If you've seen the film Hurt Locker, how violent did you think it was?
Asked by
janbb (
February 27th, 2010
I’ve read it’s a great film; am thinking of going to it. I don’t like films with graphic depictions of violence so I’m wondering if I could stomach it. Any thoughts?
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10 Answers
I didn’t find it graphic at all.
The film does, however, have a way of grasping and never letting go. My heart nearly flew from my chest; it’s a fantastic film. Everything is superb. I say go forward.
Oh, there is one somewhat graphic scene, now that I think of it.
I watched it a while ago and don’t remember it being bad. And I’m the guy that has to look away when someone gets a shot (needle) on TV.
edit :: And it is a fantastic film. I say go for it.
I couldn’t stand to watch the whole thing – not because it was graphic, but because it scared me too much waiting to know if was going to be.
There are a couple of excessivly bloody moments, but most of the film is suspense, not gore.
I think it was quite a realistic portrayal of what EOD technicians probably experience while they are in the Iraqi theater. The movie is more dramatic than it is violent, in my opinion, and I thought it was well made.
Thanks, @Bluefreedom and everyone for weighing in. I’ll try to “screw my courage to the sticking place” and get to see it.
Will she beat her ex for the Oscar?
@Zen_Again I hope so. Really, I’ll be okay if ANYONE beats her ex for the Oscar. But I want her to get it so bad I can taste it.
Just saw it and I was very glad I went! I will be very sad if Avatar beats it for the Oscar. We can fight a war but we don’t want to know anything about it; give us fantasy over reality any day of the week.
Meh. About a 2/5 score on graphic violence compared to other movies (“Rambo 4” and “Hannibal” being 5’s, “You’ve got mail” being -1).
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