What is something that irks you when you're driving in your car?
I’m not talking a road rage inducing type incident, but something that happens when you’re in your car that make you go WTF? Stuff like pedestrians, other drivers, rules of the road, the radio, etc. With anyone I’ve ever ridden with, they’ve always had at least on thing about the vehicular world that makes them groan. Share any personal experiences, if you’ve got them.
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31 Answers
Driving anywhere in Los Angeles. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, you’re lucky if you are going 55 mph on the highway!
Also, when you are trying to get around someone who is going really really really slow, and THEN, they speed up when you try to pass them. They wanna go slow, but they want you to suffer with them!
When I drive naked. The stares I get are just irritating.
My most recent pet peeve is when someone cuts me off, then goes really slow.
And slow drivers in the fast lane.
Oh, and I HATE when people try to bypass traffic by speeding though an exit-only lane then want to squeeze in. GET IN FREAKING LINE!
When you say you don’t like it. I say you’re a liar.
People who don’t signal.
People who don’t go as soon as the green arrow lights up.
People who don’t stop before turning right on red.
People who drive slowly in the left lane.
People who don’t let other drivers in.
I was in my personal car on the interstate. a woman came up beside me in a Ford Explorer. she was talking in a cellphone, putting on makeup, had the visor down to see in the mirror and both knees on the steering wheel. i politely slowed and switched lanes behind her. she was weaving all over the road. i just knew she was going to crash, but she didn’t. this did not irk me, it made see red. i would have attempted to stop her, but i was in another state and did not want to follow her any longer. she exited shortly ahead and i just shook my head.
People raging on someone else in their car is pretty depressing especially when you see it’s kid…then I just want to jump in and….
Traffic. And people talking on cell phones, who put themselves and everyone around them at risk.
The people who speed up behind you at like 70 mph in traffic and then swerve in front of you to cut you off, you slam on your brakes to avoid hitting them, and their car bumper clears yours by two inches.
I make it a point to return the favor.
People who expect to be “let in” to your lane at the last second when they got out of your lane in the first place to get ahead in traffic. Don’t they know they don’t have the right-of-way?
@Likeradar yes, Yes, and YES!!! The last thing I wanna see when you cut me off are your brake lights! Makes me wanna install a fog horn and yell obscenities or a potato gun that shoots poop.
@ lillikoi I know someone who make potato guns, mini ones,too, for tater tots!
People who are talking on their cellphones or texting instead of concentrating on their driving! That really pisses me off, especially when they do those distracting things and go through a stop sign or commit other kinds of driving infractions.
I also can’t stand people who tail-gate, cut in front of you without signalling, or turn from a corner and into the lane next to you as you drive by.
Just the shear number of idiots that are handed out drivers license. Just the other day a woman hit someone on the road. She pulled over to call 911 when another driver drove over him and dragged his body for 2 miles till she got home. She said she didn’t realize she hit someone. WOW! She wasn’t drunk. The media said she was distracted. Which probably means she was on the phone. How do u not notice a body on the road or feel a sudden drag on your car? Poor guy died in the hospital. He actually lived through the whole horrifying experience. This is a major WTF!
I hate it when someone behind me honks at me because I can’t go, when it is obvious I can’t do anything about it. (traffic jam, car in front of me is stopped, a school bus has its stop sign out, some other reason why going is not an option).
I hate deceptive driveways when entering or leaving a parking lot, and you fall off the curb, or hit it going in.
I get annoyed at all stupid driving but the one that irks me the most is when they tailgate you. I am not a fast driver per se, but I’m also not an old granny stuck in the left lane doing 40 (no offense to the grannies here who do 50).
Tailgating is very dangerous, as you know, because the person in front of you could break for any number of reasons, and there is no way that you could tell or break in time. Tailgating also inevitibly makes the driver ahead of you nervous, and this could result in his breaking suddenly, too.
Keep your distance – always.
@py_sue Oh, that’s awesome! We have one that shoots little potato pellets about two feet lol, it’s fun.
@Zen_Again Totally. It makes me want to get the premium insurance for a rental car and then brake check the hell out of em. What I usually do though is just slow down to a ridiculous crawl.
When on the radio they play sirens and you look around for the emergency…That ticks me off.
Tailgating.I’m not crazy about it.
@Zen_Again You stole my answer. Nothing makes me madder than someone right up my bumper. I wish I could flip a sign up in the back window that says “do you want in my back seat, or just in the trunk?” They’re not going to get there any faster if they stay back a few feet. You’re supposed to be back far enough from the car in front of you to see their tires on your hood. That’s how I drive. We were read-ended years ago by a lumber truck, & it scares the hell out of me when someone gets too close to me.
Here are some situations that immediately spring to mind:
1. Driving down the freeway and a mile up ahead, the Highway Patrol has pulled someone over. Other drivers in front of me see the flashing red and blue lights and immediately start braking and slowing up all the following traffic. First of all, if you need to be rubbernecking, do it somewhere other than on the freeway. Second of all, the Highway Patrol officer is not going to break away from his current traffic stop because you were speeding by. He is already attending to a speeder and he is not paying attention to you, genius.
2. Merging onto the freeway and the car nearest your merge point will not move over to the open left lane to let you onto the freeway and he/she also won’t speed up or slow down to accomodate you because he/she is just plain inconsiderate or possibly brain dead.
3. You’re in the intersection, waiting to make a left turn and the light signal changes yellow so you are ready to complete your turn. Someone coming from the opposite direction, who is still 50 yards from the intersection, thinks he can beat that yellow light before it turns red so he guns the engine and totally disregards your safety and every traffic law ever written and misses you by inches as you miraculously stop short of becoming another traffic accident statistic.
4. I just love the occasional rocket scientist that drives with his/her high beam headlights on at night and won’t turn them down when you signal to them with a flash of your own high beams. That’s just rude isn’t it?
5. Driving down the road toward an intersection and all of a sudden, the person in the left turn lane decides they no longer want to turn left. Instead of looking over their shoulder or in the rear view mirror perhaps, they just pull toward the right cutting you off completely and threatening to create a gnarly collision as they merrily continue down the road without a care in the world.
There’s many more incidents I’m sure but those listed above are more than enough to understand my neverending displeasure with ‘those that are too stupid to operate a motor vehicle.’
I’m the new driver, so I think I might be the cause of some of these problems. If its a red ‘04 Sienna minivan witha lot of stickers on the back, that’d be me.
@Fred931 And you are in what state??? LOL
@jbfletcherfan Alabama. Just saying, though. Stay away. I’m not that bad of a driver, but I still lack enough attention span to drive without someone else in the car. Or the licensing.
@Zen_Again Thank you for mentioning the tailgating.
@Fred931 That will all improve with time, maturity & driving experience. It’s good that you’re aware of your limitations. Hopefully, that will keep you more alert to fellow drivers. We all had to learn these basics. You’ll get there, too.
Basic lack of consideration for other drivers.
Big trucks following too closely.
i can’t stand people going slow in left lane. if someone is going slow in right lane (which is their right to, because that’s what right lane is for) you can’t pass driver in left lane and traffic can be all backed up, especially during rush hour. then if you do get to pass them, and you look at them, a lot of time they’re just staring straight ahead, clueless.
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