are mostly about reckless teenagers mishandling the cars. I just need to know how the handling on the car is.
I feel that it sucks when you have to haul around 2 car seats in the back lol
@TILA_ABs_NoMore, I’ve regrettably never actually seen the interior of a mustang. That is why I am doing all of this research. I really want to know as much about them as possible before even fully deciding to buy one.
@Peinrikudo I’ve never had any problems with my car. It drives smoothly. The handling is great. I have to drive in LA traffic so you can imagine. It has a great kick to it too.
I would personally recommend it, if you’re already interested in buying a sporty car.
I have a 65 mustang. They aren’t as expensive depending on the engine size and condition it’s in!
I’m alllll for all kinds of mustangss!
@Peinrikudo Oh…well I guess what I meant was that the back seat is pretty cramped. But if you dont intend on having very many people in the back or need lots of trunk space then it’s a great car :-)
@Vunessuh Thanks for the tips! They are very useful! :)
A powerful and light rear wheel drive car is going to be extremely unstable at times. I had a 91 Mustang( I know different car) but it was very fast and very unstable in the rear when there was any rain on the roads. I had it two weeks before I lost control did a couple 360’s and bounced off two parked cars completely totaling the vehicle. I don’t know if they’ve addressed some of the historic issues but a powerful rear wheel car is always something to be considered very carefully.
@TILA_ABs_NoMore Ah, I see what you mean. It’s okay, I love cramming people into my car. Hahahaha. My friend has a Volkswagen Beetle, and we usually cram about 5 people into her car. :)
@SeventhSense Yeah, I heard about that, and am trying to find out if they addressed that.
Before reading any responses I’m going to answer.
Mustangs are one of the most recognizable American Muscle cars ever. There’s only a handful that I would consider owning. ‘67 Shelby 500GT and the last year they were producing 5.0’s. Before buying one I would consider this… Look at the modern advancement in suspension. Mustangs, even now, still only utilize a solid axle with struts. It’s saddens me to know that the Ford Lighting (a f*cking truck) has better suspension. If you want a mustang for it’s it’s representation appeal, fine. If you want it as a performance vehicle, I would consider something else.
I had an 01… it’s a really fun car, very reliable in that it doesn’t break much, and I had a blast tuning it up and putting aftermarket crap on it, but it’s a crappy car in the snow and rain and high wind. It’s a good toy and a bad tool.
If you’re loking for American Muscle consider the top three.
The Dodge Challenger, The Ford Mustang and the Chevy Camaro.
For looks I think the Dodge is gorgeous. For overall performance I think the nod is leaning towards the new Camaro. And that’s from a Mopar man. Whatever you do buy American. Bring back Detroit steel baby.
Bro Mustangs are the best. I totally reccomend you saving up on buying this car. and totally agree with Peinrikudo on this one it does depend on the driver for accidents. I believe all mustangs run smoothly they are great sports vehicles. :)
@SeventhSense Of those only the Mustang is assembled in America, though. I’m sure the parts are all made elsewhere.
If you want a car that is fast in a straight line, corners almost perfectly, has good build quality and can be used as an every day car, buy a Porsche or an M3.
Such is the state of the modern automobile. Still headquartered here though.
@SeventhSense Yep. And the state of American manufacturing as a whole. Then we wonder why we’re in a financial mess. We don’t make anything! Duh!
We still make the Harley Davidson. We need to get back to a place where we set the standard and realize people will pay more for quality. We were once the epitome of the automotive industry
We can be once again.
I feel about Mustangs the same way I feel about Cameros. Fast cars built to drive in a straight line.
If safety is a concern of yours then look elsewhere. Reliability? Then look in to a car that was built somewhere else.
Other than that they look nice and I am sure they are nice to drive.
I also want a Mustang. I haven’t heard very many negative things about them. Also, I heard they’re making a 4-door soon.
A friend got rid of their new Mustang because trhey didn’t like the way it handled in the snow.I think they look good,but like the old ones.1965 to be exact.
