Do you think that people look like their names?
Sometimes people say, “Yeah, you look like an Alex.” Or if I mention that my mum wanted to name me Amelia, they’re like, “Oh, no, you don’t look like an Amelia.”
Do you think people look like their names? Or is it just that whenever they get their name… they automatically look like it?
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44 Answers
Now here is an opening for more George Bush jokes.
I don’t see that people look like any particular name, but some names do seem to suit some people quite well.
I agree with @DarkScribe that some names seem to suit some people quite well. And, every so often someone’s name seems very odd for them. Imagine in 2010 a 22 year old Barbie Doll type blond with the name Ethel or Fanny? It would seem odd, or at minimum surprising.
There have been studies on this sort of thing. Like if people of certain names go into certain careers, things like that. I don’t remember the information well, and it might have included last names, which would actually make sense, because many time people, especially as they came through Ellis Island, were given names that reflected their vocation. Taylor’s, were many times tailors, etc. I do remember that more Virginia’s live in the state of Virginia than any other state.
I do think parents should think about what they are naming their child and how it might affect them in life.
Actually I have seen quite a lot of A$$holes who look the part!
I’m totally a Deni. I can’t imagine being named Molly or OH GOD especially not Tiffany or Jenna. It just aint meeeeeeeeeee
I am Grumpy and I am a Fish.
Suits me just fine =)
Somewhat, but I think it is human nature to associate image with words and vice versa. I can see why the question comes up, but I don’t agree; I have a brother and a best friend of 13 years who share a name, and they look and act completely different – so if you are asking if certain names indicated certain looks, I would strongly disagree.
An ex girlfriend from way back did.Oh her name?Fanny Large.
@ucme I had an Aunt Fanny. To her grandkids she was Granny Fanny. What a name. Thank goodness the Ashkenazi Jews decided you could name after a relative just using the first letter.
No, I don’t think so.
I think for the most part people just say that once they find out the name. It’s rare that someone will say you don’t look like your name unless you have a really old-fashioned sounding name. Being named “Margaret” is different than being named “Madison”. But of course, there are stereotypes associated with certain names based on the media. If your name is “Bubba” you’re probably going be a rugged tough-looking ex-con. But “Aloysius” and you’re probably going to be a nerd. It’s the same way in which “Brad” is associated with bros and preps.
Certain names can also be associated with someone based on the actual meaning of the name or the sound, as well. “Dominic” kind of sounds like the word “dominate” and both words come from the Latin word meaning “master”. So maybe a Dominic is dominating and very masculine and leaderly? Opposite of me…I’m submissive and effeminate. :P
And then there are names like “Rory”, my boyfriend’s name, that are just cute-sounding and so they match someone who is cute, such as him. :)
@DominicX When I hear Dominic I think Italian, but I don’t have a specific type of guy in mind.
I think of someone brooding with dark hair when I think “Dominic”. Of course, that could be because of the brooding, dark-haired Irish music writer Dominic from the 4th or 5th series of The Real World.
I think some people do – I know I don’t because people never read me as Russian and are surprised when they see my name.
I don’t know??Do I look like a “Dammit”? ;)
Sometimes names do suit a person, this could be a cause of their heritage and where the name came from.
Somebody named Felix may be expected to act like a big strong man, white man maybe (that’s what I picture) seeing the name is usually Germanic.
My name is Michael, but I’ve been told I could pull off a Demetri or something slavic. I assume this is because of my hair and my great beak of a nose.
I don’t think names fit a person in stone, rather whoever is judging would picture the name as person and see if it fits, if that makes any sense.
@DominicX Really? I’ve just always seen it used by German men. Guess the germans just adopted it.
@DominicX I know many blond haired Russians. I just don’t think of Russians named Dominic.
@TehRoflMobile Yeah, the name has its origins in Latin. It’s related to “Felicity” which comes from the Latin word meaning “happiness”. But cultures borrow names all the time. As it is, I don’t know anyone named Felix and I don’t think I ever have.
