Social Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Why is Ke$ha famous?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) February 24th, 2010

Has she done anything?

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38 Answers

DeanV's avatar

People seem to dig bad grammar.

Jharty89's avatar

ugh she bugs me…no talent! Plus I feel like people put maybe fifteen minutes of effort into her songs. Anybody could write that stuff!

eponymoushipster's avatar

well, she probably blew a record executive, for one.

essieness's avatar

The same reason most “artists” in that category are famous: The general public is stupid.

Sarcasm's avatar

I’ve never heard of her.
So I doubt your claim has any truth to it.

For you, I googled. Looks to me like she’s “famous” because she dealt with the music industry since she was a kid, and once she was an adult she worked really hard to get her name out there.
For you, I youtubed. Sounds to me like like she remains “famous” because people like her sound. Personally, I don’t. But it sounds to me like the popular sound now, so it doesn’t surprise me.

eponymoushipster's avatar

she looks like a crack whore.

DarkScribe's avatar

Because she wanted to be and was prepared to do what it took. I don’t like her music, but you have to allow her some respect for achievement. She didn’t just “fall” into to it by chance.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@DarkScribe see my previous comment.

mangeons's avatar

Maybe it’s just because I’m a teenager, but I personally like some of her songs. Not all of them, but some of them I quite like, they’re very catchy.

Though I do think the way she spells/says her name is quite stupid

iphigeneia's avatar

Clever marketing. And autotune.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I disagree. She absolutely fell into it by chance.
It’s not like she got by on talent.
This is why I believe that pop music is complete crap manufactured for the masses with disposable income.

Vunessuh's avatar

@DarkScribe She tripped and fell onto a music producer’s dick, so yeah, she did fall into it by chance. It happens all the time in Hollywood.

Let’s evaluate the situation:
1) The way she spells her name is ridiculous and immature.
2) Her music contains no depth or substance.
3) She has crystal meth hair.
4) She dresses and acts like she leads the whore train.

So I would have to agree with @essieness. The general public is stupid. Not to mention if she and Lady Gaga are leading the pack in music popularity, then everyone’s music taste has gone significantly down.

Response moderated
shego's avatar

I don’t like her, and I don’t like her music. As far as I’m concerned, she’s a Disney reject, who thinks music is the only way to stay in the biz.

Jharty89's avatar

@DominicX How can you generalize like that? SO many people like pop music, its impossible to say that most all of them aren’t “pertentious assholes”. Plus we are all talking about the singer here…not about the people who listen to her.

DominicX's avatar


I was responding to the people who specifically claimed that people who listen to it are stupid.

If they had said “Kesha sucks. She has no talent and I don’t like her music at all. The sound sucks and I don’t listen to it” that would not have bothered me at all. That’s your preference and I do not care what people listen to.

It’s the addition of the “people who listen to her are stupid” that pisses me off.

Vunessuh's avatar

@DominicX No one is actually judging someone for listening to it. You did that to yourself.

DominicX's avatar


In saying “the general public is stupid” as a reason for why she is famous, that is implying that people who like her music (and thus buy her music and make her famous) are stupid. Seems pretty clear to me…

Vunessuh's avatar

@DominicX People who are huge fans of her, put her posters on their wall, listen to her music nonstop everyday, buy all of her albums, obsess over how great she is in my opinion have horrible taste in music and have no idea what music talent is.
I’m not crucifying anyone who listens to it. I’ve listened to it at parties before as well. It is great party music since most party music is more about making people dance that containing anything substantial.
I would just never trust the judgement of people who actually worship that kind of music and think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Now go take a Xanax and relax.

DominicX's avatar


I don’t know anyone who obsesses over her like that. But I do know people who claim that they like her and like a lot of her music. I don’t know anyone who worships it. This question was asking why she is famous, in other words why her music is popular. The reason for its popularity that was given was that “people are stupid”. That implies that people who like her are stupid. I’m sorry, but trying to back out of this is just stupid. It’s plain as night and day.

People who contribute to her fame (people who like her music in other words) are not all obsessive fans who worship her music. They could be people like, oh, I don’t know, me, who also like classical music, which takes much more talent to compose and play than the majority of popular music!

Vunessuh's avatar

The general public is stupid translates to the general public has horrible taste in music. That’s more so what I meant, but was being rather blunt about it I guess.
We’re all allowed to have our opinions. I’m not ripping on you because you think we’re assholes. I’m not that sensitive. Sorry that you are. Take care now.

DominicX's avatar

When people make ridiculous sweeping generalizations (that include me and people I care about in them), don’t expect me to just shut up about it. I’m allowed to have my own opinion and voice it, as I have done here.

Vunessuh's avatar

I just find it funny that people on this website will find anything to be offended over.
I didn’t expect you to shut up about anything, but you wanted to put us in time-out because our opinions differ from yours. I’m sure you have harsh opinions about plenty of people in this industry. Mine happens to be over a talentless, crystal meth look-a-like. I’m justified. And so are you. We’ll have to agree to disagree. Again, take care now.

