Social Question

kelly's avatar

International Olympic Commitee says "we are morally responsible, but not legally" for death of luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. What does the community think?

Asked by kelly (1926points) March 1st, 2010

IOC president Jacques Rogge issued this statement regarding the tragedy the day the opening ceremony. Additionally he said “everyone is responsible”. So who is/are the responsible parties?
They seem to be suggesting that the luger was not talented enough to be on the track, even though he was ranked 44ist on the World Cup Tour.

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10 Answers

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

These athletes accept a certain amount of risk going into it.
Partial responsibility must lie with them.
There was a combination of elements that led to this unfortunate death.
Course design was definitely a contributor, but I don’t think criminal negligence was involved.

aprilsimnel's avatar

If anyone was more responsible than Nodar Kumaritashvili (RIP), it was the Whistler track facility, not the IOC.

lilikoi's avatar

I think they left the steel columns exposed, did not take reasonable precautions in the design of the track to contain racers within it, and that they are thus negligent and at least partially at fault for the death of Nodar. I hope someone files suit on behalf of the luger.

Criminal negligence was absolutely involved – there is no good explanation for why those steel columns were left exposed, and why the racer’s body was able to projectile out of the track. To me it looks like a textbook example of negligence.

The luger’s body should never have left the track, and if it hadn’t he would probably still be alive.

davidbetterman's avatar

Seems like the IOC is wriggling and squirming their way out of a lawsuit.

lilikoi's avatar

Yes. To me the question is who will be named in the lawsuit, not whether or not it will be filed.

ragingloli's avatar

I doubt padding the columns would have made a difference at v>100km/h

davidbetterman's avatar

Of course padding the columns would have made a difference.

JeffVader's avatar

I’m a great one for personal responsibility. Luger chose to do this sport, he chose to compete at the highest level, he chose to do that fateful run…. sometimes in life shit just happens & we need to relearn this lesson.

mattbrowne's avatar

High-risk sport participation tends to be higher in sensation seekers. When athletes sign up for them, they know what they got into. Same for other high-risk professions like policemen, fire fighters, soldiers and so forth. However, safety rules apply and if someone violates them he or she is responsible. We can try to minimize risks but they will never reach zero.

marinelife's avatar

The sports participant takes on the risk when they elect to do the sport.

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