@JLeslie What’s really weird is that a person on another site was not surprised when they found my name was “Dominic” because I’m Russian. I didn’t understand that at all…lol. Maybe they were confusing it with Dimitri or something. My middle name on the other hand, Dimitar, is super-Russian. :)
@DominicX And, Felix makes me think of the Odd Couple and the cat. I once met a Felix, but I did not know him really. I think he was Hispanic, not sure.
We eventually begin to make associations, and so when you think of, say, Michael, you think of a Michael you know.
Milo here; I have a perfect name; it symbolizes my virility, originality, talent, athleticism, and gorgeousness. I am on top of the refrigerator, if you hadn’t noticed (and got there with no assistance from what’s-her-name.)
Well, there is that guy Dick Cheney.
There is also George Bush, and he looks like a monkey.
So I can say he fits his name well, like Curious George.
Except that that’s a diss on one of my favoritve monkeys. :-)
@janbb sorry, I love Curious George too.
Yeah, and the “curious” part doesn’t really fit, even though the monkey part does. :-(
@DominicX, aw! No, I think of either that Real World guy or Italian dudes. When I think Russian, I think Sergei or Mikhail. At uni, I knew a blond Russian guy originally from St. Petersburg named Mikhail. I have written here previously about what happened to him…ulp!
I think I look like my given name. It’s all classy ‘n’ stuff, like me! It’s my last name that makes people look askance, it’s so ruddy dull. “No! Really? Really? That’s your surname? I thought for certain it’d be something like Burleigh-Mainwaring-Phipps!”
The name my mother really wanted was Selina (not sure if I’m spelling it the way my mother would have..) but they agreed upon Katrina. Funny, I have been asked hundreds of times if I’m Russian, probably because of my name. Selina isn’t usually mistaken as a Russian name. But, the blonde hair, blue eyes didn’t help either.
I think my name suits me. It’s feminine but not overly (in my opinion). Then that damn hurricane had to come and tarnish it. Oh, and Katrina & the Waves. Thanks 80s.
I was thinking…My name is Elizabeth, but I’ve gone by Liz since junior high. I was Eli when I played rugby in college, and I could never be a Beth, though maybe I could pull off Betty (in a 50s pin-up way). My name, and the portions of it I use, are more of a reflection of my personality then my looks.
Sorry, I’m not sure if I actually answered the question. I sort of started to ramble…
I definitely have met people whose names fit completely with how they look and act.
But there are plenty of people for whom I feel that the name does not match at all.
I personally feel that I fit into that second category.
That’s why in real life, I only go by my last name [Family members are exempt from this rule]. On the internet, I go by a name that’s not mine at all, Bernard.
I have seen several people with my name, and they all don’t look like me.
My name is Saffron, and I have yet to meet another person with my name. Oh well, I guess I am just as unique as the spice :)
Sure, I look like what I would think a person with my name would look like. Most of the people I meet look like that name they have to me too.
Then again, it could just be my imagination.
I’ve been told I dont look like my name…. not quite sure what that means but such is life.
My mother wanted to name me Stephanie Dawn. I have to thank my dad because he swore he couldn’t spell Stephanie and wanted to name me Beth Ann. Beth suits me very well. I can’t imagine if my name were Stephanie.
My name is Leslie. I don’t feel like a Leslie. It’s much too serious a name for me.
@essieness I did not realize Leslie is a serious name. At least you spell it correctly :). Leslie is my middle name. My mom wanted to name me Leslie, but she did not get her way. My initials would have been LAC, and she wanted to nickname me Lacy. I am definitely not a Lacy.
@JLeslie Haha. Well, my dad wanted to name me Yvette. Mom wanted to name me Charli. I guess Leslie was the middle ground.
@essieness My mom did not get her way with my sister either. But, her initials wound up being ABC, which is pretty cool.
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