General Question

RedmannX5's avatar

Good Mac OSX programs for getting samples/remixing songs?

Asked by RedmannX5 (814points) February 28th, 2010

I am currently wanting to get into remixing songs. I just downloaded Ableton Live 8.0 for my Mac, which I can use to mix/edit/remix songs, but now all I need is a program that I can download a bunch of samples from (various instruments, beats that I could build off of, etc.) Thanks for any ideas or tips.

Remember I’m using a Mac, so no Windows programs por favor.

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7 Answers

jeschge's avatar

a friend of mine is using Reason for mixing/remixing and production. that’s definetely what you want to have (but expensive)!!!

second choice would be Cubase 5, but it’s even more expensive…

ketch's avatar

You could try Apple Logic, it comes with a large samples library.

stratman37's avatar

GarageBand doesn’t do it for ya?

maccmann's avatar

Ableton Live.

RedmannX5's avatar

Well I’ve been working with GarageBand for years now, and I’m just looking for
something a little more “robust” and professional. I’ve definitely heard of Reason, but you’re right, it is very expensive. I’m already using Ableton Live, which works well for remixing the songs, but now all I really need is a program (hell it could even be a website) that I can download samples from so that I can import them into Ableton and use them. Any ideas?

maccmann's avatar

When you say “download samples” do you mean your own or from a prepared Library?

And you can sample/record in Ableton, BTW.

NI also has Kontakt, which is a great sampling tool.

Also, Garageband is really Logic Lite. So if you want to “upgrade” to something more pro, Logic would be a great way to take a step up. Also, if you have ever had any experience with ProTools, Logic is pretty close to that.

RedmannX5's avatar

I am looking to download samples from already prepared libraries. Mainly rough beats that I could build off of because I don’t want to start from scratch and create my own beats from ground level.

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