I don’t think I really have to worry about snow, I live in Louisiana.
You can definitely be safe if you’re careful but the fastest performance cars are always rear wheel drive and they will always be less stable. Especially if you’re used to Toyotas, Nissans and Hondas which are primarily Front Wheel Drive. There are a few All Wheel Drive cars out there as well.
I would not buy a Ford Mustang in the color red. you mentioned magnet and the color red does attract attention, sometimes from the police. does this give you a hint?
Don’t buy it in yellow either. I am one ticket away from having my license revoked. Go me!
What I’m wondering is why we’re not flooding the airwaves with American Car Commercials in the light of the latest Toyota failure. We have these extensive campaigns to smear candidates and raise up political firestorms and here we have a gift of the largest automaker in the world’s complete meltdown and we don’t capitalize on it. Where’s the federal government when you need them to seriously back up American Industry? I even have the ad Campaign,
“Buy American We’re Accelerating into the Future Safely”
I do not know where you see a “complete meltdown”. Surely, it is depicted that way in the media, but it is nowhere near as close to anything resembling a “meltdown”.
And I suspect that these commercials do not exists because everyone knows that american cars are among the worst.
No that’s a complete fabrication. American cars have considerably closed the gap on quality and reliability. And yes having a recall on every car in your line’s because of their capacity to accelerate you into the hyper drive of death is a complete meltdown. And we should be exploiting it as such to reclaim our industry. We should be going Pearl Harbor on their ass. Not to mention adding high tariffs and adding value inspection taxes on all incoming new vehicles from Asia. Also your assumption is just silly. There’s already millions of dollars in American car commercials. We should just be spending billions to crush the Japanese. GM was the largest car manufacturer in the world far longer than any other and will once again reign supreme.
P.S.- there’s never been anything in Japan like this
It is a “babe magnet”. The appeal of the car is that it is sexy, that’s all.
@Axemusica I happen to share your opinion 100%. I could not afford the 67’ Shelby but did buy the last year of 5.0— the Mustang SVT Cobra. It sits in my garage covered and I take it out weekly No kids allowed,. I love that car. Honestly I would love to be buried in it.
My opinion:
The 4 cylinder is useless.
The 6 cylinder is okay if you are seeking economy car and do not care about performance.
The 8 cylinder is a blast- but it is awful on gas.
As far as years:
Classics are incredible if you can afford one.
Other years you should research because some years were better than others. Some years were downright awful.
I have had three mustangs:
1976— JUNK. It was an awful car. Poor planning poor performance.
1979 Cobra interceptor- This car had the “Fox” body and was awesome. It is the only car I regret selling. It was agile, powerful and was so awesome the California Highway Patrol used it.
1995 Cobra- my current. I purchased it because it was the last year of the 5.0 engine. It is amazing to drive.
As far as ticket magnets color plays a huge role. Yellow, Red and black get more tickets. Flashy paint jobs attract attention.
When accelerating only do so to the speed limit when on public roads.
If you want to unwind your car do so in a place where you do not endanger anyone or anything. Always wear your seat belt.
SeventhSense -
Well, some of us drivers are women, you know, who do not need “babe magnets” to make up for whatever is lacking elsewhere.
Also, some of us – even the occasional male – actually do care about having practical transportation.
But I recognize that boys need toys so, by all means, there certainly is a place in the universe for things like Ford Mustangs, at least while gasoline is still semi-affordable.
@semblance Girls dig ‘stangs too.. what in the world are you talking about?
I like the older ones, but honestly think the newer ones, such as the newer GTs, are trashy. Most of the guys are rednecks who think they look tough, fast, or think it will help them get girls. I’m not at all saying everyone who drives one is like this, just making an observation.
Not a fan.
@semblance With all due respect- Mustangs are HOT. They are not “toys for boys” Tight on corners and built to fly. They are anything but a phallic symbol of fertility. They are freedom and power and are a tribute to what cars should be.
Granted a Lamborghini would be great and a Ferrarri even better but really Mustangs- esp. Cobra’s or Shelby’s- are just awesome.
