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Captain_Fantasy's avatar

What's the point of decaf coffee?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) February 26th, 2010 from iPhone

Seriously, if you can’t have caffeine why even bother?
Thats why there’s tea.

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49 Answers

frigate1985's avatar

Its a good night coffee

jfos's avatar

I think tea contains caffeine.

frigate1985's avatar

PS : Green tea has quite a bit of caffeine :)

Blackberry's avatar

The gross part: Some people actually like the taste of it : (

JLeslie's avatar

People like the flavor of coffee, it is part of their ritual either every morning, or with pastries, etc. Teas has caffiene, unless you get decaf or drink herbal teas. Same difference.

CMaz's avatar

To pacify an addiction.

frigate1985's avatar

I’m not complaining of its taste if i have a warm blueberry muffin and the decaf is a decaf caramel macchiato :D

One for Starbucks muffins!

erichw1504's avatar

Probably more for the flavor and the feeling of a warm cup of the beverage. Maybe some people used to drink caffinated coffee, but are now trying to ween off of it.

snowberry's avatar

Decaf coffee is not regulated. Some decaf coffees have very little caffeine; while others have quite a bit. I agree with you. If you’re drinking decaf coffee because you want to avoid the caffeine, what could possibly be the point?

In addition, some of the decaffeination processes leave toxins in the coffee. Another downer.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Blackberry thinks I’m gross! :-(

I’m one of the people who drinks coffee for the taste. Same thing with hard liquor. I enjoy the bold flavors that shock the senses. The caffeine (or alcohol) in these beverages is just a side benefit.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

When I quit regular coffee,I used it to fool myself.When I found out I did that,I went straight back to rocket fuel and never looked back.never

john65pennington's avatar

Its stricly psycological and an advertising ploy to sell more coffee. i agree to drink tea.

jca's avatar

i agree with @Captain_Fantasy , except i have, on occasion, had decaf or half-caf when out with friends at night and concerned about staying awake on a work night. i do like the flavor of coffee and the warmth it gives me, i also like that in a restaurant you can have 2 or 3 cups, whereas with tea they give you more water, but the same old tea bag used time and time again when you get refills.

i drink tea in the morning because it’s easy and quick, and i drink caffeinated coffee at work to get me started.

grumpyfish's avatar

For some folks it works as a placebo—the bitter taste of coffee & the warm beverage helps wake them up without the stimulant.

tedibear's avatar

Tea has caffeine in it, so why would switching do anything for you?

If you like the taste of coffee but want decaf, try some Swiss water process decaf coffee. It takes out the caffeine but doesn’t ruin the taste. I love the taste of coffee, so if it’s late in the evening, this is what I would drink.

erichw1504's avatar

What’s the point of sugar free candy?

BoBo1946's avatar

a sub for people with high BP!

casheroo's avatar

Decaf is delicious.

Glow's avatar

I wondered the same…. I only drink it because I’m addicted >_> Not because it tastes good o_o

jbfletcherfan's avatar

From what I’ve heard about how it’s processed, the end result is just as bad as the regular stuff.

JLeslie's avatar

@Glow You drink it and you don’t like the taste? Why don’t you switch to Soda or Tea?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I agree. If you’re going to drink coffee, drink coffee.

TooBlue's avatar

You seriously don’t know? First, tea has plenty of caffeine. Second, coffee decaf tastes good without the stimulant effect of regular coffee. It’s all about the sweet, creamy taste of coffee my friend.

Resonantscythe's avatar

@TooBlue Sweet and creamy? How do you take your coffee?

Coffee tastes crap-tastic to me. I drink It exclusively for the caffeine, and can’t fathom why people drink it for any other reason. Decaf has always seemed like the brainchild of some nutcase to me.

By the way, to jump on the tea-has-more-caffeine than-you-think bandwagon, Brewed tea in fact has more caffeine per volume than soda.

JLeslie's avatar

I just don’t get it. All of you who don’t like coffee, but want caffeine…why not drink whatever you want and pop a caffeine pill?

When I was addicted to caffeine my vice was Coca Cola. I LOVED Coke, still do when I cheat every now and then. The decaf does not taste at all like the real thing, not sure if that is true of coffee? But, anyway back to those of you who drink coffee and don’t enjoy it…makes no sense to me.

JeffVader's avatar

Well, I enjoy the flavour of Coffee, but Caffeine makes me go nuts!!! Seriously, I’m bouncing off the walls for about half an hr, then I crash & get a major headache.

TooBlue's avatar

@Resonantscythe With sugar, cream and milk of course. @JLeslie Amen to that. GA!

Dr_Dredd's avatar

That’s a question I’ve often asked myself. :-)

TooBlue's avatar

My gosh guys is it so hard to understand? Let me give you an example. It’s 10pm, I feel like a drink of coffee. I have work in the morning, so I can’t have the caffeinated version or I’ll stay up all night. So I make a tasty cup of decaf, because it tastes better than tea AND doesn’t have the caffeine of tea or regular coffee.

deni's avatar

If you like the taste of coffee but do not enjoy being shaky and wired, you drink decaf. If I drink caffeinated coffee I’m all over the place. My stomach KILLS me, I can barely hold a pencil because I shake so much, my head hurts, etc. Decaf is fine though. I just can’t handle caffeine. And I like the taste of coffee so….this couldn’t be much simpler.

Berserker's avatar

I guess for those who particularly enjoy the taste, but may not be looking for the effect.

Although if you ask me, retracting the caffeine from perfectly good coffee is a fucking sin.

tinyfaery's avatar

Amen, brother.

JLeslie's avatar

This thread cracks me up.

mrrich724's avatar

A similar question, why drink O’Douls?!

Resonantscythe's avatar

@TooBlue Ahh. Okay. I have a friend that drinks it black. Utterly disgusting.

The only coffee I like is frappuccinos (despite the moronic name)

JLeslie's avatar

@Resonantscythe Um, that is dessert. I don’t drink coffee, but I love coffee ice cream.

jca's avatar

@JLeslie: Coffee yogurt too? I love it.

JLeslie's avatar

I hate yogurt.

BoBo1946's avatar

well, had to go to decaf when i joined Fluther! A person can only stand so much stimulation!

Resonantscythe's avatar

@JLeslie Huh, what? I’m talking about this

It’s coffee. Just with add-ons.

JLeslie's avatar

@Resonantscythe Oh, you are talking about the bottled kind, I thought you meant the one with the whipped cream and more stuff on top 380 calories, 57 grams carbs, 15 grams of fat in a grande. Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream has similar amounts of carbs in 8 oz of ice cream, although the fat is of course even higher. Sorry for the incorrect assumption. Yours passes as a coffee I guess, or coffee drink anyway. I was being a little sarcastic anyway.

Resonantscythe's avatar

Ah, I did try that once. That one I did not like.

thriftymaid's avatar

I don’t like decaf coffee. It makes your mouth feel slippery which is just repulsive. Also, some of it is chemically decaffeinated which is less than appetizing.

Glow's avatar

@JLeslie – Quit Soda. I sometimes drink tea, but coffee is a habit..

It tastes okay if I put enough sugar in it though >_>

JLeslie's avatar

@Glow You quit soda? Or, you are commenting that I did?

Glow's avatar

@JLeslie, I quit it :P A long time ago.

But it wouldn’t be such a bad thing for others to too xD

JLeslie's avatar

@Glow I cheated today. That Coke was fantastic with my pork roast, rice, and zuchini. Just 8 ounces. I do think life is better without the caffeine, but when I do cheat for a few days in a row, those days are awesome, until I leave off of the stuff again.

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