General Question

nebule's avatar

Any idea how many calories/ sat fats are in this barley water?

Asked by nebule (16472points) March 2nd, 2010

I’m cooking 50g of barley in water for one hour and I’m going to then throw the barley away. I want to know the calories of the water.

On the packet it says 100g as sold = 385 kcal and 0.3 sat fat
which equates to 50g as = 192.5kcal and 0.15 sat fat

then it says 50g boiled = 195kcal and 0.2 saturated fat
so it actually gains calories and sat fat… is this right??? :-/

Furthermore…can I conclude from this that there are no calories or sat fat in the water (which I want to drink…) or what??? It really doesn’t make sense to me… Obviously there must be something in the water because of the cloudiness and transference of…something? surely?

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9 Answers

fireinthepriory's avatar

It says something different for boiled just because of rounding, and math errors. The way they calculate how many kCal and how much fat (or salt, sugar, etc) is in something isn’t perfect. Often the total number of kCal in a portion won’t add up to the breakdown below. The difference isn’t all that great, so don’t stress about it. The water probably contains some of the calories and some of the fat, but not very much at all. Mostly carbs, probably… Unfortunately it’ll be impossible to figure out exactly how much, but probably little enough that it doesn’t really matter.

Also, just for curiosity’s sake… why on earth would you cook a bunch of barley and then toss it and drink the water it was boiled in?? That makes no sense at all to me!

nebule's avatar

hee hee… well now that you ask…!!! ya see…. apparently it’s supposed to be soothing for the urinary tract. After seeing numerous specialists and having numerous tests done (and I mean numerous) to identify why I’ve been suffering with reoccurring… chronic cystitis for 22 years…they can’t help me so I’m slowly going to work my way through all the alternatives…and barley water..pure… is the first… :-) Thank you for your helpful answer xxx I shan’t worry about counting the calories!

nebule's avatar

lol…I just burnt the barley by fluthering about the barley!! oh well…start again!!

fireinthepriory's avatar

Ahh I see! Well, good luck on getting your cystitis under control, @lynneblundell… I hope the barley water works!

nebule's avatar

um…2nd attempt…not burnt but all water evaporated…this isn’t going very well… :-( thank you anyway!! x

Cruiser's avatar

@lynneblundell Skip all the trouble and just have a beer!

nebule's avatar

hee hee xx I would but I’m on a diet! :-(

nebule's avatar

thanks @snowberry xxx those are great!!

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