Meta Question

skfinkel's avatar

For those of you in the high numbers at Fluther, were you particularly thrilled when you reached 7777?

Asked by skfinkel (13542points) February 24th, 2010

Talk about lucky numbers!

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11 Answers

frigate1985's avatar

I can tell why you asked this question. Congrats in advance!

I was pretty happy when I got to 77 lmao

Berserker's avatar

I was moar thrilled when I had 69, and then 666. Now it’s all gone, and my life no longer has any meaning.

YARNLADY's avatar

I hardly ever noticed. Once in awhile I tried to ‘catch’ the number milestones, but I usually missed.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Strangely enough, I chuckled at getting 11111 for some reason.

augustlan's avatar

I honestly don’t remember hitting that. I mostly don’t pay attention, and didn’t even realize I’d hit 20K until I saw the celebration thread for it! I mean, I knew I was close… I just didn’t realize it when it actually happened.

marinelife's avatar

I’m afraid that I failed to notice.

janbb's avatar

That one didn’t do anything for me, but I do confess to getting a little frisson when another 1,000 ticks over.

fathippo's avatar

yeah, i want to get to 666 and stay there =)

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

A few days ago I had 12345. I smiled.

wundayatta's avatar

@aprilsimnel Me, too. 11111. I tried to get a screen shot, but for some reason it didn’t take.

syz's avatar

I don’t remember noticing.

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