Social Question
Why is being cheated on so unacceptable?
Hear me out…I’m not saying it’s acceptable…it isn’t…but do you think that people can’t get beyond cheating whereas they can get beyond other offenses? Is it more acceptable to leave someone because of the mere mention of cheating without trying to understand why? Do you think financial disputes, lies of other sorts, domestic violence are more or less tragic, in a relationship? Is it because of trust that cheating is so damaging or because of jealousy you feel or because it threatens you? Is this the worst that can happen in a relationship? When you think of people who have stayed with those that have cheated on them, what comes to mind? Are they weak, co-dependent, pathetic, to you? Have you ever worked through a break of trust with someone? Have you ever cheated and wished that it wasn’t this tragedy that it was made to seem because the moment was such a mistake? Do you think we place more value on not being cheated on rather than not being lied to?
A lot of questions, I know – the topic interests me. I’ve cheated on partners before – couldn’t lie about it after so I’ve always told (or it came out some other unfortunate way) but when we talked about it I remember thinking ‘yes, okay, the cheating occurred but don’t you care why…or what we both did in our relationship to lead to this place’ do you think it matters to you why or is it unforgivable? Basically, when someone cheated on you, were you also to blame/complicit? Is being cheated on everyone’s favorite excuse to feel like the absolute righteous victim?