How to find articles, Rewrite articles and what are rules I should follow?
I want to start blogging, and I found a lot of articles on the net, and I always wondered how did they find that? Or know about that topic to write about it.
And what If you find a great article you found on a website? I know you could just copy/paste the whole thing and say “found on [insert site]” But I don’t like doing that. am I able to review. rewrite the article? If so, can you give me any tips on how to write a “good” article.
Also any rules I should know?
I really wish to learn this, thanks for everyone who answers
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14 Answers
How old are you? Don’t they teach things like this in high school anymore?
I’m 17, 2 kids. dropped out of school when I was 15. please don’t say anything about this. I’m not much educated even though I am applying for school.
Please answer my question.
That’s great that you have the courage and wisdom to go back to school despite your situation, which must be very intense and demanding.
You are familiar with google, right? Searching for an article that way is probably the easiest – and the ones at the top are (usually) the ones that have been read the most. I say usually because sometimes there are ads related to the search topic, and sometimes companies pay to get theirs at the top.
You can also search archives of newspapers and magazines. Sometimes you have to register (usually free) – but then your search will be within the paper, and not netwide.
Rewriting is tricky. I don’t think you want to re-write an article per se, but correct me if I’m wrong. What you want to do is write your own piece based on facts you’ve learnt from reading articles, then source (quote) them. Right?
Good luck dear.
@Zen_Again I mean, Lets say I found an article about new technology, and I really like what I read, instead of just copy, pasting the whole article, Can I do like a review of it, and then having a link back to the original post?
and I know about the net, search etc but thanks for the info :)
I want to use this as a way to gain knowledge, help my grammer and much more.
First, stick to subjects you are familiar with, know something about. I’m sure there are many interesting ones…teenage motherhood, childrearing, for example Then, get yourself a few good English Language Usage books: The Harbrace College Reader and The Elements of Style for example. There are many more, that I’m sure will be recommended to you. Also, so many websites available now; but I’m a bit of a dinosaur, still rely heavily on my print/book reference library. Also, what you seem to be trying to explain in your question is “paraphrasing,” careful here…re plagiarism. As for conventions, rules, regarding the use of quotes, try an MLA (Modern Language Association) style sheet.
From reading your question, I think you have an innate ability, affinity, talent, for what you want to do. What you need now is to hone these skills, through practice. Nothing beats hard work and determination…desire is the key…which you have expressed. Good for you. Keep trying.
(I’m a Published writer and former certified Teacher of English)
@shawtiegotem If you find something that you’re interested and you want to comment on it, or ask great questions about it, just do it. Most of us collect our knowledge from things we’ve read, and it’s not necessary to quote every source when you’re talking about things on a website like this. Follow your heart, and your desire for knowledge and conversation. If you have something to say on a subject, say it, and if you feel that it’s right to refer to a link on a web page or something as your source, then do that too. And don’t get discouraged by people who make snide remarks when you ask a question…it happens all the time (and I’m guilty of it as well). For every amusing or sarcastic response that someone posts, you will get 10 great responses.
And, welcome to Fluther!
Thanks, are their any websites to explane anythang that I asked?
You cannot “just copy and paste an article into a blog” nor can you “rewrite” the works of others. Rewriting is plagiarism; try that in college and you will be bounced out of school.
Blogging is publishing. You cannot republish other people’s work; they own it. You can link to articles in a blog and comment on them. You should provide unique value and content in order to reference the works of others. If you don’t have anything unique to say or add to commentary on the subjects, then don’t blog about it.
The authors of articles own copyrights on them. You cannot just rewrite their work.
The best thing to do is write something that is original to you.
The best bloggers that I know about will find interesting articles that they then use as support for the things they want to say, perhaps linking to the original article at the right point in their writing. Blogs (at least good ones) are more than the sum of their links to other peoples’ work – they add to the conversation, present their own ideas, take me somewhere that I couldn’t go just by reading their links. The other articles that they link to are like the bibliography in a school paper – they tell me where they got their facts and/or idea fragments, give credit to the original author, and provide me with further reading if I’m interested in doing so.
If by “reviewing the article,” do you mean rewrite? That would generally be unacceptable. You could perhaps summarize the article, saying something like, “This is a very interesting article about the way widgets are used in the gizmo industry,” with a link to the original, because it tells me something about why I should click on your link.
But mostly, people would read your blog to learn what you think about something.
Perhaps someone can come up with a good example for @shawtiegotem ?
Here’s an example of how a blogger might link to articles while making his own point which ties them together.
Good luck with blogging. It’s a great pursuit, as the reading you do for it will greatly expand your horizons.
You probably wuld be on safer ground to research rather than just rewrite. If you find an article you enjoy, bookmark it. Make some notes in your own words about important points you think the article brings to light. Be sure to not the name of the author, the title of the piece, and the URL where you found it so you can give the author credit, and so you can use links in your blog to show the sources of your information.
Then use Google to find other articles on the same topic, and repeat the above process of reading them, making notes, and saving attributions. See if you can find several viewpoints, weigh each, then make your own conclusion of which viewpoint seems most correct.
Once you have sufficient notes and have decided what you want to say about the topic, outline your thoughts, then write your own article in your own words. Where necessary, you can quote a sentence or two from your sources, always giving credit to the original author and providing a link for your readers to learn more if they wish.
You want to avoid plagiarism, and just rewriting someone else’s work in your own words comes dangerously close to violation of the original author’s copyright.
If I were you I would research what I found and blog about it in your own words, give your opions and views on the facts you found, sometimes a good sense of humor is a great way to get your readers coming back for more.
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