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Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Is John Mayer a racist?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) February 25th, 2010

Mayer: “Someone asked me the other day “What does it feel like to have a hood pass?” And by the way, it’s sort of a contradiction in terms because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass.”

Mayer: “My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock.”

Is he a racist or misunderstood?

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28 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

I think it’s just his penis that’s racist.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Oh did we already do this?

SeventhSense's avatar

No he’s just a narcissist. They’re equal opportunity offendors.

Zen_Again's avatar

@Sarcasm made me laugh, but the truth is he probably said what a lot of people think. Many would like to think of themselves as being colourblind, but would probably draw the line somewhere – perhaps with their kids in an interfaith or inter-race relationship.

It just shouldn’t be said out loud. It most certainly shouldn’t be said by someone with a microphone in their face who wants to sell records.

It shouldn’t be said, period. It shouldn’t make a difference at all. But it still does, to some. Right?

DominicX's avatar

No, he’s just a douchebag who sings douchey songs that repeat the same damn douchey line 42 times in the same song…

ragingloli's avatar

At one of his shows, Andy Dick once said “You’re all a bunch of niggers.”

OperativeQ's avatar

@ragingloli Well, no one cares about Andy Dick. He’s a joke of a human. At least Mayer has a skill.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not even know who this mayer is.

OperativeQ's avatar

He’s a famous musician. He’s a great guitar player, but his song writing is iffy.

SuperMouse's avatar

He is not a racist. He is a racist arrogant prick. Bummer because I have enjoyed some of his music.

lilikoi's avatar

John Mayer’s a great guitar player? Oh hell no…Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Joe Walsh, these are great guitar players.

Does he even write his own songs? I hope not. They suck.

I can’t tell if he’s racist or he’s just a fucking idiot. Maybe both?

OperativeQ's avatar

@lilikoi Those were/are legendary guitar players. Along with being monumentally fantastic songwriters. IMO, there’s millions of great and talented guitar players all over the world.

Bronny's avatar

who cares? he’s obviously just a routinely retarded as every other overly builtup egotistical man of his age.

loser's avatar

I think he’s electrocuted himself on his own equipment a few too many times.

wilma's avatar

I never heard of John Mayer til now, and it looks like I don’t want to know any more about him.

Trillian's avatar

I don’t think he’s really a racist. Stupid as a sack of doorknobs and unjustifiably arrogant, but not really a racist.

CMaz's avatar

Misunderstood by the Politically Correct Police.

And by the way, I have a Hood Pass. A Nigger Pass, is a members only right..

deni's avatar

He’s just an idiot! Why does anyone pay any attention to him? He’s so uninteresting.

CMaz's avatar

Aww, come on @deni . Don’t be that way ;-)

deni's avatar

quite you!

CMaz's avatar

I am John Mayer. Now you all know.

Irishmar's avatar

Listen to the Album he did with Miles Davis.

SeventhSense's avatar

He’s young dumb and full of…
I can only imagine the trouble I could cause with his money and fame. Alas fate is cruel

CMaz's avatar

:He’s young dumb and full of…”

I use to think that. A lucky guy that stumbled upon some worldly wisdom.

After reading his PlayBoy interview and following his work. He has the gift of insight. He is just young and people resent that.

Have you ever watched the John Mayer show. Really good stuff.
Pat 1, Part 2

ridicawu's avatar

He’s not too bad a guy. You can’t be if you’re on Tim and Eric.

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