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kevbo's avatar

[NSFRT] Have you ever felt like you exorcised a demon?

Asked by kevbo (25675points) February 26th, 2010 from iPhone

[...Rational Thought]

Between last night (before falling asleep) and this morning, I had the sensation that some bad energy that I have been carrying around suddenly “left the building.” I feel less stricken with tension and worry, but also kind of feel an “exit wound” of sorts in my gut (the one you make decisions from as opposed to the beer one). I had better dreams last night, where normally I don’t have/remember them. In other words, I feel suddenly better, lightened, and more calm than I have in a while, and the change seemed to manifest as I described it rather than in some more conventional way. A definite cloud has definitely lifted.

(Again, please note the disclaimer.)

Have you had this kind of experience?

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31 Answers

Fyrius's avatar

Your [NSFRT] disclaimer made me chuckle.
Thanks for the warning. I’ll be on my way.

jfos's avatar

I wouldn’t say a demon, but I can sympathize with the feeling of a physical relief accompanied by a mental relief (or vice versa). Can you think of no reason why it happened? That is, have you been relieved of some burden lately?

Cruiser's avatar

Yeah…every time my MIL leaves my house on the holidays. I have tried everything the garlic, prayers, cross, holy water…even just serving white wine won’t keep her away!

abbielou182's avatar

Yes I have felt like that before! I didnt knwo someone else has felt like this before, I believe strongly in demons and angels etc. xx

jfos's avatar

Props on the “wizard of oz” topic listing.

kevbo's avatar

@jfos, well, maybe I have to backtrack a little… I did kind of think through a beginning of a solution for some big “being stuck-ness,” but I guess it doesn’t preclude my original Q. It really was kind of like turning around and telling a monster to go away.

@Cruiser, GA. Lolz!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It’s been awhile….I could really use one

marinelife's avatar

Ok, I’ll bite. What is NSFRT?

CMaz's avatar

Yes, every time I get off the toilet.

stump's avatar

Yes, I have felt that. Demons are not something that require irrationality to believe in. A demon is a self-destructive psychological complex with a tendency to anthropomophize. And demons can be overcome (exorcised) without overt theatrical display. Our superconscious (guardian angel) is battling demons all the time without it rising into consciousness. Something you may never be aware of may have tipped the scales on this particular battle. That is God’s Grace. Of course, all this has a spiritual dimention, but it is not necessary to believe in the supernatural to feel the effects of these psychological processes.

janbb's avatar

@marinelife Not Safe for Rational Thought (see the details.)

I had a similar feeling when I was on vacation 13 years ago and woke up with the realization that I had to leave my current job. I would call that an epiphany rather than an exorcism though.

marinelife's avatar

I feel that way when my unconscious has come to a decision and let’s my conscious mind know.

candide's avatar

you probably had a really good night’s sleep – a good sleep can do that for you

jeanna_'s avatar

HA! I’ve not felt that way, but along the same NSFRT lines…. I am seriously still convinced that I flew about 3 feet off of the ground when I was like eight years old. Seriously. It’s so vivid that, even though my rational thought knows better, I swear it happened.

Blackberry's avatar

@jeanna Me too, and others I know have said the same thing happened to them around the same age. Strange…...

jeanna_'s avatar

@Blackberry Err, seriously? That’s just….fucking freaky.

Blackberry's avatar

@jeanna_ Yeah who knows? It was long ago and nothing strange has happened since, I’m sure it can be explained rationally somehow though.

stump's avatar

@Blackberry @jeanna_ I had the same experience. I was convinced I could fly and crushed when I reallized I was wrong. I think I had some very vivid flying dreams and believed they were real.

ucme's avatar

No never been jogging with Ozzy Osbourne.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Would that include with the assistance of a Ouija Board? Oh wait, that was conjuring a demon, not exorcising one. Never mind.

wundayatta's avatar

Not only have I felt it (back in the days when I was a choir boy at St. Olaf’s), I have also performed an exorcism (which was only three-quarters successful, but that’s another story).

stump's avatar

@wundayatta I would love to hear that other story.

Blackberry's avatar


wundayatta's avatar

@stump Damn! Now I have to go and make something up. Be back later. ;-)

Berserker's avatar

I just get sleep paralysis all the time…whish it could be rid of somehow, but it’s kinda trippy at the same time haha.

escapedone7's avatar

No, but sometimes I feel like I have one that needs cast out. How much do you charge?

augustlan's avatar

I have definitely felt this way, but I’ve never thought of it as a demon. More like the old monkey on my back: depression. My depression is not dependent on my circumstances, but on my brain chemicals. It comes on for no apparent reason, and sometimes it leaves the same way. Occasionally, I will wake up and feel fanfuckingtastic, for no good reason at all. I cherish those days! When I feel like that, it’s often accompanied by a physical feeling similar to having a good day after a long illness… I feel good, but kind of limp as a dishrag, too.

fathippo's avatar

I think so, I can’t remember when it happened exactly, but it was like something or someone had come to me from somewhere and showed me that anything that had been real before was not what i was really meant to be, or where i was meant to be… like they said, you’re really from here, just forget that knob back there… it was pretty awesome =P

But it’s depressing, because I know that it is all just brain chemicals etcetc, and when they change I can’t help but get screwed up, no matter how much I want to stay in some other place damn them >=|. And also, it is like nothing you feel is real feeling as anything separate than some human at the mercy of their biological compounds.

Sorry for taking out my anger on your page, I’ll leave now… =)

Fyrius's avatar

As a completely tangential side note, [NSFRT] is also what you get if you take the vowels out of Nosferatu, which is a kind of demon.

kevbo's avatar

@Fyrius, brilliant.

janbb's avatar

I sense a conspiracy here.

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