To ranger and dog -
Assuming that both of you are female, you are expressing the freedom of the neo-feminist psyche and more power to you. However, I submit that most Mustang owners are guys and the relationship between males building up their inadequacies in other areas, reall or perceived, through ownership and display of big toys is well established. Generalizations do not cover everyone, of course, but that does not mean that the generalization is not – generally – accurate.
A mustang is a car. How does this equate with male inadequacies?
Cars are built to drive. To get from point A to point B.
This car is built for speed and control. It is simply a machine that masters the environment.
So just why are you insisting on labeling those who drive Mustangs as either “neo-feminist psyche” or Men trying to get chicks?
In your opinion one cannot drive a Mustang without some sort of defect or extreme view?
I do not get it.
@Dog I do agree that most mustangs are beautiful cars & the last SVT Corbra with the 5.0 is by far my favorite, but I very much do not agree that they were built for control or mastering the environment. Speed (kind of), power (they can be).
@ragingloli had it right with the TopGear video. Solid axles, with springs do not spell performance. Granted in a straight line certain years of mustangs would be able to perform well, but try a tight S turn without breaking loose and there’s a majority of cars that will be able to do it more effectively due to limited slip & independent suspension.
My opinion is biased though, since I’m all about performance & most mustangs are just there to look pretty.
@Axemusica I know what you mean but my Mustang meets both my budget and my needs. .I will admit that better cars exist but I really love the ride and performance. I have done some modifications on it and if I had the funds would do more but as is I love it.
I have a 2002 Mustang and I bought it new. The main negatives that I have about it is the lack of room(for people, luggage, etc.) and the horrible handling in bad weather. My car slides very easily with the slightest puddle of water on the road. Driving in snowy or icy weather is definitely not recommended, not that it is in any vehicle. Overall it’s been a very good car for me, but I wouldn’t buy another one as my primary car.
@ragingloli this video does not say it all. Its an opinion just like what everyone else above says.
@erichw1504 they are never going to make a four door mustang EVER I promise that.
The mustang is a very good car for someone looking to get into the New age of American muscle cars. The New S197 Chassis with even the V6 has 305 Horse Power and 280 Lb-Ft torque. If you New to rear end drive cars this may be a good start for you., Also If you live a in a place where they have a wet of snowy winter season be advised that this car is not good in those weather conditions. The new 5.0 V8 412 horse power 390 Lb-Ft torque is an excellent motor that has a great amount of aftermarket support for everything from exhaust systems, to computer calibration systems. The chassis also has a lot of companies like Saleen, Roush, Steeda, and Maximum Motorsports to help with lowering, handling, and rigidity. These cars will become classics just like the 64–73, 79–93 (FOX), and 94–98 (SN95), 1999–2004(New Edge) cars. They are popular, easily upgraded, and for the most part cheap to keep up on a yearly spectrum. I have owned 4 Fox bodies 1979,1986, 1988, and 1988 and I loved them all. I have worked on all different years from 64 all the way up to 2008 and all have their pros and cons but if you like good ole American power and just want a cool American car then i say go for it. Good luck.
I drive a mustang therefore I have small genitalia…..OK you got me. But I just like the sound and the power it not to pick up women of to fell like I can win every race, it because I’m proud of some of the accomplishments of American Auto Manufacturers (ford in particular). The Multi port fuel injection system in the 86 mustang was the best for its time. I love the rumble of the exhaust, the sound of the tires screeching as i drop the clutch and the smell of burning tires. IM proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free….....Sorry…Got a little carried away. Much love to all the car people here today!!!!!
I give a lot of respect to the one American car company that didn’t take a government hand out in tough times. One that stood up on its own and didn’t skimp on its promises, craftsmanship, and quality. One that most importantly didn’t spent millions of tax dollars sponsoring events at the Superbowl or on 2.7 million dollar 30 second commercial spots. When are we going to hold the mass of American business to a higher fiscal responsibility. So from me to you FoMoCo Thank you
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