If you could look 10 years into your future, would you do it?
Just curious.
I personally wouldn’t because what if I turn out a very successful man, or if I meet the perfect girl, I wouldn’t want to do anything in the present to jeopardize that.
Yes, there is the flip side where I could turn out to be unsuccessful and try everything in my power to prevent it, but I’m just staying positive here.
What would you do?
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38 Answers
I think it would be beneficial to have foresight of what is to come. If there are things that are happening that you are not happy with you would have the ability to change that timeline. On the flip side, having foresight in the future could alter decisions that could radically change how you are living and could prove to be counter productive. Knowing that, I think I would still like to know.
On one hand I think it would be better for me not to know. However I am one of those people who can’t resist, my curiosity gets the best of me. If I had the ability to peek into the future, I know I would.
If the future could be changed, I would look.
If the future couldn’t be changed, I wouldn’t look.
I think I would have to…. I rarely trust my judgement when it comes to the decisions I make so this would allow me to stop pondering every concievable outcome for the things that will determine my future.
Nope. There is a certain magnificence to living in the Now!
No, I did that once. It was a serious mistake.
If i know that in future my life will be changed ,then i am keen to look it!
Yea I will, and change it.
I would totally look! I would want to see how many kids I had, and what genders they were. If I didn’t have any kids, I’d do something to change my future.
I think I would look. If only to see whether I am coping any better. Can I go out on my own without feeling sick at the door? Am I still having panic attacks? Can I go a few days without crying till I’m sick?
The way I live is, well its difficult, but it’s so much better than it used to be. With the support of my wonderful hubby, I cope. I don’t wake up every day wishing, more than anything,that I was dead.
I’ve just read this back and it does sound like a dreadful life, maybe I’ve gotten so used to living it that, well its better than the one I used to live. Thanks to, as I said my wonderful hubby and I have a great doctor, who is never too busy to listen to me. That means such a lot. so, yes. I’d look, and as I did so, I’d be wishing so hard that I might be even a bit closer to the person I used to be.
hugs everyone xx
my initial response is… um…nope… <<sccaaaaary!!!>>
but then again… I don’t think I’d have anything to lose… if the future looked sunny I would be happy and content… if it looked miserable then I would shift my arse and do something about it….
but there’s always the possibility that I would over analyse and get wrapped up in that whole fatalism v. free will nonsense…. grrrr…so…. it’s probably best not to…
but then… I sure am curious! hmmm
Definitely. I’m impatient, and would have to know (if I could).
I like suprises. So i’ll pass on that.
I would. If Iran has got a nuclear bomb, we’d know that its leaders are lying right now.
Hey we could put that 2012 stuff to rest :D
@mattbrowne Unless Iran-West relations are rebooted. I don’t think the Ayatollah is going to be around for much longer, especially if the pre-revolution that started last year stays on track.
I think I would look, only to know if I’m still alive.
I have to admit, it would be sorely tempting to do so. But, it could also cause uncertainties like you mentioned in your details so I don’t know if I’d actually follow through when the opportunity actually presented itself.
It is not the future that is of interest. It is how to get there.
Knowing the future. Will change by the time you arrive.
There is no reason that I would want to watch myself look for my car keys everyday for 10 years. ;)
Not really, I’ll live the little time I have left then die. Time has run out for me, I’ll have to leave the world in the next generations capable hands. The last phase of ones life sneaks up quickly. Right now I’m, waiting for the age hammer to fall (whatever it is that will take me out) and hope it won’t be slow and painful.
Yep. I’d love to see where I am in ten years =)
Mmmmhhh in 10 years time I will be in my late forties so that’s a depressing thought for starters.
As I live my life now I intend to live for the moment…admittedly its definitely not a bed of roses. One thing I am proud to have though is determination, I’m not a quitter and I aim for what I want.
I’d rather not know where I am in 10 years time because if I don’t achieve what I am looking for…such as to feel settled and happy with my lot, I think it would put a totally different perspective on my ‘fighting spirit’...so I would rather not know and continue hitting the good with the bad.
Curiosity always gets the best of me, but in this case, I don’t think I would.
I’d pick out the things that I don’t like and try to prevent them from existing. I’d be pretty upset if as a result, I messed up the good things.
I’ll just stick to going one day at a time.
I would, but it would be depressing because you can’t change anything. The future would include what you tried to change after you looked into the future. You would think that you’re changing your future, but you really wouldn’t be.
Hell no. I would be curious but even if it were possible I wouldn’t want to. What if one of my parents or best friends was dead? Or my boyfriend was no longer in the picture? I would be depressed and angry because something went wrong and I could do nothing to prevent it. It would probably be the worst thing ever. Eck.
@deni I accidentally clicked Great Answer! for you. Just so you know.
No. If the future is good, I want to enjoy living it. If the future is bad, I’ll know soon enough.
@deni Believe it or not, I did it again.
Somehow, the idea that we could see precisely what lays ahead is not comforting at all.
But if I could, I doubt I could resist not doing it.
I would but I am much too much of a chicken to do so!
@PhillyCheese said: “I personally wouldn’t because what if I turn out a very successful man, or if I meet the perfect girl, I wouldn’t want to do anything in the present to jeopardize that.”
what if the future you only found that lady by peaking into the future 10 years earlier to find out who to look for? what if the future you needed to observe and understand his success before he could have it?
I believe this is how the world works in a large part. It’s possible to win lotteries or happen across perfection by accident, but usually good things have to be caused by looking for them to happen.
For example, when you plan a beautiful vacation, you have to imagine what it’s like to be there then reverse engineer your vision to figure out what plane you need to take, what clothes to pack, what days to book off work.
Examining satisfying potential futures is the first step to creating them.
nah. Not anymore. Ask this question to me a few years ago and I would have said sure. I guess I’ve learned to just appreciate that day at hand, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
I like the not knowing. It also gives me a chance to say, “I told you so” to the doctors when I am around for another day. Let’s just keep them on the surprised side of life!
@ninjacolin wow, I didn’t even think of it that way.
Maybe I would like to take a peek into my future.
@cak You have such a lovely attitude. Had to give you lurve.
@jfos – It’s a shame that Iran is a theocracy. They really got good schools and universities and the students are so fed up by being run by fossilized cavemen. Maybe in 2020 Iran will be like Jordan with their version of queen Rania moving the country towards a better future.
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