When a person constantly contorts their face, licks their lips, constantly works their jaw around, is it a sign that they're addicted to something?
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Val123 (
March 1st, 2010
This gal who works at a convenience store here does that. She jut her jaw out, then clenches and unclenches it, work it side ways, and works her mouth around and just….makes odd faces as she’s working. She does it constantly and it’s extremely unattractive! But, I figured maybe she just can’t help it, although she controls the rest of her body just fine. I also thought it might be just a bad habit, but I mentioned her to my daughter who said that kind of behavior is a sign of addiction to something….?
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20 Answers
Could just be a nervous tic, boredom or bad habit!
It doesn’t look like a tic. But I suppose it could be….
psychiatric drugs called neuroleptics cause a problem called tardive dystonia or tardive dyskinesia, which, given her smacking this lips, this sounds like. (it also commonly includes tongue darting.) or she may have a brain injury.
She could have severe tics.
Also, people taking antipsychotic medications can develop tardive dyskinesia which causes involuntary muscle movements. These can often be in the face in the form of grimacing and making strange lip, tongue, and jaw movements. This is especially true with the high-potency antipsychotics (Haldol, Prolixin). It can happen after even one dose. I have seen this happen with Reglan which is often given for control of nausea, but is also a dopamine antagonist (like the antipsychotics).
Or she could be really intoxicated with cocaine – but not if it’s persistent as you describe. Plus, you would have other signs as well.
Sounds like it could be a tic or even neural tissue damage.
Thanks you guys. I guess it is something she just can’t help….Now I feel bad for her.
Not enough info to go on really but if her skin is bad and she is skinny it’s probably speed (meth pills etc) Watch her hands if the pinkys are outward that is a sign.
Could just be a badly fitting brace.
I have a lady at my work that constantly moves her mouth like she is chewing something, it’s really irritating to watch after a while. Someone accused her of chewing gum once, but she told them, she wasn’t, she just does it out of habit. This is an older lady that I seriously doubt has a meth problem or something. So possibly your cashier has an addiction or maybe not. Just because she does that doesn’t mean for sure she does.
I have noticed people in line at the pharmacy with strange facial movements and what not. They usually are buying meth making materials, from what I’ve noticed. I’m not saying always, but a lot of the time.
any of the above. there’s no way to tell unless you ask. usually with meth you’ll also see other behaviors indicative of addiction (or any other amphetamine). with a nervous tick you’ll usually see the head or other parts of the body move around as well. people don’t usually grind their jaws out habit. in other words it’s something they can’t help for one reason or another. like i said, no way to know unless you ask.
You have described what I have seen crack addicts exhibit when on a high…but you say she is doing it constantly and I may just be a nervous system tic type issue. Ask her what is up!
she is a meth head, perhaps.
There could be other reasons but tweakers twitch. There’s no denying that.
@Val123 You know how bad Meth is around this area, I don’t know if it’s so bad in other areas of the country, but around here is horrible. I would guess Meth head, personally.
Seizures and tourette syndrome are sometimes characterized by facial antics. The woman may be unaware she’s doing it,or unaware the episodes appear extreme.
Well, I observed her a little more closely this morning…..she’s not ultra skinny, and she seems clear enough. I’m leaning toward a neurological issue, which is why I wouldn’t want to ask her about it @Cruiser. I mean, gosh. If she can’t help it, some things are best ignored out of courtesy.
@Val123 Would you ask her about it if you thought she was a tweaker? Just curious…
@knitfroggy Ummm. No. Even tweakers have feelings too! Nobody likes their physical shortcomings brought to their attention, especially if there is nothing they can do about it. Now, if the tweaker was a family member of mine, that might be a different story. If embarrassing them about the physical contortions caused by drugs would get them to stop the drugs, I’d do it.
Reglan has actually been documented as causing tardive dyskinesia and similar muscle disorders. The FDA now enforces a black box warning for the drug. FYI.
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