Social Question

Embryo and fetus: tissue or unborn human?
I don’t know about the rest of the world but in the US it seems when a baby is a baby and when it isn’t is quite nebulous in interpretation. If I killed a pregnant woman I could be charged for 2 deaths, but if she ended her pregnancy, nothing, it was just tissue or some foreign matter getting in the way of her life.
Is a baby or is it really just tissue to start? To find that out I have developed the “tadpole test”, those of you who don’t agree I am sure interested in your logic
that say different from that.
If you have a frog, we will call the Extincto Frog because there are only 200 or so mating pairs left in the world. Government steps in and declared then endangered, and forbid the killing or harming of any of these frogs. Now, the frog goes through different stages on the course of becoming a frog. An egg cluster, then a tadpole, then a legged tadpole until, wah la, an Extincto Frog which hopefully will grow, mate and perpetuated the species. But lets say the wording of the law protecting this frog had a loophole, what if it did not include the tadpole. What if it was known in certain circles that the Extincto Frog tadpoles was very good at catching bass and sturgeon, so people ventured out in to the wetlands and territory of the Extincto Frogs gathering up these tadpoles to use as bait. What would happen to the frog with the elimination of the tadpole? Logic would say no tadpoles, no frogs; seeing the frogs come from tadpoles.
Now, if an embryo or a fetus is just tissue you would be able to transplant it into another woman if compatible…….oops, that is not possible. But why is that? You can transplant nearly every other organ (which is just tissue) in the body; spleen, lungs, cornea, skin, etc. Tissue that changes within the body more than not is cancerous. Well a fetus is not cancer……at least I never heard it called that. Tissue does not anytime evacuate from the body after a set time. If anyone knows of a ling, kidney, gall bladder, etc, that expels it self from the body at a pre determined time please chime up.
If the embryo and the fetus are just tissue, if every woman from here on out decided to get rid of this “tissue” would mankind still move forward or eventually become extinct? How can the fetus and the embryo not be as the tadpole is to the frog? How is it not just a stage of life? It may take place within the body unlike the tadpole but how can you keep having humans without them?