General Question

How does musicians (& artists) cope with Reality or real life?
for musicians (and/or artists) here,
how do you guys cope or deal with real life?
for example, if you’re somewhat “born” as a musician, you’ll probably easily know what i mean when i said that MUSIC is basically 80% things that you kept thinking about, almost every time, every day. Music occupies 80% of your mind.
But then, especially when you’re in the mid 20’s, Reality seems to want to stop you from becoming your true, full, best of yourself, that is: being a musician!
“Reality” (or “Real-life”) would seemingly often tell me that I won’t be able to make it as a succesful musician, or it’s not a “real job”, or that I better get a real job, high-paying job, because that’s HOW Life (or Reality) is supposed to be, you can’t be all that warm & fuzzy, or imaginative person, because it’s not “real” bla bla bla bla.
Sadly, of all the positive & negative opinions, I admit that I tend to listen to those so-called “pragmatist, cynical” opinions about the difficulties and the “unrealistic” things about want to become a FULL-time musician!
which often makes me so afraid, scared, but also at the same time, jaded & confused, as to what then I should REALLY be doing in my **** life????
Get a “real job” ???
but what if I really LOVE music sooo much???
am I really not allowed, or simply can’t and will NEVER able to make Music as being a full-time job?? and again, because it’s “not real” job???
Here I am, almost 28 yrs old now, but already ***** wasting like 6–7 doing very little to almost nothing with my music talent & passion, because I simply feel scared, jaded, & confused!
and in addition, many many people already told me that i’d be very stupid to waste my “rare” musical talents, and deep passion in music!
but I just don’t know why I kept listening to those d*mn pragmatist, “realistic”, cynical bitter negative opinions!
for those musicians (or artists) out there,
have you ever got torn like i do here, between Reality .vs. Passion? what do you do to solve this hair-tearing problem then?
what should i do?...
please help!
thank you.

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