Meta Question

CMaz's avatar

What good is asking a question. When you get it flagged meaning it will never see the light of day?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) February 24th, 2010

I have nothing wrong with having my questions in need of “editing”.
But when I go through the process of doing it. It NEVER gets re-posted.

Editing a post has been nothing more then a toss in the trash.

If how it was edited was not good enough, then notify me so I can get it right.

It is funny that it can get killed almost as fast as the speed of sound. But takes a snail pace to get if re-posted. If ever at all.

What is really going on?

I mean it gets GA’s and GQ’s but will still get cut.

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17 Answers

andrew's avatar

Your question was rejected because you copy-pasted a chain email and said “What do you think?”, and then didn’t make any revisions when it was pulled for not really being a question.

CMaz's avatar

Andrew. I see your point. :-)

But plenty cut and paste information or statements from other sources for their posts.
We recently had one about a politicians speech and it was not removed.

And every question by nature is a what do you think?

And, that “what do you think” was in the body of the post and not the title if the post.

If that was it, all you had to say was, “please remove the question, “what do you think?”
Or say remove the statement referring it to an e-mail.
Instead of making it an egg hunt.

We get plenty of our questions from other sources.

How about the people that ask questions with a link directing their question to another web site. So we can get a better idea of what they mean about the question.
Those do not get “edited.”

And I find that every question I post that goes to editing, and I edit, has never been re-posted.

But all is cool.

eponymoushipster's avatar

The key thing here is “question”. you actually have to ask one, not just soapbox. which you’ve done twice now….

CMaz's avatar

Are Americans over the top?
How do you call that “soap boxing”?

I see how some people act/talk and I want to know what others think?
There is never an agenda to any of my questions.

So if I say my tooth hurts. As do many in their life. What do I do? Is that soap boxing too?

That is a personal interpretation and not what it was intended, in the post.

It was an expression consistent to what Americans think and say.
I wanted to see what other thought. As are what most of the questions are.

Sounds like you look for the personal in questions before you see the question for what it really is.

As far as how Fluther “edits”. No question there. I am on my soap box. So glad META was made. ;-)

syz's avatar

It’s bad enough to get that chain mail crap, we need to see it here, too?

CMaz's avatar

That “chain mail crap” is part of life. And a cross section of our society.
Some is rather mainstream in its thinking.
So we ask questions.
What about questions about crime, and death. Do not see those being “edited.”

Those are crap issues too.

So you are saying the “editing” request was personal?


eponymoushipster's avatar

1. chain emails are not a part of life. Spam Filters are, however.

2. you asked a half-assed question that you wedged into your babbling email cut and paste job.

3. people flagged it because it had no direct reason for being. are americans over the top? is there even an answer for that? Are French people hairy? Do Canadians like baths? some do, some don’t. some are, some aren’t.

4. the style of Fluther is not a typical whackjob forum site. you don’t post some idiocy and then expect everyone to jerk you off for your splendor. ask a question. if that’s beyond you, go get a blog and write all your pedantic babblings down there, so we don’t have to deal with…repeatedly.


CMaz's avatar

“chain emails are not a part of life.”
Get out once and a while.

Right, so now you are on you soapbox.

“you don’t post some idiocy and then expect everyone to jerk you off for your splendor.”
So to “edit” your rant.
It was personal.

I got that the first time you rambled.

You are very good at “pedantic babblings”. I enjoy reading them.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@ChazMaz at least i didnt ask a question to do it….

CMaz's avatar

Yea and I’m rubber and your are glue. Grow up. ;-)

The world is a bit bigger then your kitchen.

syz's avatar

As always, it comes down to the fact the this is a privately owned site and the owners have the right to decide what they want on their site. Period.

CMaz's avatar

Now that is information I can use. So true. :-)

If you come to my hot dog stand and I give you an ice pop.
Don’t complain to me. It is my stand.

bea2345's avatar

Once I thought of following through on a chain letter. Bear in mind that this was well before the computer age and photocopying was still an arcane science (in the ministry where I worked in the nineteen-sixties, the photocopier lived in the vault along with blank cheques and confidential files). So copying the letter had to be done on a manual typewriter using several carbons, or in long hand. Then one had to buy envelopes and stamps. Somehow I never had enough faith to try and forward chain letters. Even now I don’t do it, it is still too much trouble in spite of e-mails.

YARNLADY's avatar

Using a question that should have been flagged and wasn’t as an example of why your’s shouldn’t have been is counterproductive.

augustlan's avatar

This seems to be an example of mis-communication. I really think you had a valid question, but the wording of it was terribly confusing. It seemed like you were just ‘forwarding’ the email to us. It looked like more of a rant than a question, as it was submitted. I later saw that you clarified a bit in an answer farther down in the thread, but people still seemed confused.

If it had been more clear, it probably would have stayed. Something like “Are we taking patriotism too far?” for your main question, and then in the details, something like “I receive these types of chain emails all the time. Are they indicative of how most Americans feel? Is this an example of American hubris?”. Then, you could clearly state that the following is an example of the emails you’re talking about.

CMaz's avatar

@augustlan – Good point. But, I do not know how it could have been more clear. And, ya only get one shot at editing it. Then hopefully you found what ever it was that they felt the need for editing.

I stated it was an e-mail I received. That I get them now and then and “what do you think?” Then I showed it.
I was getting Good question luvre and people were posting answers and they were getting GA’s. So it was getting through to people.

And there are plenty of questions that pass inspection, and people need clarification as to what the question meant. So it is not unusual for some people to not get the question.

I do understand what you are saying. Thanks!. :-)

YARNLADY's avatar

@ChazMaz Sometimes you just have to abandon it. One of my questions was sent back for editing, I asked for help, reworded the question as suggested, and it still got rejected.

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