DominicX's avatar

And you were offended by my comment, which is why you responded.

Don’t say “take care now” unless you actually mean it.

Vunessuh's avatar

I wasn’t offended. I don’t take the time to be offended over such silly things.
Your making some pretty ridiculous generalizations yourself. That I must have been offended because I responded.
This reminds me of the time someone tried to argue with me over an airport. You people are so sensitive. It’s like walking on egg shells around here.

DominicX's avatar

It doesn’t really matter why I said what I said. You responded and so I went with it.

jlm11f's avatar

[mod says:] Please stop. Any comments that you deem should be removed, please flag and the moderation team will review it. Further such comments about the characteristic of people that listen or don’t listen to her music shall be removed.

eponymoushipster's avatar

This whole thing reminds me of a Daniel Tosh riff.

“Dave Matthew’s Band sucks. (people boo) If that upsets you, then you’re the problem in our country. Because someone had a difference of opinion from you, you felt personally attacked instead of focusing on a bigger issue: why do you listen to shitty music?”

smokeweedeveryday's avatar

She looks like shes hung over on her video’s

MrsDufresne's avatar

Watching her videos is an inexpensive substitute for ipecac syrup.


niki's avatar

I may not know exactly why she (& many many other R&B wanna-be artists) are famous,
but one thing I do know is this:
True talent will shine eventually, in the end. whether it’s in our time, or in the future’s time. Someone smart & have instincts will take notice of the true talent, and would probably praise, talk, even revive it back, and be heard & acclaimed by future generations ahead (one of greatest examples would be J.S Bach & his highly-praised & respected music).
But those copycaters, one-hit wonders, would probably only got their “fame” for a short time.

and btw, “general people” are not that stupid, or at least, they weren’t (and many today i believe also aren’t)
take a look at the 60’s, 70’s, we have no-doubt some real, true talented bands/artists such as Queen, the Beatles, and their music are STILL popular, even today many people still love singing many of their songs.
the reason the nowadays lack-talent “popular” artists still get popular, is simply, because of the brainwashing by the radio & media (MTV anyone?), TV commercials playing hundreds, if not thousands times of those same songs, and then they got embedded into the “general mainstream public’s” minds.
It’s all label and media’s play.
but thank god, that is why there are now great things called: Internet, and indie music!

again, I believe real, true talent will eventually shine, at the end of the day,
and even would probably get talked a lot, and hence, one step closer to become a ‘legend’.
I don’t know about u guys, but probably one of such examples would be the band MUSE, I see so much potentials in them, and they DID rise from the small indie scene into now a TOP artists category, with one major difference: they do have real talent!
and you’ll be able to guess who’ll people talk more, in the future’s generations, Muse, or Ke$ha.
(and besides, i believe people, in general, instinctively know which musicians/artists that deserve only ‘mediocre’ respect & talks, and which ones that deserve high, well-regarded respects & talks. again, I always believe, mainstream people are simply not that stupid to not be able to differentiate between the talented & the talentless. They’ll usually know, instinctively using their born-given guts).

monocle's avatar

I have a better question. Who in the world is Ke$ha and why isn’t the letter “s” good enough for her name?

johnny0313x's avatar

I don’t understand why people are so harsh on new artists like this. I think we should really look at things as just contributions to entertainment. It’s like movies, you won’t love them all but other will appreciate the ones you don’t like. It’ s a matter of respect. Ke$ha never did anything to any of your personally. She never forced her music down your throat and said listen to this or I will kill your family and rape your dog….she just put it out there, take it or leave it.

Why is she famous, I guess a majority of people don’t mind her putting it out there. To say she didn’t work for it, that is ridiculous. I know people with AMAZING voices but they do NOTHING to try and gain any fame or fortune for it. They are still sitting there singing away and have no fame. Ke$ha though her voice may not compare of most amazing vocalists, have we actually heard her sing a song that aloud her some vocal range? No. She decided to put songs out(that she wrote) that were more fun an pop sounding them soulful and deep. Not all good music has to invoke emotion or have depth. THANK GOD FOR THAT. I think if all the music I heard was about abuse, breakups, relationships, missing someone, meeting the person of my dreams….i’d either be crying all the time or ready to kill myself. I’m glad there is just general music out there to listen to and take lightly.

As for the auto tune, it’s a type of sound, there are vocalists, autotunes, rock music, country, screamo, It’s all types of sounds. Would you wanna hear the same sound every day…nah…let’s keep it interesting, who knows what the future brings!

niki's avatar

@johnny0313x: that’s one good perspective you have.
thanks for sharing that!
sometimes I admit I got so ‘hung’ in one style of perspective, while my vision got ‘clouded’ that can’t see another perspective.
this is why discussion like this is so important to open our eyes to a different way to see a thing, or a matter of changing the mindset.

monocle's avatar

She never forced her music down your throat and said listen to this or I will kill your family and rape your dog

She did… twice.

johnny0313x's avatar

Well in that case…continue with the hate…

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