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ninjacolin's avatar

How many people know their national anthem by memory? what do you think about it?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) March 1st, 2010

Two questions in one. Curious how many people know theirs by memory and when you think about the lyrics and stuff.. what do you think about it in general?

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36 Answers

Violet's avatar

the national wha??? just kidding. But I really don’t know it

TexasDude's avatar

I know the main verses to the US national anthem, but not the obscure verses that nobody ever sings. I know for a fact that not many Americans know the lyrics, or even the origins of the song itself.

I think it’s a pretty cool song, but it’s hardly ever sung as intended.

rangerr's avatar

I know it.
I can’t sing it because it’s too high-pitched, but I know it.
I know the story behind it as well. I like it.
Like @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard, I agree that people often twist it. :l

TexasDude's avatar

@rangerr, glad to hear I’m not the only one.

ragingloli's avatar

I only know the first line (germany germany above all else). I do not care about it and I never sing it.

DarkScribe's avatar

The polite version?

faye's avatar

We looked up Oh Canada! the other night. In 1970’s or so they changed a line in it and I wanted to find the old version. If you notice us old one s singing we all fumble at the same time. Present song is way different than the original which was nicer, written 1914. We started out with the Maple Tree or something like that.

rangerr's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard The unnecessary high notes that get held for an hour at a time? Yeah. They bother me.

Zen_Again's avatar

I do. I guess it’s okay. I try not to be too judgemental about these things as it is so hard to get a consensus about anything – with three people – let alone a nation. I say Let it Be.

Sarcasm's avatar

I think this may be relevant. (warning, possibly offensive language.)
I know most of the first stanza of the U.S. anthem. I know that there are other stanzas, but I don’t know the words to them at all.
I think the history of the anthem is really cool.

All I know of the Canadian anthem is “OHHH, CAAAA-NA-DAAAA”

TexasDude's avatar

@rangerr, that, and the fact that you are another young person who understands the history of the song itself..

rangerr's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Defence of Fort McHenry. Yeah. I respect the history and true meanings of songs. Very much.

partyparty's avatar

Yes I know my country’s national anthem from memory, and I like the words and tune.

Sophief's avatar

I don’t know it at all.

joeysefika's avatar

I know my national anthem, in both English and Maori

DarkScribe's avatar

@RareDenver God Save The Queen

Is that what happened to the Royal Family? They were counting on God?

No wonder they fell apart.

MrItty's avatar

I know the Star Spangled Banner by heart (or at least the first verse – I can mumble my way through the second). It upsets me that so many people don’t know the story behind it, and just think “it’s about war and death and bombs”. No, it’s not. It’s about hope, it’s about wondering whether or not your country still exists, and finding that it does.

(That being said, I think O Canada (the English version of which I also know by heart) is a much nicer song. <shrug>)

partyparty's avatar

@DarkScribe Ooooh that was rather nasty of you!!

JeffVader's avatar

In English & I know the first coupe of lines…. & the tune, but thats about all.

knitfroggy's avatar

I know the National Anthem, the first verse that most people know. I think it’s a beautiful song and I do know the back story that they teach in grade school.

iphigeneia's avatar

I know both verses of the Australian national anthem, though we rarely sing the second one. I can also sing God Save The Queen by heart, and with a little bit of prompting I could probably sing the New Zealand national anthem. That’s what being in the school choir does to you.

They’re all nice songs, the NZ anthem is a little bit crazy but I like it.

tedibear's avatar

I know the U.S. and Canadian National Anthems by heart. Growing up I went to hockey games in Buffalo where they always sang both as there were fans who came across the border to watch. “O, Canada” is much easier to sing and remember.

Slightly off topic: I really, really don’t like it when anthem singers feel they have to drag out “The Star Spangled Banner” as if it was a love song to wail through. Quit it!

SABOTEUR's avatar

Heck…they used to make us sing it every morning in elementary school.
There’s no way I couldn’t know it.

Never thought much about the lyrics other than how the defense of Ft. McHenry (1812) inspired Francis Scott Key to write it.

JeffVader's avatar

I think the Italian national anthem is the best!!!!!

davidbetterman's avatar

I think it’s apropos that the US national anthem is sung to a Spanish guy.
you know, “Jose can you see…”

Sophief's avatar

@Cloverfield I think that is the best also.

JeffVader's avatar

@Dibley That confirms it, you & I are quite simply the coolest!!!!

Sophief's avatar

I think I got it from watching Formula 1, and Michael winning so often!

JeffVader's avatar

@Dibley Hah, yeh me too…. & from the 6 Nations too, but mostly F1. I just love the way it’s so…. I think, silly is the right word :)

thriftymaid's avatar

I don’t know, but I am one of them.

mattbrowne's avatar

@ragingloli – You quoted the Nazi version of the first line of the German anthem. I’m not sure anyone noted.

To answer @ninjacolin‘s question, yes, I do and here’s the correct official version:

Unity and justice and freedom
For the German fatherland;
This let us all pursue,
Brotherly with heart and hand.
Unity and justice and freedom
Are the pledge of fortune.

ragingloli's avatar

It is not the “Nazi version”. It is the original version (from 1841 way before Nazism even existed), which has been dropped after WW2 because it promotes a nationalist mindset.

davidbetterman's avatar

Nazi Anthem…‘Germany, Germany above all’

mattbrowne's avatar

@ragingloli – You are correct that the line “Germany, Germany above all” meant that the most important goal of the pre-March revolutionaries in 1948 should be a unified Germany overcoming the perceived anti-liberal petty states. This part was banned by the allied forces in 1945 and after West Germany was founded the ban basically remained in place. Also after the reunification. I find it mildly offensive if the first verse is quoted as today’s national anthem of Germany. It is not.

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