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LostInParadise's avatar

Is there something wrong with the tabloids?

Asked by LostInParadise (32294points) February 28th, 2010

I regularly read tabloid headlines when I go to the supermarket and the headlines have been getting less and less interesting. Long gone are the stories about alien abductions, Big Foot, ghosts and cures for arthritis. There are no longer any stories about the characters in soap operas. I think soap operas are starting to die out. There are hardly any stories about movie stars. (Has the public caught on that their lives are no more interesting than anybody else’s?) There are all these stories about people in reality shows, which I don’t watch. And what is with every week telling how Angie and Brad are breaking up? First of all, no offense to either one of them, but nobody is that interesting. And secondly, how can a couple break up every week for years on end? This week I got a laugh when the headline said that they were back together again.

I think there is a serious problem, clear evidence that the country is falling apart. Either that or everyone has suddenly gotten smarter, which I find unlikely.

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21 Answers

janbb's avatar

Ah – where is The National Enquirer these days anyway? My faovrite headline was “Automatic Toilet Shoots Oldster through Ceiling”!

kevbo's avatar

FWIW, the Enquirer was the only/first paper to break the John Edwards love child story.

Bluefreedom's avatar

There’s too many things wrong with the tabloids to list them all here. It is moronic, trashy, dubious, and uninteresting drivel that is a mockery of journalism.

YoH's avatar

Perhaps tabloids are treading lightly, due to a few of the lawsuits that have been filed against them. I have no interest in tabloids other than hoping Bigfoot or an alien isn’t glaring at me while I stand in line at the grocery store.

filmfann's avatar

LA Earthquake unleashes Monsters from Hell! was my favorite.
It was even better than Batboy Meets with Bush! Helps hunt down Bin Laden!

Berserker's avatar

I remember when they found Goliath’s skull with the rock still stuck in the forehead.

Godd times, good times.

figbash's avatar

The Weekly World News was one of the greats and had the most outlandish headlines. It is sadly, long gone but Bat Boy will live on in my heart forever.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I don’t understand why anyone would spend money to buy them. I’d be ashamed.

filmfann's avatar

There was a point they would reach, where I would look at the headline and HAVE TO BUY the magazine, because it was so incredibly over the top stupid.
And they were counting on that.

mrrich724's avatar

Go to and read their news articles. They aren’t like the tabloids (with aliens etc), but they are fictional news articles that are witty and very funny.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I didn’t know tabloids were ever good.

wundayatta's avatar

I think you’re onto something, @LostInParadise. I think this is another sign. Of the end of the world as we know it. The tabloids must know something we don’t. Perhaps their editors are like rats abandoning the ship. Seeking ways—perhaps in time capsules—to avoid the cataclysm to happen in 2012.

They have secret knowledge. The aliens and big feets have given it to them, and they are refusing to publish it. They focus on silly things like Brangela or reality TV. They are hiding something. Definitely. They know something they aren’t saying. We should do something. We should raid their offices and find out what they’re hiding.

Bring me Big Foot or bring me death!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Tabloids have been around forever.Just don’t pay attention to them.Most people don’t.

CMaz's avatar

“Is there something wrong with the tabloids?”

Yes, Everything. We are such a needy (and nosy) society.

Jennifries's avatar

Is this a trick question..?

I must say, I had a subscription to Weekly World News in high school. It was great entertainment, with Batboy and Bigfoot and the lot. But the rest? They’ve always been trash. And not even trash that knew they were trash and played on it.

Freedom_Issues's avatar

Yes…the thing with tabloids, is that they’re looking for a story..instead of the story coming to them…so they will almost make up anything.

DarkScribe's avatar

My favourite headline was “WWII bomber found on moon” followed a week later by “WWII bomber missing from moon”.

JeffVader's avatar

You’re complaining that tabloids are printing too much news…..?

LostInParadise's avatar

I have no way of knowing if what they are writing is any more accurate than in the past, but given what they are writing about, I don’t really care.

thriftymaid's avatar

No. There is something wrong with depending on them for your facts.

mattbrowne's avatar

We should ask:

Is there something wrong with the people buying the tabloids?

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