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ArtiqueFox's avatar

We've all seen 'em. The "you deserve..." commercials. Are these commericals accurate? Do we deserve or are we entitled to the better?

Asked by ArtiqueFox (977points) February 22nd, 2010

Do we have a right to the latest and the improved of whatever product? Do we really deserve what we have? Are we really “worthy” of better [insert product name here]? Are we just lucky to be born where we are or do we have rights to what we have? Does nature have an obligation to bestow us with prosperity?

To get to the point: Are the “you deserve it” commercials just flattering or do they contain truth? I’m not trying to have a bash America session here (please keep your answers universal), but is humanity entitled to advantage and prosperity? Or should people just be humble about the food and water they have?

Do the people who come out of college expecting the world to bow at their feet have justification? Do [spoiled] people who expect life to “owe up” and dump lollipops at their feet have any right of logical support? Or are they…full of it?

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